Meeting Minutes

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  • 03/03/2015 11:18 PM | Anonymous

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: March 3, 2015, 7 PM

    Trustees Present: Mike Bonomo, Brian Ferry, Chris Mucha, Kenny McNutt, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel, Lisa Williams

    Trustees Not Present: Tim Langmeyer



    ·      Cincinnati Fire Department Report:

    o   8 working fires. 121 EMS runs. 160 total responses. 69 building inspections.

    o   With the time change, also a reminder to change smoke detector batteries. If you have an old smoke detector, bring it to the firehouse and they will give you a replacement.

    o   Recommend to develop an escape plan and a meet point in case of emergency.

    o   Paperwork was submitted to install a No Parking sign on Brentwood Ave near the corner of Parkline Ave,, in order to be able to make the turn onto the street.

    o   Motion for OCC to support the CFD’s request for a No Parking sign on Brentwood near the corner of Parkline, in accordance with the CFD request. Motion seconded and unanimously approved.

    ·      District 2 Police Report: (Officer Al Brown, Capt. Jeff Butler)

    o   9 of the offenses for the month are between Target and Kroger. CPD analyzing data to see if there are trends.

    o   Leads online: Program where pawn shops report on incoming goods. CPD has had good success in tracking down thefts from this.

    §  Recommend to record serial numbers of goods to help with tracking down stolen property.

    o   Reminder to keep valuables out of sight in your car, house, property, and keep doors/windows locked.

    o   Auto theft and street level heroin trafficking have increased in Oakley, and they are related. If a citizen witnesses a potential drug deal, the most important thing is to call 9-1-1 with a detailed description of the dealer (make/model/color/license plate of vehicle, bumper stickers, description of dealer, etc). Be aware that CPD either sends an officer to the scene or puts the info into a database without sending an officer. More officers are starting that will improve the police presence in the neighborhood.

    o   Can contact District 2 Capt. Jeff Butler at 979-4444 if any questions/concerns.

    ·      Oakley Pup Crawl: (Chris Pike)

    o   3rd Annual Oakley Pup Crawl to support canine cancer and the National Canine Cancer Foundation is scheduled for April 26th from 11AM – 5PM.

    o   Net proceeds raised during the event go to grants supporting various research organizations.

    o   Motion for OCC to support the Pup Crawl by donating $525 for the reservation of the esplanade. Motion seconded and unanimously approved.

    ·      Tire Discounters (T.D.): (Bob Ostreicher, Steven Wood)

    o   Plan to build new flagship store at corner of Alamo and Marburg.

    o   Requires conditional use approval by City. Approval requires buffering and screening between residential properties. T.D. working on these plans, and is willing to work with the residents on these details.

    o   Ridge and Highland store will be closing in fall 2015, so the Alamo store will be a relocation of that store. The Ridge store is a leased property. T.D. will own the Alamo property.

    ·      Markbreit Parking Lot: (Nick Lingenfelter)

    o   2940 Markbreit lot purchased in December 2014.

    o   Intent for site is to pave and make a private parking lot. 19 spaces + 1 handicapped space for off street parking for nearby apartments. Final parking mix (public/private) will be determined with demand.

    o   Will have a public hearing on the plans after the permit is finalized.

    o   EDI is the engineering firm.

    o   All ingress/egress will be off of Markbreit. Will lose 1 public metered space.

    ·      Oakley After Hours:

    o   Will meet Thursday March 12 at 6pm at RP McMurphy’s to continue planning.

    ·      Treasurer’s Report: (Mike Bonomo)

    o   NSP/NBD funds: Need any amendments to proposal done in March.

    §  Mike Bonomo will send draft proposal to the Trustees. If a public hearing is required, it can be held in April.

    o   Motion to approve February Treasurer’s Report was seconded and unanimously approved.

    Committee Reports:

    ·      Community Outreach: Saturday May 9 from 9AM – noon is Great American Cleanup by Keep Cincinnati Beautiful.

    ·      Membership: 1 new member in February. Working on new software to make membership application, renewal, and management more efficient. Currently being tested.

    ·      Zoning:

    o   Property of former Avocado Salon, now owned by John Hutton. Variance for new 3 story building was denied because parking plan didn’t meet City requirements.

    o   Hyde Park neighborhood has cross-claimed various parts of Oakley, street by street. This includes the business development that contains Bonefish Grill, residential streets from Andrew, Hyde Park Ave, Hyde Park Plaza, and a few streets along Brotherton.

    §  Oakley’s proposal is due to the City by Friday March 20.

    §  Motion to research the historical Oakley boundaries and Sean will take this information to the Hyde Park Community Council to try and resolve the cross-claimed areas. Motion seconded and approved.

    New Business:

    ·      Application for 501(c)(3) status:

    o   Benefits: tax deductible contributions, higher standards for record-keeping (filing tax returns)

    o   Would require an attorney to support process, and a CPA to file tax returns.

    o   Motion to spend reasonable expenses, up to a maximum of $2000, to apply for 501(c)(3) status. Motion unanimously approved.

    Speaker Cards:

    ·      Judge Curt Kissinger: Replaced Judge Mock about 4 weeks ago. Introduction to the community. Phone # if anyone has questions about what is happening in the courts: 946-5138. Will run for reelection for 4th District Court of Appeals in November.

    ·      Shane Herzner: Running for 4th District Court of Appeals in November. Introduction to the community. Currently a criminal defense attorney.

    ·      Jean Savona: Updated Oakley Business map will be distributed to all neighborhood business and at various places in the surrounding communities (e.g. hotels). In print now. Plan is for map to be updated periodically.

    ·      India: Representative of Grace Christian Fellowship church, and a volunteer counselor at the Eve Center. See for various event information. Grace Christian has a monthly movie night that is open to all in the community.

    9:11 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

  • 02/03/2015 11:20 PM | Anonymous

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: February 3, 2015, 7 PM

    Board Members Present: Mike Bonomo, Kenny McNutt, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Dave Schaff, Tim Langmeyer, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel

    Board Members Not Present: Chris Mucha, Brian Ferry



    ·      New room arrangement: clipboards available to replace the tables which were taken out. Nameplates were replaced to be uniform.

    ·      Lisa Williams was elected to the open board position at the Jan 15th working meeting.

    ·      Cincinnati Fire Department Report (James Jasper, CFD station 31):

    o   January #’s: 172 responses- majority are medical related.  8 fire related runs. 

    o   Electrical safety: be careful with appliances to check for frayed/cracked cords, or anything loose.  Only use extension cords on a temporary basis.  Install receptacle covers on outlets in homes with small children. Don't overload circuits.  Follow manufacturer’s instructions for new appliances. If a circuit keeps tripping, have an electrician check it out.  Careful with lamp placements (lamps to close to a curtain, lamp with a bulb that's too strong). If you are a renter, your landlord is required to have a working fire alarm installed.  Have a working co2 detector.

    o   T-shirt design is still being worked on.

    ·      District 2 Police Report (Officer Al Brown):

    o   Oakley and Hyde Park have a large problem with thefts from autos. Residents need to ensure cars are being locked. CPD is working to get resources to identify hot spots and add plain clothes officers.

    o   Part 1 (more serious) crimes have increased: Burglary on Atlantic with a door kicked in; aggravated robbery w/ pedestrian robbed at gunpoint; aggravated robbery at 5/3 bank on Madison; rape report on 1/18

    o   Crime stats are available online w

    o   Oakley crime stats may look high due to Center of Cincinnati and Hyde Park Plaza crimes included.

    o   Question: How to get Citizens on Patrol restarted and refunded? Officer Brown will look into steps to restart.

    o   District 2 is willing to help with the flag pole installation.

    ·      CRC Report (Ellen Brewster):

    o   Daddy Daughter dance Feb 15th is sold out.

    o   Summer day camp priority signup was last week - 66 kids already for 120 spaces.  Open registration started yesterday.  11 week program.   

    o   Aquatic center construction starts Aug 1 this year - pool will close 10 days early.  Ceremony to drain the pool. 

    o   Mike Bonomo and Dave Schaff are looking for volunteers to work on supporting the recreation facilities in Oakley. The pool was part of the master plan. There is momentum to renovate or rebuild the Rec Center as part of the master plan. OCC will wait for a permanent director to lobby to replace the rec center. It is the city’s smallest and most other centers have been renovated within the last 20 years. 

    o   CRC has an independent board from city council who provides funding, but the commission needs to buy in. 

    ·      Flagpole Update (Dave Schaff)

    o   Oakley has 2 large poles via donation. The OCC would like to erect one on the esplanade, and would like police and fire help with installation and unveiling (target Memorial day). Other location to erect the pole is still tbd. Still many steps to be completed – permits, park board contact. Plan to install lighting so that the flag can stay up at night.  A local cub scout pack would like to help.

    ·      Recto Molded Products

    o   Property purchased at corner of Appleton/Robertson, formerly a roofing distributor.  Begun primary work of new location: approx 9,000 sq feet.  2 buildings, new building will connect to current property. Exterior will be gray "split block" and metal. Building will be used as warehouse space; currently own building across the street which has clients. Building was originally a lumberyard. 

    o   Going to the city in the next 2-3 weeks for the permitting process.

    o   No new employees to be added

    o   No parking has to be installed, but they are adding some parking

    ·      Treasurer's Report (Mike Bonomo)

    o   1 transaction in the general account to pay for OCC insurance, which is additional insurance that the city requires for us to get NSP/NBD funds. Membership check from last month was deposited today.

    o   Balance is approx $14,000

    o   $2400 in OAH account

    o   Oakley Pay Pal account approx $5400. Expenses from DD Dance not removed yet. Last year it was about $1500, and this year looks to be about the same. 

    o   Treasurer’s report was approved unamimously.

    o   NSP/NBD amendments have to be made by next month. Will work with the Chamber to establish some beautification ideas before the deadline.

    Committee Reports:

    ·      Community Outreach: Brian is going to take over to clean up Oakley Events.  Kroger carts rounded up from all over Oakley - trying to work with Kroger on that to be more proactive.  Need to work with Buckingham about the construction debris near ridge and Cardiff.  Streets are a mess.

    ·      Communications: January meeting minutes approved at our mid-month meeting and posted online so that things are approved and publicized on a timelier basis. 

    ·      Membership: 11 new members. Looking for software solutions to solve membership; will be discussed on Feb 19. Looking for feedback about membership to help improve and increase overall members. Looking at doing a membership packet for new Oakley Residents

    ·      Oakley After Hours: 2/12 OAH planning meeting; 3rd Thursdays at 6 pm in basement of OPG for a standing OAH meeting. 

    ·      Zoning: Two zoning issues. 

    o   Sean and Chris attended public meeting re: Madison Rd where the avocado salon used to be. Variance on setback from the street due to a utility post with a transformer. No concerns from board for that. There is a 3 story building going in there - plans have just been filed. There are going to be concerns about parking - call is in to the city about the parking issue. 

    o   Tire Discounter looking for a conditional use permit at corner of Marburg and Alamo.  Vandercar did not present to the Community council - meeting is Weds 2/4 at 11 am.  Emergency meeting 1/29 with Tire Discounters, Vandercarr, Board and some residents.  Zoning issue to use that building for auto.  We reported to the city that we had the meeting that the conditional permit was opposed by residents; the Board took no position on it.  Belief that this is likely to get passed; the land needs to be developed and Tire Discounters is willing to build, but concerns about impact on residents.  Follow up phone call with TD, if this goes through, we need to work to ensure good benefits for the residents.  They are willing to be on board for that if it gets to that point.  They also agreed to maintain.  We also requested a "welcome to Oakley" sign on that property as part of that being a gateway to the neighborhood.  Meeting is at centennial 2 at 11 am.

    o   Frustration from board members and the trustees about the lack of notification, and worries about the future of the plan development for Oakley Station.

    ·      Traffic/Safety/Pedestrians: David Mann's chief of staff mentioned that the intersection at Isabella/Madison has become an issue at city hall. 

    ·      Hyde Park School Liaison: HPS was ranked as the highest elementary school in the state of Ohio for the Performance Index - out of 3,400 schools.  The Principal won a distinguished "Cincinnatus" Award for outstanding educator in the city.  Registration is ongoing for kindergarten next year. 

    New Business:

    ·      Board meeting Feb 19th at OPG as a working meeting for stuff we discussed tonight

    ·      MadTree is official drink of Oakley.

    Speaker Cards:

    ·      Laura: Vacant House for 8.5 years on 33rd ave.  What to do about it?  Property is attracting people who don't live there. 

    ·      Grace Christian Fellowship: Church in the community for about 2 years, retired from the city.  Very community oriented, aimed at families and children, working with international ministries.  They would like to help the OCC in any way.  They also offer karate classes.  Looking to put on events on Oakley Square.  2960 Madison road, across from 20th C. Theatre., also on facebook

    Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

  • 01/06/2015 11:23 PM | Anonymous

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: January 6, 2015, 7 PM

    Board Members Present: Mike Bonomo, Brian Ferry, Chris Mucha, Kenny McNutt, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Dave Schaff, Tim Langmeyer, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel

    Board Members Not Present: none



    ·      Meeting minutes approved for October, November and December 2014 meetings. Minutes will be posted on the Oakley Now website.

    ·      District 2 Police Report:

    o   Officer Brown is the new Oakley community liason. His contact info is

    §  Phone: 513-979-4429

    §  Email:

    o   If you have a break-in, even if nothing valuable taken, call the non-emergency # at 513-765-1212 to report. The CPD tracks uses info to look for ways to improve policing practices and safety.

    ·      Cincinnati Fire Department Report:

    o   Recommend having furnaces maintained and chimneys cleaned to reduce fire risk. Be aware of fire safety with fireplaces, heaters, etc.

    o   There is a disaster warning smartphone app available through Hamilton County on their website. It’s called the Citizen Early Warning Notification System.

    o   The Oakley Firehouse is looking for ideas for a theme that would go on the back of their station’s fire shirt. The theme should be connected to Oakley. If you have an idea, please contact the station or bring the idea to the next OCC meeting.

    ·      CRC Report:

    o   The holiday minicamp had 35 students attend during the CPS break.

    ·      MSD/GCWW Update (Dawn Jackson – Community Liason for MSD):

    o   Project Groundwork, which will reduce & eliminate sewer overflow in the City, is currently in Phase 1. Phase 2 will begin in 2018. The estimated cost is $3 billion. The benefits are cleaner water resources, jobs, and neighborhood revitalization.

    §  Letters will be going out to residents to notify of any upcoming work in the area.

    §  For more info, go to, or, or contact MSD customer service at 513-557-3594 or

    ·      Treasurer’s Report:

    o   Audit Results (Kenny McNutt):

    §  2 deficiencies in the current OCC budget process highlighted from the auditor:

    1)    OCC needs better records of receipts and deposits

    2)    OCC President and/or Vice President should review and approve the financial report

    ·      The auditor provided specific recommendations for how to improve on each of the deficiencies.

    ·      The OCC Board is working on standard operating procedures for the budget, and will incorporate the recommendations.

    o   Budget Report (Mike Bonomo): The financial report was reviewed, and an amendment made to the general account income.

    §  Motion to approve the financial report was seconded and approved.

    o   Request from the audience to investigate replacing the flagpole on the esplanade using NBD funds. The Board will investigate this request.

    Committee Reports:

    ·      Business/Oakley Chamber: Have begun working on a plan with the Oakley Chamber on improving businesses within Oakley.

    ·      Membership: We are looking at improving the membership process using existing technology, to make the process more user-friendly and streamlined.

    ·      Oakley After Hours: Planning for this year’s events will begin by the end of February. Volunteers are needed. Let Jason Wilcoxon know if interested.

    ·      Zoning: There are no formal declarations for the City’s 2nd draft for zoning changes. Parking requirements will not be discussed until after the 3rd draft is made live. The timing of the 3rd draft is still to be determined. The Board will call a Zoning Committee meeting once the 3rd draft is available.

    ·      Traffic, Safety, Pedestrians & Bicycles: If you have any feedback or concerns about traffic or pedestrian flow, make a request of the issue either through the City website or contact Brian Ferry.

    ·      Hyde Park School:

    o   HPS tests as the top school in the district. We have a great neighborhood school!

    o   The school needs volunteers and business owners to support school activities. The biggest need is the school wants to start a foundation to help upgrade the building.

    ·      Parking - Development at Isabella & Markbreit: Feedback from the community was gathered and is summarized into 3 main areas: traffic & pedestrian flow and safety, the types of units in the development, and the aesthetics with the existing neighborhood. The focus group met with Bill Schirmer to provide this feedback and develop plans for how to continue to be involved. Currently there are no specific plans or concept drawings for the site. Once there are more specifics available, the focus group will continue to try and incorporate community feedback.

    New Business:

    ·      January 15: There is a Board of Trustee meeting at the Oakley Pub and Grill basement at 8pm. Oakley business with be discussed by the Board. This is an open forum for the community and all are welcome. The Board plans to have these meetings on the third Thursday of each month.

    ·      Open Board of Trustee Position: There is an open Board of Trustee position. If interested, please contact Sean Fausto or Dave Schaff. To be eligible, you must be a Member for at least 60 days. The term of the position is through the end of 2016. The Board of Trustees will vote for the position.

    ·      RockTenn Site: The Zoning Committee will investigate the current zoning code on the current property.

    8:30 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

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