Oakley Community Council
Oakley Community Center
March 3rd, 2020; 7:00 PM
Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance
- Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
- Trustee Introductions
- Present: Colleen, Evan, Jason, Dan, Anthony, Seth, Joe, Troy, Kenny, Jon
- Seth left shortly before meeting ended
- Absent: Sandy, Cody
- City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
- Fix it Cincy! Mobile App
Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31
District 2 Police report
Officer Christine Barry – violent crime down; theft from autos and retail continue to be an issue; increased patrols around Oakley Station
- · CRC Hiring summer lifeguards and camp counselors
- · Week of March 23rd, All day camp, 7am – 6pm, $50/day, during CPS Spring Break
- · Easter Egg Hunt – April 4th. Rain date: 11 April
- · Candidate for Judge – Chris Wagner
- o Common Pleas Court
- o Looking to streamline processes, save county $$$
Development Items:
- · Apollo Home: Camberwell Road – Jamie Gerdsen
- o Presented a landscaping plan to help hide parking.
- o Looking to add a driveway on property they recently purchased. Property is zoned SF-4
- o Looking for non conforming variances.
- o Will be back at the April meeting
- · Local Oakley: Hills / Multifamily Development at CastFab [VOTE]
- o Hills Properties presented updated plan that includes 20 “ghost” parking spots – spots that are included as parking spots but only used in the future if needed. Until then, those spots will be green space and include landscaping.
- o Parking spots along Local Oakley Drive have been tentatively approved by DOTE.
- o Presented No Further action letter from Ohio EPA
- o Have met with Sandy to discuss landscaping, have gotten native tree lists to work from.
- o Motion BY: Seth - motion to provide a letter of support for the zone map amendment requested by Hills to rezone 8.1 acres at 2980 Disney Avenue from “CG-A” To “PD” for the development of 316 multifamily units as presented at the February 4, 2020 OCC meeting and updated at the March 3, 2020 OCC meeting.
- o Seconded: Anthony
- o Vote: 9 Yes, 0 No, Evan Abstain
- · Andrew Sholl – Madison Ave Soccer Development
- o Technically in Madisonville council area, but wanted to brief us.
- o Looking to build a soccer complex at 4722 Madison.
- o Runs adult soccer leagues
Committee/Project Items:
- · 2020 Committee Announcements – Colleen Reynolds [VOTE to Adopt]
- o Updated committee and major project lists had been shared with the board.
- o Committees & their membership shared.
- o Major projects defined and their memberships shared. Appeal made to residents to participate
- o Motion BY: Evan motioned that the board approve the committee and major projects lists, and their chair and members, as presented.
- o Seconded: Jason
- o Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
- · OCC Summer Series – Jon Bernier [Expenditure VOTE]
- o Looking to move events to Saturday nights. Event dates/square reservations to be confirmed within the next week.
- o Allison of Palm Communications has been contracted in previous years to solicit sponsorships, organize events, and handle the media relations.
- o Contract for this year = $4000, up to $250/month in expenses
- o In every previous year, the revenue collected from events has exceed the contract cost
- o Motion BY: Jon motioned that the board approve the funds for Allison’s contract.
- o Seconded: Evan
- o Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
- · 2020 OCC Mailer – Dan Krohn [Expenditure VOTE]
- o Mailing to be sent to all Oakley residences.
- o Advertise the Summer Series events on one side, promote benefits of joining OCC on the back.
- o Last year, saw an immediate 10% jump in membership
- o Motion BY: Dan motioned that the board approve up to $3000 for mailing the post card to each Oakley residence.
- o Seconded: Joe
- o Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
- · Crosswalk Update – Joe Groh [Expenditure VOTE]
- o City informed us our Romana location was one they willing to put pedestrian activated light at.
- o We voted for Flaggs USA location as higher priority
- o Mel McVay (City Vision Zero mgr) came back and told me that their engineers felt that a raised crosswalk better option for Flaggs USA, and that they had received ODOT grant for that.
- o About that same time Joe had asked Mel for clarity on how we should handle the $5k donation (to be used for pedestrian safety) that we had received from Doyle Homes.
- o Her recommendation was that we keep the money in our account, and give it to the city in conjunction with a specific project (would keep city from poaching those $$$).
- o She proposed that the city could match our $5k for a project to put the pedestrian crossing signal at Romana, and if we aligned she could put in for an additional ODOT grant request. Joe told her he would need to get an approval, but thought it was a good idea.
- o Mel submitted the proposal, expecting it to take a couple weeks to get an answer, by which time Joe would have been able to bring up for a vote. Well, the state approved her proposal within 2 days, but it still contingent on our approval.
- o Note: Other high priority crosswalk issues are being addressed through the Wasson Way Project and the Robertson Ave issues through the Three Oaks/Neyer development.
- o If we approve the use of the $5k to be applied towards the Romana location, we would have upgrades made to both locations this calendar year, leveraging on $5000 to gain more $30k in upgrades.
- o Motion BY: Joe motioned that the OCC votes to approve the use of the $5000 for the installation of pedestrian activated crossing lights at Romana and Madison.
- o Seconded: Anthony
- o Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No
- · Census Update – Joe Groh
- o Mailing happens March 12-20. Last day to input: 30 July
- o Have option to complete online (preferred), by mail, by phone
- o Data is used to determine funding levels for a variety of federal & state programs.
- o Oakley has fairly high number of households with no computing device and/or internet access.
- o Oakley library will have computers with internet access available.
- o Census staff be at our May and June events
- o Let your neighbors know. Help your neighbors who may be elderly, shut in, have no internet access.
· Oakley Neighborhood School Project Update & Clarification – Craig Rozen
o Craig clarifies that OCC still supports the Hyde Park School expansion and is a top priority.
o Efforts to begin investigating potential of Oakley Neighborhood school are more long term.
Approve February 20th Meeting Minutes
- o Motion BY: Joe
- o Seconded: Anthony
- o Vote: 8 Yes, 0 No, Kenny Abstain
Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon
- o Motion BY: Jason
- o Seconded: Evan
- o Vote: 9 Yes, 0 No
New Business:
· Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, March 19th – TIME CHANGE
o Usual meeting will take place from 6:00-7:00, Board Retreat 7:00-9:00 – Location TBD
· Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, April 7th
Speaker Cards
Adjourn Meeting
- · Motion BY: Joe
- · Seconded: Jason
- · Vote: 9 Yes, 0 No