Meeting Minutes

  • 06/16/2017 8:50 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: June 6, 2017, 7 PM       Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Evan Nolan, and Colleen Reynolds (late)

    Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier, Chris Mucha, Stacy Lehman, Tim Langmeyer, Kenny McNutt 



    City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31

    ·         Fireworks – not in the city!

    ·         137 EMS runs (27 advanced life support) (87 basic life support) (22 false calls)

    ·         5 fire runs

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480

    Captain Grampke spoke on:

    ·         Cars being keyed in multiple neighborhoods in the city. Do not have a good photo ID at this point, are working on identifying the culprit.

    ·         Traffic issues – The Mayor and City Manager is asking each District on how traffic safety will be managed in the next year.

    CRC – Pool is open, you can get memberships at the pool.

    ·         513-342-5000 CRC phone number to report any issues, suspicious activity.

    ·         Recycling program at the CRC.


    Tamie Sullivan- Running for City Council – Born and raised in Cincinnati.  Has spent 30 years on working on social issues in Cincinnati.  Biggest concern is the opiate epidemic.

    Laurie Quinlivan – Running for re-election for City Council – 2009 – 2013. Championed Wasson Way.  Cleaner, Greener, Smarter. – Running as an independent. Need a better bus system, focus on regional funding and bike paths. 

    Renee Hevia – Running for CPS Board of Education.  Was a public school teacher. Focus on how to deal with social issues that are part of the students’ lives. Focus on community learning centers.

    Brian Gary – Wants to hear about your concerns

    Darlene Rogers – Running for Judge.  Former teacher that became an attorney. Heroin epidemic is a main focus and detox and treatment.


    Committee Reports:

    -Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier- Waiting to hear back about gateway streetscape request to the city on Friday.  (Also, check out

    -Oakley After Hours – Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff – Great turn out in May.  Next OAH Friday June 30th, Flip Cup All-Stars are playing.

    -City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, & Tim Langmeyer

                - Lisa from Salon on Markbreit having issues with parking.

                - 3653-3663 Brotherton Rd. Development – Hearing update – was denied.

    -Recreation Center Project – Chris Mucha & Evan Nolan – Evan spoke regarding the difference between Cincinnati Parks and Cincinnati Recreation.  An investment in a new recreation building in Oakley would create revenue. Push for a Recreation Foundation.


    City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering

                Brandon Lacrone – Senior Engineer, Structures. Marburg Ave Bridge Project Update.  On target to finish in October.


    City of Cincinnati Department of Public Services

                Jude Johnson – Street Sweeping Program – New plan will touch the communities once a month.  Goes into effect July 2017.  Have two new pieces of equipment. Will need community support. Oakley is schedule the 2nd and 4th Thursday. will post a map and times.  Also, check the city twitter feed on street cleaning updates.


    Crunch Fitness – 3335-3415 Ibsen – Bill Davin – proposed for 30 employees.  Will be a shared parking agreement between Crunch and Crossroads.  Meets all current city zoning requirements. Dave Schaff makes a motion to support the sale of the city of Cincinnati property on Ibsen to Crunch Fitness, amended by Evan Nolan to no objection. Seconded by Colleen Reynolds, passed unanimously.  Chris Mengel to draft the letter.

    Fair Districts Ohio – Andrea Dannenberg
    - Bipartisan coalition to draw congressional districts in a nonpartisan way.  Looking for signatures to get on the ballot in November.  Need 305,000 signatures by July 5th.


    Approve May 18th Meeting Minutes:  Motion tabled.


    Colleen Reynolds – Hosting a coffee hour to talk about a street ambassador program on June 25th from 1-3PM, will be published on the website and FB.


    Financial Report – Motion to approve by Evan Nolan, seconded by Chris Mengel approved unanimously.


    Speaker Cards

    Fred Yager – Parking situation – study shows 400 parking spaces that are open but not public parking spaces.


    Andy Bosiljevac – Concerned about all the through traffic. Asking for street calming – spoke to District 2 in this meeting. Captain Grampke suggested Andy reach out to Michael Moore on the street issue.

    Justin Dunn – Concerns on Verne Ave.  Resident has had the police called in multiple times in the past few weeks.

     New Business:

    •          Third Thursday meeting on June 15th.  Oakley Pub and Grill Basement.

    •          No OCC meetings in July.

    •          Next first Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, August 1st.          

    9:03 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting Colleen Reynolds, is seconded by Chris Mengel, and approved unanimously. Meeting ends.

  • 06/16/2017 8:49 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Pub & Grill Basement

    May 18, 2017; 8:00 PM



    Trustees present: Chris Mengel, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxson, Sean Fausto, Jes Overley, Stacy Lehman, Dave Schaff, Colleen Reynolds, Kenny McNutt, Chris Mucha (late)

    Attending: Bob Gallo, Fred Yager, Dan Krohn, Seth Shaifer, Hugh McManus, and John Heilan

    Approve minutes from April 20th meeting – motion to approve by Chris Mengel, seconded by Colleen Reynolds approved by Kenny McNutt, Jon Bernier, Stacy Lehman, Evan Nolan, and Jes Overley.


    Approve minutes from May 2nd meeting - motion to approve by Tim Langmeyer, approved by Jason Wilcoxson, approved by Chris Mengel, Jon Bernier, and Evan Nolan abstained. – Chris Mengel sent the support letter to the city for Wings and Rings.


    Kathleen Colley – Development Officer – City of Cincinnati Department of Community and Economic Development

    • Crossroads proposed sale of 3335-3415 Ibsen – sale of city property and Crossroads- an agreement to sell between from both – for a fitness center
    • Fortus Group project – No new updates, have not come to the City yet, OCC will send letter with St Cecilia and The residents of Taylor Ave
    • Eastern Gateway- Bus tour went well, 16th stop out of 32. Good feedback overall. 1.3MM is available for projects this year.
    • Oakley Yard – project is stalled at this point.  Would be several years for the city to match the state for Edwards connector funds.

    Website/Email address maintenance – Will create a page for correspondence from the board.

    Marburg Bridge- OCC is going to wait to see if there are any further developments.

    Oakley Master Plan – The city would like 4 people from the board and will want community involvement as well. Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Jason wilcoxson and Chris Mucha will represent the board.

    Oakley After Hours – Would like help passing out posters and postcards.

    Christmas Lights invoice – Motion to pay $3,875 from the invoice for paid in full status by Tim Langmeyer and seconded by Evan Nolan, approved 9-2 (Dave not present) Chris Mengel and Jon Bernier abstained.

    Landscaping for 2017/GO Local – GO Local! - Saturday May 20th, 8AM

    OCC is looking for bids for landscaping for 2017. Nextdoor and Facebook will post for bids.

    City of Cincinnati Bi-annual proposed Budget – Oakley impact: Community Council funding was dropped by 25% in this proposed budget, but this still needs to go through the Mayor's office and full City Council. Funding for the new eastside community center has been stalled. We will update the community on where/when organizing will be the most effective.

    Oakley Station Maintenance – Steve Dragon responded to Chris Mengel – they are having trash pickup increased and reaching out to owner/tenants to please focus on minimizing trash in the development. Chris Mucha is updating residents on Nextdoor. Residents should use FixitCincy if they have issues with trash or runaway grocery carts.

    Allston St Warehouse Renovation – No updated requests with the city at this point.

    Ombre Gallery - Seth Shaifer would like to request the OCC put together a directory of all Oakley businesses.

    9:47PM – Motion to adjourn meeting by Colleen Reynolds, seconded by Chris Mengel and approved.  Meeting ends.

  • 05/19/2017 8:13 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: May 2, 2017, 7 PM       Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mucha, Colleen Reynolds, Dave Schaff, Stacy Lehman, Tim Langmeyer, Kenny McNutt

    Trustees Not Present: Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier, Chris Mengel



    City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31

    ·         Remember – grilling season, keep grill clean, in open area and keep kids and pets away.

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480

    ·         New Captain for District 2 – James Grampke

    ·         Junk cars on your street? – use the Fix it app, or call District 2

    ·         Theft from autos – spike in Cincinnati – please lock your cars

    ·         Arrest in the CVS robberies was made

    Candidate for Cincinnati City Council – Tamaya Dennard

    First time candidate – from Cincinnati – went to UC. She thinks we could do better with poverty.  Grew up with a single mom in Cincinnati.  She would like to stop looking at Band-Aids, instead of looking at root causes.

    Platform: Transportation and Government accessibility

    Candidate for Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District – Richard Crosby

    Primary in Spring or 2018. Works as an attorney.  Grew up in Columbus, wife is a native Cincinnatian.  First time candidate.  Passionate about criminal justice, heroin epidemic, education, and health care. Wants to meet with everyone.  Reach out if you would like to meet one on one.   Info is online. 

    Committee Reports:         

    Website/Membership- Kenny McNutt – New Website is live.  Subscription based membership is now available from the website.  Donations are available online as well.  Minutes, agendas, etc are available online also.  Go check it out!

    Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier – no updates

    Oakley After Hours – Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff – Rain and weather lowered first month attendance.  Check out the new set up and stage at the next OAH Friday May 26th, Naked Karate Girls will be there again.

    City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, & Tim Langmeyer- no updates

    Recreation Center Project – Chris Mucha & Evan Nolan- no updates

    City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering

    • ·         Bill Shefcik – Supervising Structural Engineer - Marburg Ave Bridge Project
    • ·         7 weeks into construction. Bridges closed March 20th.  Old bridge has been demolished.
    • ·         Check cincyroadmap also for updates

    Vandercar - Steve Dragon - Oakley Station

    • ·         Buffalo Wings and Rings will be located over by the movie theater, will be going to zoning later this month. No zoning variances requested.
    • ·         Tom Davis, Direct of Construction for Buffalo Wings and Rings.  Local Company full service restaurant. 55 locations nationwide.  6,000 sq ft restaurant.
    • ·         Motion of letter to support the plan for Buffalo Wings and Rings by Chris Mucha seconded by Colleen Reynolds.  Passed unanimously. Colleen will draft the letter.

    Oakley Parking Study – Fred Yaeger – Oakley Resident

    • ·         Parking Study for 2 weeks for 5PM – 7PM
    • ·         Study is posted to NextDoor.
    • ·         On average, 64% of the parking spots are vacant 5-7PM each day.
    • ·         Dave Schaff commented this would be useful when we start talking about the Oakley Master Plan in 2018.
    • ·         Fred would like residents to work with him to look into shared parking agreements in Oakley.
    • ·         Kenny McNutt (MadTree owner) is working with MadTree's neighboring businesses to create shared parking for them.
    • ·         Father Jamie from St Cecilia says parking in their lot after school hours for the community is open.

    Fortus Group – Stephen Dronin - Update on former Fifth Third property on Madison Rd

    • ·         Taylor Ave – submitting letter with signatures to formally request for the OCC to not support the variances.
    • ·         St Cecilia – Fr. Jamie Weber read their written statement objecting the project as presented for the former Fifth Third property.
    • ·         Motion to support the Fortus Group plan with 2 variances up to 82 units and reducing the rear yard setback to 15’ by Jason Wilcoxson seconded by Chris Mucha. 6 in favor. 3 opposed – Tim Langmeyer, Sean Fausto and Jes Overley.
    • ·         No hearing date at this time.

    3653-3663 Brotherton Rd Development – Ron Miller

    • ·         Requesting OCC to deny any special exception for this development. 
    • ·         Ron Miller is attending hearing on May 10th 9:30AM before the Zoning Hearing Examiner to oppose the special exception for the illegal parking in front of the development.
    • ·         Motion to deny the applicants request for a special exception at Brotherton Green 3653-3663 Brotherton Rd by Tim Langmeyer and seconded by Chris Mucha. Passed unanimously.  

    Candidate for City of Cincinnati School Board – Christine Fisher

    Has worked at P&G For 12 years finance manager. Has two boys about to start into the public school system.  Wants to bring community and businesses to collaborate.  Wants to create more board transparency. Lives in Mt. Lookout.

    Financial Report

    ·         NSP/NBD & Treasurer’s Report

    o   Motion to approve the April Treasurer’s report by Jes Overley. Motion is seconded by Stacy Lehman and approved unanimously.

    Speaker Cards:

    Craig Rozen – Update on Oakley Gators Swim team – went from 48 kids to over 85 kids. 

    • ·         Motion to donate $150 to the Oakley Swim team by Chris Mucha and seconded by Colleen Reynolds.  Passed unanimously.

    Susan Farber – Housing affordability & Metro Stops – could shopping carts be corralled and litter be managed at Oakley Station?

    Approve April 20th Meeting Minutes:  Motion tabled, not enough attendees from the April 20th meeting to approve.

    New Business:

    Third Thursday meeting on May 18th.  Oakley Pub and Grill Basement.

    Next OCC meeting is on Tuesday, June 6th.       

    9:24PM  PM – Motion to adjourn meeting Tim Langmeyer, is seconded by Colleen Reynolds, and approved. Meeting ends.

  • 05/19/2017 8:10 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Pub & Grill

    April 20, 2017 @ 8:00 PM

    Trustees Present: Kenny McNutt, Jon Bernier, Stacy Lehman, Colleen Reynolds, Evan Nolan, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel

    Trustees Not Present: Sean Fausto, Chris Mucha, Dave Schaff, Jason Wilcoxson, Tim Langmeyer

    Attending: Bob Gallo, Craig Rosen, James Hearst

    Planning Meeting Minutes

    ·         April 4th OCC Meeting Minutes – motion to approve by Evan Nolan, seconded by Jes Overley, approved unanimously.

    ·         Marburg Bridge – Still in Limbo, no formal action made by the city at this time.  Colleen will follow up with a letter.

    ·         Buffalo Wings and Rings – Will present at the May OCC meeting

    ·         Fortus Group development at former 5/3 site- May request a vote at the May meeting.

    ·         Bones Burgers – contacted OCC with interest.

    ·         Great American Cleanup on Allendale Drive led by Ron Miller- does not preclude OCC from participating in the Great American Cleanup later this year.

    ·         Cinfed Opening – Friday, April 28 at 1 PM at 4801 Kennedy Ave.

    ·         Parking Study by Fred Yaeger

    ·         Oakley After Hours update – First OAH April 28th

    ·         New website: – Board Member capabilities – please log on and set up your profile.

  • 04/16/2017 2:30 PM | Kenny McNutt (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: April 4, 2017, 7 PM        Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley(late), Chris Mucha, Colleen Reynolds, Dave Schaff, Chris Mengel, Stacy Lehman, Tim Langmeyer

    Trustees Not Present: Kenny McNutt



    Fix it Cincy mobile app: Use the app to report pedestrian issues. If there are any concerns with not hearing back from the City, contact Stacy Lehman.

    Dave Schaff: Gil Richards, the founder of Richards Industries, passed away on April 1, 2017. He was a big advocate and supportive of Oakley. Richards Industries has been a wonderful partner for our local community and recognized as one of the top places to work.

    ·       Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31

    ·       196 dispatches in March: 30 non fire, 158 EMS, 8 fire responses

    ·       Awards banquet for CFD is April 4, 2017. Chief Braun retires on April 8th.

    ·       Make sure your smoke detectors work. Check to make sure they’re working so Station 31 doesn’t have to see their neighbors in a work capacity.

    ·       Clean your dryer’s lint trap. It’s the #1 cause of home fires.

    ·       Don’t put anything other than food on the stove top.

    ·       With severe weather season here, develop an emergency plan and keep necessary supplies on hand.

    ·       Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480

    §  Theft from autos is still high. Our local stores are still getting criminal activity but arrests are pretty good

    §  Rash of robberies at fitness clubs

    §  District 2 is reviewing Nextdoor posts

    Darlene Rodgers – running for Judge – former public defender and high school teacher

    Jeff Pastorrunning for Cincinnati Council – currently a teacher -

    City of Cincinnati Council Member & Candidate for Mayor of Cincinnati

    Yvette Simpson - looking to bring in new companies and jobs in Queensgate.  We grow revenue for Cincinnati by bringing in jobs. Is ready to sit down and talk with MSD.

    Committee Reports:

    ·      Business: Kenny McNutt and Jon Bernier – First business happy hour was held in March, about 90 people attended.  if you are a local business, please reach out to Jon and Kenny to be invited to future events.

    ·       Oakley After Hours: Jon Bernier and Dave Schaff- first event April 28th – final Fridays April through September. 6PM- 10PM.

    ·       City Hall Liaison: Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan and Colleen Reynolds – no update

    ·       Recreation Center Project: Chris Mucha and Evan Nolan – no update

    ·       Website:  Kenny McNutt – no update

    City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering

    ·       Brandon Lecrone – Senior Engineer – Marburg Ave Bridge Project

    ·       On schedule for 6 month time frame.

    ·       We would like to see both Oakley and Hyde Park on the bridge, and would like to stay in that conversation. Support the inscription of both Hyde Park and Oakley on the bridge letter to all of council and the mayor The OCC supports the inscription of Oakley and Hyde Park on the new Marburg bridge.  We respect and share the City's view that the bridge connects two vibrant communities and provides economic vitality and quality of life benefits to both.  We remain committed to the common vision of cooperation and progress with our sister neighborhood.  The OCC requests that any changes to the bridge design requiring community input be addressed through a joint, face-to-face meeting with the City and the communities that the bridge directly serves. Motion by Evan Nolan and Chris Mengel and passed unanimously.

    Fortus Group – Update on former Fifth Third property on Madison Rd Steve Dronin – will send a pared down version of the presentation to OCC to post on Nextdoor and Facebook. Not asking for any votes from OCC at this time.

    Tap & Screw – Update on status.  Adam Lorenz – working on location (corner of Markbreit and Madison) – had asked for a parking variance, but have withdrawn variance to meet zoning code. They are being reviewed, and they are being held up – getting a property survey. Brew River (Joby Bowman) catering will also be part of this location.  They will use this location for the catering business.  The amount of red tape they are experiencing is keeping both businesses down. Individual support from residents would be helpful with zoning issues, per Adam and Joby.

    Oakley Pub and Grill – Jon Bernier – Looking to expand off the back side of the building, not requesting any variances.  Requesting letter of support. Motion to approval letter of support to expansion that adds office, restroom and storage space for Oakley Pub and Grill by Colleen Reynolds seconded by Jason Wilcoxon – approved by 10, Jon Bernier abstained.

    Mike Martin– Property Development at 4016 Allston St. – would like to create kitchen design studio and office space.  No requests for any variances at this point.

    Cincinnati Preschool Promise – Colleen Reynolds – Parent Info sessions April 10, 11, 17, 18, 19 go to

    Ashley Martin – TriHealth – upcoming July 15 8AM – 2PM Women’s free screening event. 513-862-1050 – will have flyers at the June OCC meeting.

    March 7th Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve the March 7th meeting minutes is made by      Chris Mengel. Seconded by Chris Mucha. Motion is approved.  Stacy Lehman abstained.

    Financial Report

    ·       NSP/NBD & Treasurer’s Report

    o   Motion to approve the March Treasurer’s report by Jes Overley . Motion is seconded by Chris Mengel and approved unanimously.

    o   Motion to spend up to $500 for tablets to use for OCC events by Dave Schaff. Seconded by Colleen Reynolds.  Motion is approved unanimously. 

    New Business:

    Third Thursday meeting on April 20th. Oakley Pub and Grill Basement.

    Next OCC meeting is on Tuesday, May 3rd.

    Speaker Cards:

    Mark Rogers – thanks for funds and very happy to have the $30,000 paid off.  Will still allow the OCC to use the 20th Century Theater free of charge for community events like the Daddy/Daughter Dance.

    Robert Elsner – not with the Oakley Pup Crawl -  Has reviewed financials for the Oakley Pup Crawl and is concerned only $.10 of every dollar goes to research.

    Dave Space and Scott Gumble – will be offering free financial educational events for Oakley if there is any interest.

    Bruce Evans – Hyde Park Ave – experiencing water pressure issues.  Is anyone else having issues? Contact Water Works if you are having issues.

    9:24 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting by Colleen Reynolds, is seconded by Chris Mengel, and approved. Meeting ends.

  • 12/11/2016 9:13 PM | Kenny McNutt (Administrator)

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mucha, Jes Overley, Jon Bernier, Dave Schaff, Evan

    Nolan, Mike Bonomo, Lisa Williams

    Trustees Not Present: Kenny McNutt, Tim Langmeyer, Chris Mengel


     Tap & Screw – Owners attended

    o Property on Oakley Square previously operated as a funeral home, which was a non-conforming

    use. T&S plans to open a brew-pub but are 2 parking spaces short for compliance with zoning

    requirements.  Changes to parking lot would add 2 spaces of public street parking. A planned

    outdoor patio, which requires conditional use permit for proximity to apartments above, would

    also require 2 extra spaces. Parking lot would include several more parking spaces, which are

    currently not in use, compared to similar businesses on Oakley Square, which also have outdoor

    space and apartments above.

    o Motion to support (1) the variance request for Tap & Screw parking requirements, (2) the

    conditional use request for a patio, and (3) a variance request for parking for the patio.

    Motion made by Chris Mucha, seconded by Jon Bernier. Approved 8-0. Sean Fausto was not

    present at the vote.

     Condemned House at 3808 Drake Ave.

    o Owner passed away. Next of kin cannot be located. House has been condemned.

    o Motion that the OCC petitions the Port Authority Land Bank to expedite foreclosure of the

    property at 3808 Drake Ave. Motion made by Dave Schaff, seconded by Chris Mucha.

    Approved 7-0-2. Lisa Williams and Jes Overley abstained.

     New Year’s Eve on the Square

    o Discussed Brian Ferry’s plan for a family-centered NYE event similar to the one that was held

    last year. It would be a 1 hour event from 7:30 – 8:30pm with a countdown and fireworks.

    There would be a DJ and the CRC could provide favors. Total cost would be about $3500, which

    could be offset by sponsorships. Brian offered to coordinate the event up until the end of

    December and Stacy Lehman offered to coordinate the day of.

    o Motion to approve the New Year’s Eve plan from Brian Ferry up to $3500. Motion made by

    Chris Mucha, ### seconded. Motion rejected 3 – 6. Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxon and Chris

    Mucha voted for. Jon Bernier, Dave Schaff, Sean Fausto, Jes Overley, Mike Bonomo, Lisa

    Williams voted against.

     Holiday Lights on the Square

    o T&T Landscaping provided a quote to set up, maintain and take down the lights, and store them

    when not in use. They would also buy the lights at cost from a home improvement store. T&T

    does the business district landscaping and is an Oakley company.

    o Quote breakdown is:

     $3875 for labor and lift rental

     $250 for storage

     Up to $3000 for lights: $30/strand and anywhere from 40-80 strands needed.

    o Discussion about September proposal for having volunteers put up the lights versus hiring it

    out. Questions that were asked and discussed are: Is there a way to verify if the quote is

    reasonable? Is there enough time to still organize volunteers? Does the OCC have the budget?

    How can the OCC plan for events like this and others in the future including New Year’s Eve?

    Agreed that the OCC should start with an annual planning meeting in January 2017.

    o Motion to approve the T&T proposal for Christmas lights in Oakley Square for $6825 and the

    park board electrical costs with the agreement to discuss a formal budget for all of 2017

    holiday events in January 2017. Motion made by Evan Nolan and amended by Chris Mucha,

    Jes Overley seconded. Approved 8-1. Chris Mucha voted against.

     Island/Patio in Front of Belmont

    o T&T was requested to put together a proposal and design for redoing the landscaping of the

    island/patio in front of Belmont’s.

    o They were asked to include an option for a natural rain garden or other water management


  • 12/10/2016 1:30 PM | Kenny McNutt (Administrator)

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mucha, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley, Jon Bernier, Kenny

    McNutt, Dave Schaff, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Mike Bonomo

    Trustees Not Present: Lisa Williams


     Cincinnati Police, District 2 – Officer Shawn Tarvin

    o October crime stats: theft from autos is still the major crime in the area.

    o Heroin calls are down vs September.

    o Crossroads and Isben parking: Tim from Crossroads

     For the last month and a half, volunteers are posted to direct people to park elsewhere

    and have reduced the street parking dramatically.


     Membership – Kenny McNutt

    o Trustee Elections – Tuesday, December 6th – Chris Mucha

     4 positions will be voted on.

     You must be a member by December 4th in order to vote in the election.

     There are 6 candidates. Candidate info will be sent out in November.


     CRC Report

    o Joe Berta: CRC Director of the Oakley Community Center

     Senior party was held with a comedian.

     Trunk or Treat was a big success with over 200 kids attending.

    o Crossroads made a $25k donation this summer to keep pools open city wide. Thank you!

    o Daniel Betts for the Recreation Center

     Still have a $2.5M gap to meet a new rec center.

     The CRC Foundation is going through a transition, so current focus is rebuilding the

    Foundation. Then need to figure out how to close the gap through a campaign to get big

    donors in Oakley, Hyde Park and Mt. Lookout.

     Daniel and the OCC will continue to meet to work to close the funding gap.

     The Oakley Community Center is one of the few CRC sites that generates revenue.

    o Dave Schaff: Need to look at resealing the walking trail either now or in the spring at a cost of

    $3000. The CRC has half of the money per Steve Gerth.

     The trail was installed in 2008.

     Q: Is this setting a precedent for future maintenance of the trail or other projects?

     We could look at requesting this through the City budget process.

     $1500 is a lot to spend when the trail could change with a new rec center.

     This is on the CRC 6 year capital plan for seal coating but not in the next 12 months. Seal

    coating should be done before the winter and the CRC has about 2 weeks to complete it

    if wanted.

     Will revisit the status in the spring. Request to Steve Gerth for when it must be resealed.

    o The Oakley Daddy Daughter Dance is back for its fourth year and is scheduled for Sunday,

    February 19th. (CPS is off school Monday, February 20th for President’s Day). As in previous

    years Keith Jones and the Makeshifts will provide the music, the CRC is partnering with us, and

    it will be held at the 20th Century Theatre. Tickets will go on sale in December.

     City Council Member Christopher Smitherman

    o Lives in North Avondale. Has 5 children, ages 8 to college age. Owns a stock brokerage business,

    so City Council is a part time job for him.

    o Big supporter of Mayor John Cranley.

    o Against the City managing its municipal pension. Funded by employees and employers (e.g.

    City) funding the pension.

    o Not against public transportation but against the streetcar.

     City of Cincinnati Dept. of Traffic and Engineering – Brandon Lecrone

    o Marburg Ave Bridge Replacement – replace bridge just south of Marbug/Wasson intersection.

    o Funding is secured.

    o Utility relocation: Oct ’16 – Feb ’17. Bridge construction: March – December 2017.

    o Roadway surface will be made wider for better maintenance. Sidewalk width will also be

    increased. Could have neighborhood insignias on the bridge.

    o Bridge will have to be closed to replace it. If did a staged replacement, it would double the build

    time and drastically increase cost. Traffic will be directed toward Paxton and Herschel. Will

    monitor traffic to ensure not too much traffic is going on unintended residential streets.

     Issue 53: Children’s Services Levy – Teri Nau from Talbert House

    o Renewal of existing levy. Critical for children’s services. Is matched by other levies. Renewal for

    5 years.

     The Fortus Group purchased the 5th/3rd building site. There are no development updates.

     Traffic study being done on Rosslyn and Brotherton because of multiple bicycle/car accidents.

     Minot residents requested adding 4 way stop at Minot and Eileen or Millsbrae and that study is

    being done.

    New Business:

     The next OCC working meeting will be Thursday, November 17th starting at 8pm in the Oakley Pub &

    Grill basement. The meeting is open to everyone.

     The next OCC general meeting is December 6th.

    8:55 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting by Chris Mengel is seconded by Evan Nolan and approved. Meeting


  • 10/06/2015 7:00 PM | Anonymous

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: October 6, 2015, 7 PM

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Dave Schaff, Chris Mucha, Chris Mengel, Kenny McNutt, Brian Ferry, Jason Wilcoxon

    Trustees Not Present: Evan Nolan, Lisa Williams, Mike Bonomo, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer



    ·      Cincinnati Fire Department

    o   September had 8 fire runs, and 142 EMS runs.

    o   The time will change will happen this month. Make sure to change your batteries in your smoke detectors, and replace them if greater than 10 years old.

    o   All City firehouses are open to the public this Sunday from 1-5pm.

    ·      District 2 Police Report – Officer Shawn Tarvin (Desk 513-979-4480, Email:

    o   Biggest problem in District 2 continues to be property crimes. All burglaries in September were solved. Majority of thefts are from Oakley Station retail section.

    ·      OCC Elections – Chris Mucha

    o   Key dates for the upcoming OCC Board elections:

    §  10/13: Deadline to be a member to run as a candidate.

    §  11/6: Deadline to declare candidacy to the Nominating Committee (Dave Schaff, Chris Mucha, Evan Nolan).

    §  11/23: Deadline to be a member to vote in the election. Deadline to request absentee ballot if needed. Absentee ballots can be requested via email to

    §  11/30: Deadline to return absentee ballots

    §  12/1: Election Night

    ·      Cincinnati Recreation Commission – Ellen Brewster

    o   December 13 will be the last day the center is open before being closed for renovations.

    o   Mini-camps are available for school age children. See Ellen at the center for details.

    ·      Oakley After Hours

    o   Friday Oct 9 is the last Oakley After Hours of the year, from 6-10pm.

    ·      Cincinnati Honor Flight – Bill Mallard

    o   October 25 event at 20th Century Theater from 2 – 7pm.

    o   Live music and food available. 100% of ticket sales go to Honor Flight. Tickets are $25 in advance and available at 20th Century.

    ·      City of Cincinnati, Department of Transportation and Engineering – Matthew Andrews & Butch Gaut

    o   Presentation of the new Metro bus hub in Oakley Station. Will have 4 stations. Routes 11, 4, 12X, 41 and 51 will stop at the station. Station will be located behind LA Fitness.

    o   Planning to get bids for construction this winter, with construction to start in spring 2016.

    ·      Save Our Parks – Don Mooney

    o   Encouraging residents not to vote for Issue 22.

    ·      Supporting the Parks Levy - Chris Watkins

    o   Encouraging residents to vote YES for Issue 22. 25% of money raised will go towards maintenance of existing parks across the City. Provides sustainability to the Park Board budget and allows for adequate staffing and maintenance of our parks.

    ·      Brigid Kelly – Candidate for State Representative in Ohio’s 31st District

    o   Election is in March 2016 in the Presidential primary.

    o   Grew up in Norwood. Elected to Norwood City Council. Works for United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

    o   Go to for more information.

    ·      Speaker for Judge Josh Berkowitz – Running for re-election for judge in Hamilton County

    ·      Shane Herzner – Running for judge in Hamilton County 910-2196

    ·      Craig Rozen

    o   About one week left in the Releaf campaign, a free program to provide trees to residents in their front yards. Contact if interested.

    ·      General: Gateway project to provide $30k for a revitalized streetscape by the railroad overpass on Madison. Work on the project will start in 2016.

    ·      General: There will be a flagpole dedication on 11/11/2015 for the installation of a new flagpole in the Oakley Esplanade.

    ·      Membership: 5 new members in September. Go to to register as a member or renew your membership.

    ·      Zoning: Third draft of the redevelopment code will be released in early 2016. More discussion will happen at that point.

    New Business:

    ·      The next OCC working meeting will be Thursday, October 15th at the Oakley Pub and Grill basement starting at 8pm.

    8:04 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

  • 09/01/2015 11:01 PM | Anonymous

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: September 1, 2015, 7 PM

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Dave Schaff, Chris Mucha, Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel, Lisa Williams, Mike Bonomo, Jon Bernie, Tim Langmeyer

    Trustees Not Present: Kenny McNutt, Brian Ferry



    ·      District 2 Police Report – Officer Shawn Tarvin (Desk 513-979-4480, Email:

    o   Majority of thefts are from Oakley Station retail section.

    o   If witnessing a potential drug deal, dial 911 with a detailed description of the vehicle (color, make, model), the license plate, and any other useful information. The best immediate action for a neighborhood is to be visible and active, because dealers will avoid activity.

    o   If questions, can contact Capt. Jeff Butler: or 979-4444. Email is best.

    ·      Cincinnati Fire Department

    o   August had 16 fire runs, and 150 EMS runs.

    o   This month’s focus is abandoned, unsecured buildings. If you know of a building in your neighborhood, call 591-6000.

    ·      Cincinnati Recreation Commission

    o   200+ children in afterschool care at Kilgour and Hyde Park Schools

    o   The pool construction is underway. Scheduled to reopen June 1

    o   The community center will be closed starting January 1 for 3-4 months for remodeling. An plan for alternate sites is being developed. The Community Council will investigate what can be done with the CRC for a regional center.

    o   The new CRC director will be announced soon.

    ·      Oakley After Hours

    o   Friday, September 11th is the next OAH starting at 6pm.

    ·      Duke Energy Home Energy House Call Program – Josh Thompson

    o   A program offered to area residents. Allows a Duke employee to do an energy audit to look for ways to lower your monthly bill by improving efficiency. This service is FREE to residents. The reason for the program is that Duke is looking at ways to reduce demand due to the expected growth in energy demand by the year 2030.

    o   The auditor will provide you a report with ways to save energy and lower your monthly bill.

    o   To qualify, you must be a Duke customer with a stand-alone, single family home.

    o   For more information, call 855-739-9114

    ·      Oakley Station – Steve Dragon

    o   Bear Paddle may open by end of 2015, instead of previously announced to be 2016.

    o   Phase 2 of the Boulevard (apartments) development plans is going to City Planning this month for approval.

    o   Resident shared concern about over-saturation of “luxury” apartments in Oakley, when the community has traditionally been an owner-occupied community.

    o   Motion to provide a letter of support for the Phase 2 development plan for Boulevard at Oakley Station. Motion is seconded and approved.

    ·      Hyde Park Center for Older Adults – Susan Pittman

    o   Non-profit organization that provides information and support for seniors, including social work and counseling. Lunch is served 3 days / week. There are activities and classes available for interested seniors.

    o   Located on corner of Erie and Shaw in Hyde Park.

    ·      Sprint / Radio Shack – Josh Hall

    o   Located in the Radio Shack store in Hyde Park Plaza. Wanted to introduce self and welcome people to visit the store.

    ·      Queen City Lecture Series – Ryan Keyes

    o   Representative from Hyde Park Bethlehem Methodist Church. The lecture series is an informational seminar about the history of Cincinnati. Topics include the musical history, things you should do, and unique area information.

    o   There is a $5 cover charge to cover the lecture fees. Two-for-one coupons are available.

    o   The series starts October 4 at 5pm.

    o   Go to for more information.

    ·      Judge Kissinger is running for a District 4 judicial election.

    ·      Judge Burkowitz is running for a District 4 judicial election.

    ·      Treasurer’s Report – Mike Bonomo

    o   Motion to approve the August treasurer’s report. Motion is seconded and approved.

    o   NSP/NBD funds for 2016: Budget plan was approved for this year.

    ·      Community Outreach: Lisa Williams is working to respond to inquiries from residents and businesses.

    ·      Membership: Elections will be on December 1. You must be a member to vote. To be eligible to run for a Board spot, you must be a member for at least 60 days and have attended 3 meetings throughout 2015. If you are interested in running for a Board spot, please notify contact Sean Fausto or Chris Mucha.

    ·      Hyde Park School: Request the Council to create a “Student of the Month” and “Student of the Year” program. The Hyde Park Council does a similar activity for their neighborhood schools. Will be discussed at the next Third Thursday meeting.

    New Business:

    ·      The next OCC working meeting will be Thursday, September 17th at the Oakley Pub and Grill basement starting at 8pm.

    8:54 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

  • 08/04/2015 11:06 PM | Anonymous

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: August 4, 2015, 7 PM

    Trustees Present: Chris Mucha, Kenny McNutt, Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel, Lisa Williams, Dave Schaff, Mike Bonomo,

    Trustees Not Present: Brian Ferry, Tim Langmeyer, Sean Fausto, Jon Bernier



    ·      Cincinnati Fire Department – Lt. Inman

    o   171 runs in July with 3 fires. 140 EMS runs – 62 requiring advanced life support.

    o   This month’s focus is kitchen fires – one of the top reasons for home fires. Don’t walk away without turning the burners off. If you see a fire in an oven, keep the door closed, turn off if safe, and call 911. If trying to suppress a fire, you can use a lid or pan to cover the fire. Make sure you always have a way to escape.

    ·      Welcome to the owners of Oakley Animal Hospital, RP McMurphy’s and Rooted Juice Bar.

    ·      Cincinnati Recreation Commission

    o   The community center will be closed from Jan. to May 2016 while renovations are being done.

    o   The pool renovations started and are still scheduled to reopen in next summer (2016).

    o   The Oakley Gators is a free swim team through the CRC.

    o   Motion to donate $75 to the CRC for a party for staff members and lifeguards as appreciation for their hard work. Motion is seconded and approved.

    ·      Oakley After Hours is scheduled for Friday, August 14 from 6 – 10pm.

    o   Volunteers are needed. Contact Dave Schaff if interested.

    ·      501c3 Status

    o   Application for the OCC to become a 501c3 was accepted. Any donations made after April 29 to Oakley After Hours is tax deductible.

    ·      NSP/NBD Status

    o   Reimbursement for NSP and NBD funds will be submitted to the City.

    o   2016 plans for NSP/NBD funds will be discussed at the August 20th working meeting.

    ·      Treasurer’s Report

    o   Will be tabled for discussion until the August 20th meeting.

    ·      Oakley Esplanade Flagpole

    o   Dave will have a report in the September meeting.

    ·      Kroger at Oakley Station – Ed Begley, Store Manager (

    o   Largest store in the area. Store amenities include selling apparel (which is new to Kroger in Cincinnati), an expanded bistro area, a combined Little Clinic & Pharmacy, a 5th/3rd Bank, and a beer growler station and internet shopping (at a later date).

    o   Grand opening is on Sept 10, and all are welcome.

    o   Ryan McNealy, a local artist, is designing a unique mural for the store depicting the history of Oakley.


    ·      Rooted Juice Bar – Anne and Megan

    o   100% vegan kitchen for take-out food and some table space that opened in July.

    o   Proposing a mural on the parking lot side of the building. Requires a hearing with the City. Will be applying for that hearing this week. Can agree to paint over if the business ever moves.

    o   Motion to submit a letter to the City to support Rooted’s sign request, pending modification of the sign to include parking directions. Motion seconded and approved.

    ·      Environmental Community Organization – Gabrielle Russell

    o   Working to ensure affordable rates for all residents. Also proposing incentives for “green” initiatives. Trying to get minimum bill eliminated and have billing be done by usage instead. Proposing to eliminate water shutoffs. Working to improve MSD appeals process, especially for infrastructure billing issues. Trying to work with the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) to get these initiatives approved.

    o   Is working on a petition drive as a community effort to get MSD to look at opportunities to improve the infrastructure.

    ·      Urban Planner & Oakley Resident – Christine Celsor

    o   Working on improved transit ideas for Metro to bring riders between the high-demand neighborhoods.

    o   Talking with all neighborhoods along the route to get support.

    o   Motion to provide a letter of support for the transit plan to Christine Celsor. Motion is seconded and approved.

    ·      Oakley Station – Steve Dragon

    o   Bar Louie is planning to open approximately September 1; Pet Supplies Plus is opening in the beginning of October; Tile Shop opening at the end of November; Bear Paddle opening early spring of 2016.

    o   New Tenants: Ladles - a soup and sandwich concept – 1st shop outside of the Carolinas; Orange Fitness Theory – workout studio focused on oxygen consumption – 1st in this area

    o   Apartment expansion for 148 additional units: approved by City Council and working on final development plan. Planning to start construction by November.

    o   2 new zoning items:

    §  Office tenant located west of apartments will be an 80k ft2 office for Anthem Insurance. Bringing 500 employees relocating from the Walnut Hills facility. Pat Moore with Neyer Group explained the design concept. Plan to complete construction in Fall 2016.

    ·      Motion to provide a letter of support to Vandecar for the final development plan for the Anthem office and garage. Motion is seconded and approved.

    §  2nd concept development: Hotel operator would like to do a 5 story hotel near the Anthem building. Need an amendment to the original development plan. Would also like an amendment to potentially build another parking structure in the future if a tenant demands it.

    ·      Concerns raised about overdevelopment from the original plan.

    ·      Resident raised a concern about increased traffic and congestion in Oakley.

    ·      Motion to support the hotel development. Motion is seconded and approved. Chris Mucha opposed. Chris Mengel abstained.

    ·      Motion to support the conceptual development plan of Oakley Station to include a new parking garage for a future tenant. Motion is seconded and approved. Chris Mucha and Evan Nolan oppose.

    o   Chris Mengal will contact DOTE to get an update on the traffic plan in Oakley Station.

    o   Chris Mengal and Evan Nolan (Zoning Committee) will work with Steve to get development information in advance to work on consensus building ahead of the monthly meetings.

    ·      Tire Discounters Signage Request – Evan Nolan

    o   Signage for the new building will not face the residents.

    o   Main sign will be backlit, but turned off during non-business hours. Also proposing a brick monument sign, which is different from the current Ridge location. Adding a “Welcome to Oakley” sign for traffic coming off of I-71.

    o   Tire Discounters has already filed a variance application with the City.

    o   Motion to provide a letter of support for the Tire Discounters sign variance for the Oakley Station site. Motion is seconded and approved. Mike Bonomo abstains.

    Committee Reports:

    ·      Zoning – Chris Mengal: Waffle House is looking to buy the property at 3315 Duck Creek Rd. This will not be where the business will be built, but to establish sight lines and ingress or egress. The City is looking for feedback by August 13 if opposed. Chris Mengal will email the details to the OCC Trustees.

    New Business:

    ·      The next OCC working meeting will be Thursday, Aug 20th at the Oakley Pub and Grill basement starting at 8pm.

    9:35 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting is seconded and approved. Meeting ends.

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