Oakley Band Shell Project

Our 2025 NBDIP Request was for our Oakley Square/Geier Esplanade Permanent Band Shell.

  • Project Summary:
    • Minor Request - $35,000
    • Purpose - to cover costs to:
    • Identify existing infrastructure issues
    • Conduct community engagement and work with architects/developers to develop the band shell design
    • Develop project plans
    • Flesh out the financing and community support
  • Key Benefits:
    • Create even more attractive neighborhood gathering space
    • Year-round availability = more community activities
    • More Oakley After Hours
    • Movie Nights
    • No tent rental required for each event
    • Potential rental revenue
    • Oakley Square Catalyst – combined with parking overlay district, help attract new business, fill current vacant spaces
    • 10-12 temporary construction jobs
    • Job retention – support current staff levels, potentially allow return to pre-COVID hours, possibly new jobs

We are looking for volunteers to join the Band Shell Project team, to assist the board with working on the project design, community engagement to get input on community preferences, and to solicit business partner support.

Oakley Event Photos

Band Shell Design Ideas

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