Meeting Minutes

  • 04/08/2020 2:58 PM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Live via Google Hangout

    3/19/20; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Issacs, Jason Wilcoxon, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer

    Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier, Kenny McNutt

    Quick Highlights:

    • ·       OCC board has posted local resources on front page of for residents.
    • ·       Suggestion to post updates for local resources on social media.
    • ·       Small Business celebration party/idea for June/July proposed.
    • ·       OCC board will host 4/7 meeting virtually; will discuss format for community. Currently, there are two items that mayrequire a vote at the 4/7 meeting. Apollo and Hildebrant are planning to present at April meeting.
    • ·       Board retreat has been postponed until further notice.
    • ·       Carvana location (proposed on lot closest to the highway near former Cast-Fab site) – suggestion to schedule them for introductions at June meeting.
    • ·       Gills Carwash – planning to present in at May meeting.
    • ·       Planning Commission and City Council sessions/meetings have all been postponed.

    Approve 3/3/20 Minutes

    Motion by Joe Groh to approve 3/3/20 minutes; seconded by Dan Krohn. Unanimous approval.

    Sandy Gross, John Bernier, Kenny McNutt and Cody Gausvik abstained.

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 03/19/2020 8:46 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Oakley Community Center

    March 3rd, 2020; 7:00 PM



    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
      • Present: Colleen, Evan, Jason, Dan, Anthony, Seth, Joe, Troy, Kenny, Jon
        • Seth left shortly before meeting ended
      • Absent: Sandy, Cody
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31


    District 2 Police report

    Officer Christine Barry – violent crime down; theft from autos and retail continue to be an issue; increased patrols around Oakley Station



    • ·         CRC Hiring summer lifeguards and camp counselors
    • ·         Week of March 23rd, All day camp, 7am – 6pm, $50/day, during CPS Spring Break
    • ·         Easter Egg Hunt – April 4th. Rain date: 11 April


    • ·        Candidate for Judge – Chris Wagner
    • o   Common Pleas Court
    • o   Looking to streamline processes, save county $$$

    Development Items:

    • ·        Apollo Home: Camberwell Road – Jamie Gerdsen
    • o   Presented a landscaping plan to help hide parking.
    • o   Looking to add a driveway on property they recently purchased. Property is zoned SF-4
    • o   Looking for non conforming variances.
    • o   Will be back at the April meeting
    • ·         Local Oakley: Hills / Multifamily Development at CastFab [VOTE]
    • o   Hills Properties presented updated plan that includes 20 “ghost” parking spots – spots that are included as parking spots but only used in the future if needed. Until then, those spots will be green space and include landscaping.
    • o   Parking spots along Local Oakley Drive have been tentatively approved by DOTE.
    • o   Presented No Further action letter from Ohio EPA
    • o   Have met with Sandy to discuss landscaping, have gotten native tree lists to work from.
    • o   Motion BY: Seth - motion to provide a letter of support for the zone map amendment requested by Hills to rezone 8.1 acres at 2980 Disney Avenue from “CG-A” To “PD” for the development of 316 multifamily units as presented at the February 4, 2020 OCC meeting and updated at the March 3, 2020 OCC meeting.
    • o   Seconded: Anthony
    • o   Vote: 9 Yes, 0 No, Evan Abstain
    • ·        Andrew Sholl – Madison Ave Soccer Development
    • o   Technically in Madisonville council area, but wanted to brief us.
    • o   Looking to build a soccer complex at 4722 Madison.
    • o   Runs adult soccer leagues

    Committee/Project Items:

    • ·        2020 Committee Announcements – Colleen Reynolds [VOTE to Adopt]
    • o   Updated committee and major project lists had been shared with the board.
    • o   Committees & their membership shared.
    • o   Major projects defined and their memberships shared. Appeal made to residents to participate
    • o   Motion BY: Evan motioned that the board approve the committee and major projects lists, and their chair and members, as presented.
    • o   Seconded: Jason
    • o   Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
    • ·        OCC Summer Series – Jon Bernier [Expenditure VOTE]
    • o   Looking to move events to Saturday nights.  Event dates/square reservations to be confirmed within the next week.
    • o   Allison of Palm Communications has been contracted in previous years to solicit sponsorships, organize events, and handle the media relations.
    • o   Contract for this year = $4000, up to $250/month in expenses
    • o   In every previous year, the revenue collected from events has exceed the contract cost
    • o   Motion BY: Jon motioned that the board approve the funds for Allison’s contract.
    • o   Seconded: Evan
    • o   Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
    • ·        2020 OCC Mailer – Dan Krohn [Expenditure VOTE]
    • o   Mailing to be sent to all Oakley residences.
    • o   Advertise the Summer Series events on one side, promote benefits of joining OCC on the back.
    • o   Last year, saw an immediate 10% jump in membership
    • o   Motion BY: Dan motioned that the board approve up to $3000 for mailing the post card to each Oakley residence.
    • o   Seconded: Joe
    • o   Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
    • ·        Crosswalk Update – Joe Groh [Expenditure VOTE]
    • o   City informed us our Romana location was one they willing to put pedestrian activated light at.
    • o   We voted for Flaggs USA location as higher priority
    • o   Mel McVay (City Vision Zero mgr) came back and told me that their engineers felt that a raised crosswalk better option for Flaggs USA, and that they had received ODOT grant for that.
    • o   About that same time Joe had asked Mel for clarity on how we should handle the $5k donation (to be used for pedestrian safety) that we had received from Doyle Homes.
    • o   Her recommendation was that we keep the money in our account, and give it to the city in conjunction with a specific project (would keep city from poaching those $$$).
    • o   She proposed that the city could match our $5k for a project to put the pedestrian crossing signal at Romana, and if we aligned she could put in for an additional ODOT grant request. Joe told her he would need to get an approval, but thought it was a good idea.
    • o   Mel submitted the proposal, expecting it to take a couple weeks to get an answer, by which time Joe would have been able to bring up for a vote. Well, the state approved her proposal within 2 days, but it still contingent on our approval.
    • o   Note: Other high priority crosswalk issues are being addressed through the Wasson Way Project and the Robertson Ave issues through the Three Oaks/Neyer development.
    • o   If we approve the use of the $5k to be applied towards the Romana location, we would have upgrades made to both locations this calendar year, leveraging on $5000 to gain more $30k in upgrades.
    • o   Motion BY: Joe motioned that the OCC votes to approve the use of the $5000 for the installation of pedestrian activated crossing lights at Romana and Madison.
    • o   Seconded: Anthony
    • o   Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
    • ·        Census Update – Joe Groh
    • o   Mailing happens March 12-20. Last day to input: 30 July
    • o   Have option to complete online (preferred), by mail, by phone
    • o   Data is used to determine funding levels for a variety of federal & state programs.
    • o   Oakley has fairly high number of households with no computing device and/or internet access.
    • o   Oakley library will have computers with internet access available.
    • o   Census staff be at our May and June events
    • o   Let your neighbors know. Help your neighbors who may be elderly, shut in, have no internet access.

    ·        Oakley Neighborhood School Project Update & Clarification – Craig Rozen

    o   Craig clarifies that OCC still supports the Hyde Park School expansion and is a top priority.

    o   Efforts to begin investigating potential of Oakley Neighborhood school are more long term.

    Approve February 20th Meeting Minutes

    • o   Motion BY: Joe
    • o   Seconded: Anthony
    • o   Vote: 8 Yes, 0 No, Kenny Abstain

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • o   Motion BY: Jason
    • o   Seconded: Evan
    • o   Vote: 9 Yes, 0 No

    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, March 19th – TIME CHANGE

    o   Usual meeting will take place from 6:00-7:00, Board Retreat 7:00-9:00 – Location TBD

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, April 7th

    Speaker Cards


    Adjourn Meeting

    • ·         Motion BY: Joe
    • ·         Seconded: Jason
    • ·         Vote: 9 Yes, 0 No

  • 03/04/2020 8:56 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Brazee Street Studios

    2/21/20; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Issacs, Jason Wilcoxon, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Jon Bernier

    Trustees Not Present: Kenny McNutt, Seth Shaifer

    Approve 2/4/20 Minutes

    Motion by Joe Groh to approve 2/4/20 minutes; seconded by Dan Krohn. Unanimous approval.

    Colleen Reynolds, Evan Nolan and Jon Bernier abstained.

    Guest: Wasson Way – Jay Andress

    Raising $2 million dollars in private funding; seeking updated letter of support from OCC so they can include it with their grant applications to the Clean Ohio program. 

    Motion by Cody Gausvik to provide an updated letter of support to Jay Andress to be included with the grant applications for the Clean Ohio Program for the Wasson Way Trail; seconded by Anthony Issacs. Unanimous approval. Motion passes. 

    Crosswalks: Update – Joe Groh

    1.     City informed us our Romana location was one they were willing to put pedestrian activated light at.

    2.     We voted for Flaggs USA location as higher priority.

    3.     Mel McVay (City Vision Zero mgr) came back and told Joe that their engineers felt that a raised crosswalk better option for Flaggs USA, and that they had received ODOT grant for that.

    4.     About that same time Joe had asked Mel for clarity on how we should handle the $5k donation (to be used for pedestrian safety) that we had received.

    1.     Her recommendation was that we keep the money in our account and give it to the city in conjunction with a specific project (would keep city from poaching those $$$).

    2.     She proposed that the city could match our $5k for a project to put the pedestrian crossing signal at Romana, and if we aligned, she could put in for an additional ODOT grant request. I told her I would need to get an approval, but thought it was a good idea.

    3.     Mel submitted the proposal, expecting it to take a couple weeks to get an answer, by which time I would have been able to bring up for a vote. Well, the state approved her proposal within 2 days, but it still contingent on our approval.

    5.     Bottom line: if we approve the use of the $5k to be applied towards the Romana location, we would have upgrades made to both locations this calendar year.

    Awaiting until next Tuesday meeting to take a board vote.  

    Committees: Review & Discuss – Colleen Reynolds

    Placement based on board feedback/comments. Suggestion to provide monthly committee updates; need to decide where that works best. Submit comments RE: assignments to Colleen by the next meeting.

    March 3rd Meeting & Agenda – Colleen Reynolds


    NBDIP: Deadline Approaching – Board Discussion

    1.     Time quickly approaching when we'll have to submit our funding request/proposal (if we opt to).

    2.     Last year we asked for $30k to upgrade the Flaggs USA location and to add goVibrant walking paths, was not among approved projects. Previous year approved requests are helping fund the eastern gateway (in part)

    3.     Flaggs USA crosswalk is being taken care of, so looking for input on what other projects we might want to include in this year's request.

    4.     3/2 deadline. Suggested that Oakley not request anything, due to larger needs across the city.

    5.     If you have suggestion, email Colleen ASAP.

    Invest In Neighborhoods Summit – Joe Groh

    1.     Sent email to business members, inviting them to provide promotional materials for our table.

    EPA: Public Meeting – Joe Groh

    1.     Saturday, 29 February, 12pm, Urban Artifact

    2.     Opportunity for Hamilton County residents to voice their concerns. We have issues on Eileen, Millsbrae, and 31st with flooding due to undersized sewer pipes.

    3.     Resident TIm Langmeier asked if we could help push MSD to address this, since already working with city/planning on Neyer project.

    Retreat: Dates – Colleen Reynolds & Evan Nolan

    Utilize three Third Thursday meetings for retreat (March, June, September) 6-9pm.

    Suggestion to add detailed explanation RE: Oakley TIFF District by resident.

    Rec Center Update

    More to come.

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:00PM by Cody Gausvik; seconded by Sandy Gross. Meeting Ends at 9PM


  • 02/21/2020 9:45 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Community Center

    February 4th, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
      • Attendance: Colleen _____ Evan _____Cody __X___Jason __ X ___Dan __ X ___Seth __ X ___Joe___ X __Sandy __ X ___Jon _____Kenny _ X ____Troy _ X ____Anthony ___ X __
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31

    • ·       Brandon Green – In January had 210 EMS runs, 5 fire.
    • ·       Fire Safety – Space heaters popular this time of year, use safely – don’t overload outlets, don’t leave on overnight, do not use near furniture/curtains, etc.
    • ·       The water pressure issue that was reported recently on the news has not been a factor in Oakley

    District 2 Police report

    • ·       Officer presented the safety report, slight increase in thefts in the typical retail areas.




    • ·       Candidate for Juvenile Judge – Kari Bloom
    • o   Endorsed Democratic candidate.
    • o   Background in juvenile and family court
    • ·       Ohioans For Gun Safety – Andrea Dannenberg
    • o   Presented petition for people to sign, to support expanded background checks in Ohio
    • o   Target is 103k signatures so can get in front of state government.
    • ·       Issue 7 – Mary Miller
    • o   SORTA board member
    • o   Asked for support of Issue 7. The Metro bus/infrastructure levy

    Development Items:

    • ·       Three Oaks (Formerly Oakley Yard): Project Update – Neyer Properties (Jeff/Chris)
    • o   Presented update on the plan to date, had basic renderings
    • o   Goal is to start demo in June, 18 months to complete senior living and multi-family; single family will be phased in, with all work completed within 3 years
    • o   Addressed questions about traffic concerns
    • §  Still ongoing meetings with DOTE and Planning to iron out details
    • o   Also: Introduction to Senior Housing Developer Omni Senior Living (Tom Finley)
    • §  Independent living
    • §  Anticipate costs be $3500-$3800 a month


    • ·       Planned Developments 101: City Planning Department – Jared Ellis
    • o   Jared presented high level overview of what PD is
    • o   Is a zone change, minimizes variances a developer must get (more than 1 building per parcel)
    • o   Still follow normal approval process:
    • §  Coordinated site review
    • §  City Planning Commission
    • §  City Council subcommittee
    • §  Full City Council
    • ·       Local Oakley: Multifamily Development at CastFab – Greg Dale, Bill Davin, Michael Copfer, Jim Obert
    • o   Proposed development of plots 1,2,6 in the Local Oakley LLC/cast fab site
    • o   Hills Development would be builder. Family owned, operated. Manage the properties.
    • o   Will require a zone change from CG-A to a PD (this development only)
    • o   Their tenants tend to be older that the average renter, popular with empty nesters.
    • o   316 apartment units, spread over 5 buildings
    • o   5 story units, 4 will have indoor parking on the first floor.
    • o   576 total parking places, including the indoor parking and outside lots
    • o   All buildings have no stairs, all have elevators
    • o   Unit sizes:
    • §  I BR (825 SqFt, $1400)
    • §  1 Br w/Den
    • §  2 Br (1170 SqFt, $1800)
    • §  2 BR w/Den (1486 SqFt, $2100)
    • o   They are aware of master plan, have studied it, will building in green space, tree cover. Have landscape plan next meeting
    • o   Working on LEED certification
    • o   EPA remediation issues prevent single family homes there.  Bill Davin committed to sending the full EPA report/documentation.
    • o   They will meet with Seth, likely back in March to seek approval of zone change.
    • o   Expressed willingness to not fully develop their planned surface parking unless it's actually needed, and have an interest in obtaining curb parking along Disney and the proposed street.

    Committee/Project Items:

    • ·       CPD Enforcement – Joe Groh
    • On 1/7, Capt Jones asked that we identify top 4/5 locations where enhanced enforcement could be conducted.
    • My top 5, based on community feedback:
      • Madison Rd, eastern entrance to business district
      • Madison Rd, western entrance to business district
      • Paxton Ave
        • Between Isabella and Hyde Park Plaza Entrance
        • Paxton, both directions approaching the Taylor intersection.
      • Brotherton, between Ridge & Rosslyn.
    • Motion by: __Joe___ 2nd:_Seth____ Vote:_9-0 in favor___
    • Motion: I motion that we approve the locations as presented, to be included in the CPD Enhanced Enforcement efforts
    • ·       Invest In Neighborhoods Annual Summit 3/14/20 – Joe Groh
    • o   Kickoff Dinner Friday March 13
    • §  There will be no dinner this year
    • o   Summit Saturday March 14, Cintas Center
    • o   Theme: My Neighborhood Counts, Everybody Counts
    • §  We've been only community council with a display table past several years.
      • My first year last year, worth it, good exposure for OCC, made good contacts. 
    • This year could do an updated version of my slideshow, display our census plan, use our new table banner and Oakley flag
    • o   Table with electric - $160
    • IIN says they have no record of us paying last year, so we owe them $135 for last year.
    • Anyone wanting to volunteer, we man table from 8:30-Noon.  Breakfast & lunch provided
    • o   Motion: I motion to authorize payment of $295.00 to allow OCC to have a table for the 2020 Invest In Neighborhood Summit.
    • Motion by: __Joe___ 2nd:_Cody____ Vote:_9-0 in favor___
    • ·       Oakley Neighborhood School – Craig Rozen
    • o   Given enrollment/crowding issues, there is interest in potentially building an Oakley school
    • o   Part of long-term plan
    • o   OCC putting together committee to promote this action, looking for interested volunteers
    • ·       Events: Reminder of Daddy Daughter Dance 2/16/20
    • o   First session sold out, tickets remain for 2nd session

    Approve January 16th Meeting Minutes

    • ·       Motion to approve by Seth 2nd__Joe___ Vote:__9-0 in favor___

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • ·       Motion to approve by Joe  2nd__Sandy___ Vote:__9-0 in favor___

    New Business:

    ·       Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, February 20th – Brazee Street Studios

    ·       Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, March 3rd

    Speaker Cards

    • ·       Florence Parker, OKI – Spoke of OKI’s mission and requested residents provide their input on the regional transportation survey.
    • o   Your chance to help shape the region’s transportation needs.
    • o
    • ·       Christina Patel – Judicial candidate for Hamilton County Common Pleas Drug Court
    • ·       Fanon Rucker – Hamilton County Prosecutor candidate
    • ·       Nicole Sanders - Judicial candidate for Hamilton County Common Pleas Drug Court

    Adjourn Meeting

              Motion by Joe  2nd__Cody___ Vote:__9-0 in favor___

  • 02/21/2020 9:44 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Brazee Street Studios

    1/16/20; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds (arrived at 7:35), Seth Shaifer, Anthony Issacs, Jason Wilcoxon, Kenny McNutt, Troy McAndrews

    Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier, Sandy Gross

    Approve 1/7/20 Minutes

    Motion to approve 1/7/20 Meeting Minutes by Jason Wilcoxon; seconded by Joe Groh.

    7 approved; Cody Gausvik abstained. 1/7/20 Meeting Minutes approved.

    Discussion: Conflicts of Interest – Evan Nolan & Colleen Reynolds

    Conflict of Interest Policy - must be completed annually by all OCC board members.

    Seth to revise policy and present revised document at next third Thursday meeting.

    Suggestion from audience: include a sentence stating you are obligated to disclose any future conflict of interest, that may involve “beneficial consideration”.

    Discussion: Pedestrian Tunnel – Dan Krohn, Joe Groh, Anthony Isaacs

    Tunnel pathway and prototypes were provided. Key component of Master Plan – walkable/bikeable neighborhood. Goal is for safer and more scenic pathway to connect two areas of Oakley. Tunnel = 5 min walk vs. ~20 min walk around RR tracks – huge shortcut!

    Working with DOTE and Planning to brainstorm funding ideas. Neyer has assisted with drawings and concepts.

    To do’s: need projected costs, per Neyer (expected next week); determine community support; determine projected usage; meet with Northpoint and Vandercar to gain support; and gain Mayor and key stakeholders’ support.

    6100 people live within 1 mile. 7200 people within 1.5 miles.  Suggestion to include bicycle boulevard into plan.

    TIF: Quick Update – Colleen Reynolds

    Cash on hand $600k to spend. Bonding capacity is $5mil, 17-year term, interest 6.5% and a 1.5x DCR. Board to decide how to allocate the money for projects (relatively soon)  

    Question: what is the minimum amount we would have to give? Use TIF for gap in funding?

    CRC center cannot use TIF funds.

    Board Retreat: Complete Worksheet + Choose Date – Colleen Reynolds

    Hand in or submit online to Colleen.

    February 4th Meeting & Agenda – Colleen Reynolds

    Chris Hildebrant Meeting Requests

    Redesigned his project at the corner of Madison and Kennedy. More details coming soon.

    Census: Update – Joe Groh

    Use OCC’s voice in the community to share information about Census to residents.

    Joe presented timeline on when we should do what (social media, newsletter, etc.)

    Include additional information in March newsletter.

    Rec Center Meeting – Evan, Colleen

    Ignite Philanthropy – currently on fact finding mission for possible donors/businesses.

    Ignite has identified 15 people/groups of key stakeholders they want to reach out to.

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:10PM by Colleen Reynolds; seconded by Dan Krohn. Meeting Ends at 9:10PM

  • 01/17/2020 10:37 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Community Center

    January 7th, 2020; 7:00 PM



    • ·        Present - Dan, Anthony, Kenny, Seth, Joe, Colleen, Evan, Sandy, Jason, Jon, Troy 
    • ·        Absent - Cody

    Cincinnati Fire Department: Station 31 – N/A

    District 2 Police:

    • ·        Officer Berry – Small uptick for the year, mostly thefts from retails areas
    • ·        Captain Jones – District 2 going to setup traffic enforcement areas, we should nominate top 2/3 for Oakley


    • ·        Jalisa – looking to hire evening janitor; Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for April 4th, weather backup is April 11th; registration for summer camp should be open online first week of February


    • ·       Apollo Home – Teresa Gerden
    • o   Moved HQs to Oakley recently
    • o   HVAC/Plumbing/Electrical/Home Repairs
    • o   Paid trades apprenticeship program
    • o   Give back to community (provide HVAC for needy family)
    • ·       US Census Bureau – Kimberly Pierce
    • o   Census forms be mailed out in March
    • o   Openings for part time employees ($23.50/hr)
    • o

    Development Items:

    • ·       Anchor Properties: Future Development at Isabella & Paxton – Steve Hemberger & Matt Hemberger [VOTE]
    • o   Followed up with adjacent owners, have letters of support
    • o   Required to have 19 parking places, providing 21
    • o   1 main curb cut on Paxton for in/out. 1 curb cut on Isabella for exit only from drive-thru
    • o   Requested letter of support for zoning change (SF-6 to CC-A) for one parcel of the properties
    • o   Motion by Seth.  Seconded by Dan
    • o   Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain
    • o   Motion: Move to support Anchor Properties request for a  Zone change from SF-6 to CC-A for the property at 3730 Isabella as presented at the January 7, 2020 OCC meeting.
    • ·       Cardiff Row: Future Development on Cardiff – Angelo Pusateri, Daniel Kiley, Jason Laine
    • o   Initial presentation for development at 3450 – 3494 Cardiff Ave.  Currently a manufacturing site, looking to build 12 single family homes, 2-3 BR, target price mid $400k
    • o   Will eventually look for Zone change from ML to SF.
    • o   Working with Duke to resolve potential easement issues.
    • o   Will be back in the future for additional presentations.

    Committee/Project Items:

    • ·       Call for Committee Participation: Parking Overlay – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Looking for volunteers to be involved with parking overlay committee.
    • ·       Development: Upcoming Oakley Yard Discussion – Joe Groh & Dan Krohn
    • o   Recap of Oakley Yard meeting with Neyer, OCC reps (Colleen, Dan, Joe), DOTE, Economic Development
    • o   More detailed designs presented, more discussions going on with city
    • o   Tunnel most likely way to get to/from Oakley Yard and Oakley Station
    • o   Discussions coming up on how to pay for it, including use of ourTIF funds.
    • o   Discussion on how many might make use of a tunnel
    • ·       Pedestrian Safety: Crosswalk Priorities – Joe Groh
    • o   Oakley been selected to have a new pedestrian activated signal system, based on Vision Zero reporting map (
    • o   Madison & Romana was location city identified, but it not been our top priority. City said they could do the Flaggs USA location, provided there no engineering issues, if that what the community wanted.
    • o   Presented options to the board & residents to confirm which location should be our #1 priority.
    • o   Evan made motion, seconded by Kenny, vote 11-0 in favor
    • o   Motion: “Move the we approve the Flaggs USA location as our top priority for pedestrian activated signal upgrade.”
    • ·       Events: Daddy Daughter Dance 2/16/20
    • o   First session almost sold out

    Approve December 3rd Meeting Minutes

    • ·       Motion to approve – Joe. Seconded – Kenny. Vote - 8 Yes, 3 abstain

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • ·        Financial report shared online and via email
    • ·        ~$5000 balance
    • ·        Motion to approve – Jason. Seconded – Seth. Vote – 11 Yes, 0 No

    New Business:

    ·        Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, January 16th – Brazee Street Studios

    ·        Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, February 4th

    Speaker Cards

    • ·       Fred Yeager – Wasson Way Phase 3 (Edwards to Marburg) construction starts this summer

    Adjourn Meeting

    • ·       Motion – Joe.  Seconded – Jon.  Vote – 11 Yes, 0 No

  • 01/16/2020 2:49 PM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Community Center

    December 3rd, 2019; 7:00 PM



    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
      • In attendance: Dan, Sean, Seth, Joe, Colleen, Kenny, Sandy, Dave (left early), Jon, Jason
      • Absent: Cody, Evan
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31

    • ·        Be careful with holiday decorations and overloading outlets.
    • ·        See uptick in kitchen fires with holiday cooking
    • ·       Good time to check smoke detectors

    District 2 Police report

    Officer Barry:

    • ·        Thefts, primarily retail
    • ·        Thefts from autos up. Remember to lock doors, keep valuables out of sight.

    Captain Jones:

    • ·        Uptick in thefts at local gyms, be sure to lock lockers and cars.
    • ·        41 new officers graduated from police academy
    • ·       Holiday Crime Prevention Initiative -60-65 officers specifically focused on violent crime over the holidays.



    • ·        Ongoing Toy Drive
    • ·        Parents Night Out – Friday Dec 13th, 6-9, $10 per child or free with gift
    • ·        Breakfast with Santa – Saturday Dec 14th, 9-noon, $5 per person or free with gift
    • ·       Will host mini-camp over the holidays. Contact the center for details.

    Board Matters

    • ·       Thank You to Exiting Trustees
    • o   Farewells to Sean Fausto & Dave Schaff
    • ·       2019 Board of Trustees Elections (2020-2022 Term)
    • o   Candidates:
    • §  Anthony Isaacs, Craig Rozen, Sandy Gross, Troy McAndrews, Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Results:
    • §  Anthony Isaacs, Sandy Gross, Troy McAndrews, Colleen Reynolds elected

    Development Items

    • ·       Ann Gimbert (Preserve Hyde Park): Wasson Way Pocket Park
    • o   Park presented as alternative to proposed Wasson Homes
    • o   Developer has modified plans, 12/6 hearing with planning commission
    • o   Park could include green space, bike path gateway, playground
    • o   Motion to support the concept by Jason, seconded by Sandy
    • §  “We, the Oakley Community Council, support the concept of the Wasson Way Pocket Park as presented on 12/03/2019. While this project falls outside our community boundary, we recognize the potential benefit it could afford the Oakley community.”
    • ·       Vote: Yes: 8  No: 1  Abstain: 1
    • ·       Prodigy Properties: Andrew & Madison Townhomes – Greg Dale & Jeff Lane [VOTE]
    • o   Presented their updated plans for the property on the corner of Andrews & Madison
    • o   7 single family condos, 5 in building along Andrews, 2 in building behind them.
    • o   No zone change required
    • o   Added landscaping plan, as requested at the November 3rd meeting
    • o   Looking for support of:
    • §  Variance for more than 1 building on property
    • §  Setback variance for “Front yard” from 21 ft to 10 ft
    • ·        The property line on Madison Rd
    • §  Setback variance for “Side Yard” from 30 ft to 11 ft
    • ·        Property that is actually behind the proposed buildings, left hand side when looking from Madison
    • §  Setback variance for “Corner Side yard” from 10 ft to 6.5 ft
    • ·        Property that abuts Andrew
    • o   Numerous resident speaker cards, all related to this topic
    • §  Greg Ries, Oakley resident
    • ·        Concerned about increased density, the # of new condos, increased traffic
    • §  Bill Zawadzki, owns adjacent property on Madison Rd
    • ·        Concerns about how much closer to the street these buildings be, impact on the neighborhood look & feel
    • §  Randy Parker, Andrew Ave resident
    • ·        Concerns about the density and traffic
    • §  Sun-Jan Huang, Andrew Ave resident
    • ·        Concern about increase traffic, pedestrian safety concerns (especially for children), demolition concerns (mitigation for dust, asbestos)
    • §  Alyssa Brandt, Andrew Ave resident
    • ·        Concerned about look & feel, loss of front yard character
    • §  Marie Simon, Oakley resident, realtor
    • ·        Concerned about the variance for 2 buildings
    • o   Sean made motion to approve the plan as presented, including approval of the 4 variances being asked for. Seconded by Dan
    • o   Vote: Motion failed. Yes – 4  No – 5 
    • ·       Anchor Properties: Future Development at Isabella & Paxton – Steve Hemberger, Matt Hemberger, Mark Ayer, Tom Fisher
    • o   Presented their plans for the Taco Casa/Mios properties
    • o   National bank chain interested in building “non-traditional” bank.
    • o   All the parcels they purchasing are Zoned commercial, with the exception of a 4 family on Isabella, which is zoned SF-4.
    • §  They will be back in January looking for a letter of support for the zone change.
    • o   Plan calls for 23 parking places (19 minimum required), an ATM drive-thru which would be a one-way exit to Isabella, and reduce the total curb cuts that are there now.

    Committee/Project Items:

    • ·       Neighborhood Guidelines One Pager – Sandy Gross
    • ·        Sandy shared the final updated guidelines
    • ·        Motion to approve: Seth
    • ·        Seconded: Joe
    • ·       Vote:  Yes – 9  No – 0
    • ·       Call for Committee Participation: Parking Overlay – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   We’ve decided to create a committee to analyze the parking overlay options
    • o   Encouraged all interested to participate
    • o   More at January Tuesday meeting

    Approve November 21st Meeting Minutes

    • ·        Motion: Joe  Seconded: Seth
    • ·       Vote:  Yes – 7   No – 0 Abstain: 2

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • ·        Jason shared financial report, also shared electronically.
    • ·        Motion: Seth  Seconded: Joe
    • ·       Vote:  Yes – 9   No – 0

    New Business

    ·        No Third Thursday Meeting This Month – Happy Holidays!

    ·       Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, January 7th

    Speaker Cards

    • ·       All speaker cards related to Andrews & Madison development, are listed there.

    Adjourn Meeting

    • ·        Motion: Sean Seconded: Seth
    • ·        Vote: Yes – 9  No - 0

  • 01/16/2020 2:46 PM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Brazee Street Studios

    11/21/19; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Sandy Gross, Sean Fausto, Jon Bernier, Colleen Reynolds, Seth Shaifer

    Trustees Not Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff

    Approve 11/5/19 Minutes

    Dan Krohn motions to approve 11/5/19 Meeting Minutes; seconded by Sean Fausto. Unanimous approval.

    Joe Groh abstained. 

    December Board Elections (12/3/19)

    Ballots need to be created; communicate absentee ballot process to public.

    If you’re running for a board position, we need your candidate bio by Monday, 11/25. We will incorporate bios into the newsletter. You may also submit an optional photo with your bio.

    Urban Parking Overlay: Board Discussion

    Suggested we create committee and work with other neighborhoods to understand their process. The plan is to establish a committee after the upcoming board elections.  

    The Department of Community and Economic Development is working to create and provide the OCC with neighborhood maps for the project. The committee would include OCC board members, residents and businessowners. 

    Motion by Cody Gausvik for the OCC Board to establish an Urban Parking Overlay Committee with plans to fill the committee after the OCC board is elections; seconded by Sean Fausto. Unanimous approval.

    Hyde Park School: Meeting Recap

    Several members of OCC and residents met with Mike Moroski (CPS Board Member). There is local interest in building an Oakley school. The plan is to engage the community with CPS; biggest issue is funding.

    Census 2020: Update

    OCC asked to help with spreading the word on completing the 2020 census. Cincinnati only had 67% participation rate in 2010. An accurate census count has many benefits including federal and state funding, future private investment planning and congressional appointment.

    Steps for OCC:

    1. Publish content on website – how to register and submit data.

    2. Publish reminders on social media accounts.

    3. Publish reminders in newsletter.

    4. Make it a regular agenda item – ask if anyone is interested in volunteering.

    Include census reminders on the Oakley Events postcard we send out to neighborhood.

    NBD / NSP

    We did not complete NBD paperwork accurately so we will not be reimbursed for the $3,800 we spend in 2019. Decision was made to have more than one person on the NSP communications.  

    NSP will be presented to the Review Committee for approval. Once approved, the OCC president will sign off.  

    Committee Updates: As Appropriate

    • ·        Business
    • ·        Economic Development & Zoning
    • o   Corner of Andrew & Madison development – developer asked Sandy for plant lists. Will return next month’s meeting for board approval.
    • o   Taco Casa, Mio’s, 4-family bank proposal development. Rezone from residential to commercial; reduces curb cuts. Developer will be on upcoming agenda.
    • ·        Finance
    • ·        Membership
    • ·        Beautification – lights are up on the square.
    • ·        Major Events
    • o   Daddy Daughter Dance ticket site is up
    • o   NYE – cancelled for 2019 due to $4/5k in cost, low turnout and weather conditions. Future plans are under consideration.
    • ·        Education
    • ·        Major Projects:
    • o   Community Engagement
    • o   Master Plan Implementation
    • §  Review one-page draft Sandy circulated on 11/21.
    • o   OCC Newsletter
    • o   Oakley Recreation Center
    • o   Pedestrian Safety
    • §  Bike racks – need input from community on placement. Joe put together a map of locations where we might want them. All bike racks are being donated.
    • §  Paint the Streets – include within intersections, midblock murals, curb extension murals. Important component of Vision Zero initiatives.
    • o   Oakley History
    • o   Website
    • o   Social Media

    December 3rd Agenda Requests

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:53PM by Colleen Reynolds; seconded by Seth Shaifer. Meeting Ends at 8:53PM

  • 11/22/2019 6:49 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019 – 7 PM

    Oakley Recreation Center

    Trustees Present: Cody Gausvik, Dan Krohn, Colleen Reynolds, Seth Shaifer, Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Sandy Gross, Evan Nolan, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier

    Trustees Not Present: Kenny McNutt, Joe Groh



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31

    Not present

    District 2 Police report

    Violent crime is down; do not leave anything visible in sight. Put things in your trunk when you leave your house NOT when you get to your running destination – thieves are watching for recently parked cars.  


    Mini Camp was today due to Election Day (6am-6pm). CRC will be closed 11/11 for Veteran’s Day as well as Thanksgiving Day and Friday after. Breakfast with Santa 12/14 8AM-12PM $5 person – free breakfast to anyone who brings gift for donation. You can drop the kids off on 12/6 and 12/13th $10/kid for adults’ night out.


    • Thread’s Boutique (Grand Opening Saturday, November 16th)
      • Not present.
    • TriYoga with LQ – Christianne Green
      • Different types of classes based on level of expertise.
    • Census 2020 – Marissa Pherson
      • Important everyone responds. You can respond online this year. ‘Census Takers’ are paid $19/hour in Hamilton County:

    City of Cincinnati

    • Oakley Urban Parking Overlay District: Brian Ogawa & Gio Rocco
      • College Hill, Northside also considering this plan.
      • Would remove parking minimums for businesses in designated areas in Oakley.
      • Cons: change/uncertainty what this could bring.
      • If Oakley decides to do this, map would be created with the Department of Community and Economic Development and OCC. Board would be heavily involved.
      • Master Plan suggests that we participate in this process.
      • Envision this only applying within NBD.
      • There is no formalized process when Community Council requests this. Board would need to write a letter to the Department of Community and Economic Development to initiate.
      • Concern about residential parking congestion on neighborhood streets. This program could create residential parking permit program ($40/ year).
      • Request to obtain data from the City on how many parking variances OCC has had to grant.  
      • Move to Third Thursday Discussion; form committee. Spring deadline?  

    Development Items

    • McBride Dale Clarion – Letter of Support Request: Greg Dale, Jeff Laine
      • 2853 Madison (corner of Andrew and Madison); proposing single-family condos.
      • Two buildings, one with 5 units and one with 2 units.
      • Need for four variances: 1.) 1 principle building per lot; 2.) front yard variance (8ft reduction), 3.) Side yard variance; and 4.) rear lot 19ft variance.
      • ½ story on first level (with garage) with two stories above.
      • ~$400k+ price point.
      • Owner-occupied, two car-garage in most units. 20-17 ft. wide each.
      • No motions taken. Tableted for 12/3 meeting; asking to see landscape plan (Sandy will be the lead).

    Committee/Project Items:

    • Neighborhood Guidelines Update – Sandy Gross, Colleen Reynolds
      • Provide to developers which would summarize Master Plan, landscape initiatives, Oakley’s priorities, etc.
    • Troy McAndrews (Establishment owner) was present to update us that the project is completed.  
    • Oakley Flag/Flagpole Motion – Dan Krohn, Joe Groh
      • You can purchase your own Oakley flag at local Flaggs USA.

    Motion by Dan Krohn to spend up to $1000.00 on flag-related expenses outlined in the email dated 11/5/19. Seconded by Seth Shaifer. Unanimous approval.   

      • Includes purchasing three flags, a gold ball for the top of the flagpole, new equipment to raise and lower flag with theft protection and a table runner for local events.
    • Esplanade Christmas Lights Motion – Cody Gausvik
      • Cody Gausvik motions to spend $3,500 for holiday lights for twenty trees on the esplanade; seconded by Sandy Gross. Unanimous approval.   
    • City Paint the Streets Initiative – Joe Groh
      • Tabled for next meeting.

    CRC Update? Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds and Jalisa (of CRC) have spoken with Ignite Philanthropy over the past few months. Working to create prototype for new CRC center.   

    Approve October 17th Meeting Minutes

    Motion to approve 10/17/19 meeting minutes by Sandy Gross; seconded by Evan Nolan. 8 approved. Cody Gausvik and Dave Scaff abstained

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    Motion to approve financial report as presented by Jason Wilcoxon; seconded by Evan Nolan. Unanimous approval.

    NSP Funding: City allocates funds every year for OCC’s use. $6,078 total (OCC decided to divide up funds as follows: $1,000 membership, $1,500 to beautification, $1,000 to operations, $2,578 to events). Oakley Resident Vote: 22 yes’; 1 no.

    NBD Funding: Earmarked for NBD: $3,800 total = OCC decided to divide funds up as follows: ($1,000 for beautification, $2,800 for special events)

    Oakley Resident Vote: 21 yes’; 1 no.

    New Business

    • Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, November 21st – Brazee
    • Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, December 3rd – OCC Board Elections!

    Motion to adjourn the meeting by Cody Gausvik; seconded by Seth Shaifer. Meeting ends at 9:00PM

  • 11/06/2019 7:31 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council
    Brazee Street Studios – 4426 Brazee St

    October 17, 2019; 7:00 PM

    Meeting Minutes

    • ·       Attendance:   Colleen, Evan, Jason, Dan, Sean, Joe, Seth, Jon, Kenny, Sandy. Absent: Cody, Dave
    • ·       Approve 10/1 Minutes Motion: Seth Seconded: Jason  Vote 9-0 in favor, 1 abstain
    • ·       Elections & Board Vacancies – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Elections held at December meeting (12/3/2019)
    • o   2 members not returning (Sean, Dave)
    • o   2 members are running (Colleen, Sandy)
    • o   Anyone interested in running should contact us
    • o   3 individuals have mentioned running
    • ·       Pedestrian Safety Grant Discussion – Joe Groh & Colleen Reynolds
    • o   $5k grant from Justin Doyle Homes to be used for Vision Zero efforts
    • o   Joe presented information about the intersections/crosswalks in the Isabella Paxton/Wasson area, and potential uses for the $5k (Signs, crosswalk painting)
    • o   Due to Metro plans to remove bus stops at the plaza main entrance/light and in front of Chipotle (Mt. Vernon), increased emphasis on crosswalk at Ferdinand (where bus stop will stay). This crosswalk top 8 on resident list of concern, this elevate that priority.
    • o   Joe will look into working the city to supplement our $5k to cover costs so can get better signals.
    • o   Discussion about having SOP/guidelines for accepting grants/donations. Colleen will check on how the city handles it.
    • ·       NBD / NSP – Jason Wilcoxon & Craig Rozen
    • o   NBD
    • §  Reimbursed for 18/19 funds
    • §  Submitted 19/20 application
    • ·       $3800 total, $1000 for landscaping, $2800 for events
    • o   NSP
    • §  Submitted claim for 18/19 funds, awaiting reimbursement
    • §  19/20 application to be submitted, 11/26 review
    • ·       $6000 total, $1500 membership, $1000 board operations, $1000 beautification, $2500 events
    • ·       Real Estate Development Updates – Sean Fausto
    • o   Initial discussion of Taco Caso/Mio’s properties
    • o   Anchor Properties, on behalf of a national bank, looking to buy existing CC-A properties and 1 SF-6 property on Isabella
    • o   One way drive thru on to Isabella, non-traditional bank, remove curb cuts at Mio’s
    • o   Each member able to provide input. Key concerns/points raised:
    • §  Commercial creep, change from SF-6
    • §  Drive thru
    • §  If not this development, what could come next? How long?
    • §  This corner listed as an area of opportunity to redevelop/cleanup during master plan process.
    • o   Sean to ask them to introduce themselves at November 5th meeting, present at December 3rd meeting.
    • ·       Oakley Recreation Center Update – Evan Nolan
    • o   Kickoff meeting help with fundraiser, key city/rec directors, OCC reps (Evan, Colleen)
    • o   Scott (fund raiser) asking for help with:
    • §  Contact info for potential business donors
    • §  Identifying community leaders/businesses to champion the effort
    • ·       OMP One-Pager for Developers – Sandy Gross
    • o   Sandy had met with Karen Crawford (OMP steering committee member) and discussed a set of developer guidelines geared to landscaping and adding to our tree canopy. Wondered if we could come with one pager covering all aspects. Require an arborist review to be part of each development review.
    • o   Joe reminded the board that the OMP team had started putting together such “neighborhood guidelines” last January. Each of the 4 teams were to provide theirs to Jared Ellis, but not sure if anything had been done with them. Will check with each team and have their list sent to Sandy
    • o   City “ReLeaf” program (free trees), Sandy like to start an “Oaks for Oakley” campaign to increase our tree canopy.
    • ·       Arborist Motion – Sandy Gross 
    • o   Related to previous topic. Sandy will prepare a motion for arborist review and one pagers at 11/5 meeting.
    • ·       Oakley Flag / Board To-Do’s – Dan Krohn & Joe Groh
    • o   Dan reported that Flaggs USA say they will be producing and selling the Oakley flag (house size) for sale
    • o   Dan suggested buying a bigger Oakley flag for use on the esplanade
    • o   Joe suggested lowering the cleat on the flag pole so a ladder not required to raise/lower the flag. Flaggs USA can do this for us.
    • o   Brought up potential for adding lights for the flag pole.
    • o   Dan & Joe to put together a motion, with costs estimates, to present for a vote at 11/5 meeting for these items.
    • ·       Revisiting SOPs – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Looking to get back on track with developing/approving our SOPs
    • o   Each member should look at what drafts they have, any new ones, and let Colleen know.
    • o   Want to address one SOP at each third Thursday meeting.
    • ·       November 5th Agenda Requests
    • o   In effort to help in agenda setting process, this will become a regular item for third Thursdays.
    • o   Send suggestions to Colleen ASAP
    • o   Suggestions: Bank development intro; city parking overlay presentation; arborist motion; flag motion
    • ·       Christmas lighting
    • o   Need to make arrangements for Christmas lights on the square.
    • ·       Adjourn Meeting:  Motion: Sandy_  Seconded: Jon  Vote: all in favor

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