Meeting Minutes

  • 01/03/2018 3:09 PM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Pub & Grill Basement

    November 16, 2017; 8:00 PM



    Trustees present: Sean Fausto, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley, Stacy Lehman


    Trustees not present: Evan Nolan, Kenny McNutt, Jason, Chris Mucha, Colleen Reynolds


    Attending: Bob Gallo, Dan Krohn, Fred Yager, James Hearst, Joe Groh, Karim Nonjaim, Jim, Tenhundfeld, Jason Laine, Chris Hildebrant, Randy Merrill


    Approve minutes from Nov 7th Meeting – motion to approve by  Dave Schaff, second by Chris Mengel , approved by Sean Fausto, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier. Jes Overley and Stacy Lehman abstained.

    December Election – Nominating Committee – 5 bios are on and emails and social media has been pushed out.

    Membership Drive 2018 – Dan Krohn- would like to assist in increase membership, Mail and social media campaign. Would also like to start a quarterly newsletter that would be sent out via email. Joe Groh is also offering to help.  This will be a retreat topic in January.

    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee – Summary of Nov 14th meeting, over 175 residents attended.

    New Year’s Eve Event – Stacy is still working on a firework location and waiting to hear back on sponsorships.  Would like to look into adding a volunteer website page on

    Gateway Project – the city will be at the December meeting to discuss gateway project, have been working on it for 3 years, part of a 12 year project.  Will be asking for a $90,000 for phase 3 of the eastern gateway project from OCURC funds.

    Esplanade Capital Improvements – Will have an ask in Dec

    FC Cincinnati – Sean explained current vote, only agreeing to be part of the conversation.

    Crossroads Annex Proposed Development – Chris Hildebrant – under contract with Crossroads, closing in January. They are meeting with the city on December 5th.

    Future Retreat – January 18th 6:00-8:30 PM – Crossroads, Fireplace Conference Room


     9:19PM: Motion to adjourn by Chris Mengel, second by Stacy Lehman. Meeting ends.

  • 11/21/2017 9:22 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: November 7, 2017, 7 PM         Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mucha, Dave Schaff, Kenny McNutt, Tim Langmeyer, Chris Mengel (arrived late)

    Trustees Not Present: Jes Overley, Colleen Reynolds, Stacy Lehman



    ·         Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Officer

    o    Homicide on Isabella. Isolated incident where a disagreement led to stabbing. Suspect was apprehended within 10 minutes. Has been indicted on 2 counts of murder.

    o   Theft from autos has increased.

    o   Email for ideas for crosswalk/pedestrian safety issues and for the possibility to install crosswalk signage.

    ·         OCC Election on December 5th:

    o   Absentee voting: Email Jes, Dave or Kenny if you want an absentee ballot.

    ·         Oakley Master Plan: A kickoff public input session will be held on November 14th 6:30-8:30pm, Oakley Rec Center. All are invited whether a resident, business owner or visitor to Oakley. Refreshments will be provided by Sleepy Bee.

    o   Fill out a quick survey by November 30th at

    ·         Gateway Project – Kenny McNutt:

    o   Eastern end of Madison Rd, including the pedestrian bridge.

    o   Built in 1959 with maintenance in 1981. Rated 5/9 for condition.

    o   Has been worked on since 2001. Funding needed for Phase 3.

    o   Total Cost = $1.9MM. Available funding comprised of previous NBDIP, Oakley TIF, Dept of Community and Economic Development and Sale of Land. Gap remains of $90,000.

    o   Go to -> Projects for more information.

    o   City wants to complete bidding by March ’18, with 6 months of construction. Madison traffic flow will likely be impacted, but the extent is not currently known.

    ·         Cincinnati Fire Department Report – Station 31:


    ·         FC Cincinnati Stadium in Oakley – Jeff Berding:

    o   Was on City Council from 2005-2011. Lived in Oakley. Now lives in Mt. Lookout. Helped get funding for Kennedy Connector.

    o   12 cities competing for open MLS franchises. Franchise fee is $150 million.

    o   $300 MM of owner investment: $150 MM for fee; $150 MM for stadium. Still a $100 MM gap for the stadium financing.

    §  Site would be at the old Cast Fab site in Oakley Station. Negotiating an option to buy the Cast Fab site.

    §  FCC is looking for public financing for $100MM.

    o   Traffic studies would have to be done to determine how to handle traffic flow.

    o   Stadium would be anchor of mixed use, retail development. Stadium would be a “magnet” for activity for the 22 – 25 games played each year.

    o   FCC has a memorandum of understanding with Newport.

    o   Most games are on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7-9pm. Crowd can be very loud. There will be additional lighting coming from the stadium.

    o   Stadium could also be used for concerts and other events. Maybe 20-30 days of use in a year.

    o   Discussion about waiting on a vote until after community input from the Master Plan meeting scheduled for Nov. 14th.

    o   Michael Moore – Director of Cincinnati Dept of Transportation & Engineering on traffic solutions:

    §  Zoning would be a planned development, which would require public participation.

    §  FCC will have to do a traffic impact study, which will help determine what needs to be done.

    §  City needs to make an event traffic plan, which they don’t currently have a lot of experience with.

    §  Parking would include a garage or 2.

    §  Edwards Connector would be a likely option. City has looked at different options. Could be a $50MM project.

    §  This development would not require the Edwards Connector to happen.

    o   Motion to write a letter of support to the City of the vision presented tonight subject to the OCC’s continuing review of the development for the FCC stadium. Motion is made by Evan Nolan. Chris Mengel seconded. Approved 8-1. Chris Mucha opposed. Letter will be sent to the Mayor and City Manager.

    ·         PLK Communities – Nick Lingenfelter, New owner of Fifth Third site / 3133 Madison:

    o   Seeking design reapproval for 3133 Madison.

    o   75 units: will include 23 market rate and 52 “soft affordable” units. Soft affordable units will be managed via a deed restriction.

    o   Would ask for public financing for the parking garage. Total garage cost is approx. $4.5 MM. No details yet on the breakdown for this portion,

    o   Working with DOTE and City to try and get a stop light at Taylor & Madison.

    o   No tenants identified yet.

    o   Providing 1 parking space per bedroom. Code says 1 per unit, so this is above code.

    o   Will need a density variance. The current code allows for 48 units. The new code, which has not been implemented yet, would not require a density variance.

    o   Motion to provide a letter of support for the design re-approval, the density variance re-approval, the conditional use re-approval for the rear buffer, and the signage approval for the marquee sign as presented on November 7, 2017 for the development at 3133 Madison Rd. Motion made by Chris Mengel. Seconded by Kenny McNutt. Approved 7-2. Sean Fausto and Chris Mucha opposed.

    ·         Aubrey Backsheider – runs Cinci360, a 3D photography business:

    o   Could provide 3D Tours for Oakley businesses and the community. Businesses could use this service and then it could be promoted by the community council’s website.

    o   Visit for more information.

    ·         Hyde Park School PTO – New playground – Jason Wilcoxon:

    o   $310k project, of which $239k has been raised so far. The project is about $8500 short of starting phase 2.

    o   The school is the top performing elementary school in the state.

    o   The school maintains Oakley as a destination for families, whereas families previously moved out of the neighborhood to attend a public school.

    o   Motion to donate $15,000 to the community play yard project for Oakley's neighborhood school, the Hyde Park School is made by Chris Mucha. Seconded by Jason Wilcoxon. Motion not approved 4-4-1. Sean Fausto, Jon Bernier, Chris Mengel and Tim Langmeyer opposed. Dave Schaff abstained.

    o   Motion to donate $10,000 to the community play yard project for Oakley's neighborhood school, the Hyde Park School, made by Jason Wilcoxon. Approved 7-1-1. Sean Fausto opposed and Dave Schaff abstained.

    ·         Oakley Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (OCURC):

    o   $125k in OCURC account. CURC’s are common in communities to redevelop urban areas.

    o   OCURC was dissolved in 1998. The OCC acted on behalf of OCURC to fund projects in 2008 and 2009.

    o   OCURC money can be used by the OCC for community projects. The OCC will provide more information in the future.

    ·         Jon  Bernier – Geier Esplanade Capital Improvement Project:

    o   Proposing to install a high-quality, multi-purpose pavilion. Expect this to be a revenue generating asset. Would also include safety improvements like concrete bollards.

    o   Pavillion cost is unknown. Parks could contribute some. Jon is going to work with Parks.

    ·         October 3rd and October 19th meeting minutes: Motion to approve the October 3rd and October 19th meeting minutes is made by Chris Mengel. Seconded by Kenny McNutt. Motion is approved 8-0-1.  Tim Langmeyer abstained.

    ·         Treasurer’s Report: Motion to approve the October Treasurer’s report by Chris Mengel. Motion is seconded by Tim Langmeyer and approved 9-0.

    New Business:

    ·         Third Thursday/Planning meeting on November 16th. 8-10 PM. Location Oakley Pub & Grill Basement.

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, December 5th, 7pm.

    ·         Speaker Cards

    o   Stephanie Antle: How was the Master Plan steering committee chosen? Not communicated that wasn’t chosen.

    o   Fred Yaeger: Would like to see OCC committees posted on the website with who’s a member, the purpose and activities.

    o   Cody Gausvik: Trees planted by Urban Foresty along Markbreit were planted at an angle. Would like the OCC to contact Urban Forestry and ask for staking. Chris Mengel will contact them.

    10:05 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting by Tim Langmeyer is seconded by Chris Mengel and approved 9-0. Meeting ends.

  • 11/21/2017 9:21 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council
    Baron, Peck, Bennie, and Schlemmer Co.

    October 19, 2017; 8:00 PM



    Trustees present: Chris Mengel, Jon Bernier, Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxson, Sean Fausto, Jes Overley, Dave Schaff, Colleen Reynolds, Kenny McNutt, Chris Mucha (by phone), Stacy Lehman(late)

    Trustees not present: Tim Langmeyer 

    Attending: Dan Krohn, John Heilman, Fred Yaeger, Craig Rosen


    Trustee Election

    ·         Cody Gausvik and Jason Laine are submitting Bios

    ·         Evan Nolan, Chris Mucha, and Jon Bernier running for another term

    ·         Committee – Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff, and Jes Overley

    Financial Report

    ·         Most of 2017 OAH expenses have been paid

    ·         Potential to move the paypal account to a stripe account

    OAH Recap and future of OAH

    ·         All costs have not been paid yet

    ·         Stage costs were approx. $12,000 for 2017

    ·         Park Board is willing to look at a permanent stage structure in the esplanade.  Dave and Jon are putting together a proposal for a stage.

    Recreation Center

    ·         Meeting with individual stakeholders

    ·         Professional fundraising will be the next step

    Eastern Gateway

    ·         $1.9MM to replace both pedestrian bridges

    ·         Will be putting together proposal for OCC to contribute to the gap of $90,000 and bring DOT and Kathleen Colley to the November meeting.

    Oakley Master Plan Steering Committee

    ·         First Neighborhood meeting November 14th

    ·         Will be using social media to engage neighborhood

    Zoning Committee – Development Updates

    ·         No updates

    NYE/Light Up Oakley

    ·         Stacy is working on logistics and sponsors for kids’ event for NYE

    2018 Priorities - SOP discussion

    ·         Tabled

    10:09 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting by Chris Mengel, seconded by Kenny Mcnutt and approved unanimously.  Meeting ends.

  • 11/21/2017 9:21 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: October 3, 2017, 7 PM Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mucha, Colleen Reynolds, Dave Schaff, Chris Mengel, Kenny McNutt

    Trustees Not Present: Jes Overley, Tim Langmeyer, Stacy Lehman



    ·         Cincinnati Fire Department Report – Station 31:

    ·         Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Officer Butler

    o   September crime stats: 4 auto thefts. Majority of auto thefts and crime happen to cars which have unlocked doors. Most crimes are done.

    o   The criminal who committed armed robbery on Isabella was caught. His name is Kenny McNutt. Was same person who was mugging people in Ault Park.

    Committee Reports:

    ·         CRC – Mandy Bello: Trunk or Treat on Saturday, Oct 21st, 5:30-7:30pm at the Oakley Rec Center. Contact Mandy Bello or Joe Berta at the center if you would like to pass out treats at the event.

    o   Mini-camps are always available. The camp schedule follows the CPS schedule.

    ·         OCC Election on December 5th: See Dave Schaff or Kenny McNutt if you are interested in being a candidate or have questions. Jes Overley will post details on social media.

    ·         Oakley Master Plan: A kickoff public input session will be held on November 14th 6:30-8:30pm, Oakley Rec Center. All are invited whether a resident, business owner or visitor to Oakley.

    o   Fill out a quick survey by November 30th at

    ·         Business: Business happy hour was a success. Focus was a meet and greet.

    ·         NYE: Still planning an event. Details are being worked on.


    ·         Tap & Screw – Tom and Adam Lorenz:

    o   Come visit at our taproom and brewery in Madisonville.

    o   Presented a summary of issues trying to open at 3026 Madison Rd. See details at Brew River also suffered because they were planning to open their catering kitchen at this location.

    ·         Senior Services Levy – Forrest Pettit – General Manager of the Elderly Services Program for Council on Aging

    o   Provide services and durable medical equipment to seniors in need. Served over 5800 seniors in 2016. Since 2008, the current levy is operating $2 million less due to less tax revenue being collected. Will allow them to serve 27% more seniors by 2020.

    o   Go to for more information.

    ·         PLK – Nick Lingenfelter – New owner of Fifth Third site / 3133 Madison:

    o   Developed the condominiums at 2940 Markbreit.

    o   Presented conceptual design for 3133 Madison.

    §  Reduced size of previous design. Reduced to 5 stories.

    §  75 total units. 52 market rate units. 23 units that are priced for service professionals in the community.

    §  Commercial space, 6600 square feet, on first floor.

    §  Parking garage with over 130 available spaces, including public spaces. Would look at TIF to help with that funding.

    ·         Request for Proposals (RFP) for 3540 Ibsen Ave – Kathleen Colley – Development Officer, Department of Community and Economic Development:

    o   3540 Ibsen Avenue: was previously going to be a ProLink parking lot but City is putting it out for competitive bid. Looking for feedback on what the community wants to see on the site. Can also submit feedback to Kathleen Colley at

    o   Expect to have winning proposal by end of November and will inform the community then.

    ·         Hyde Park School PTO – New playground – Elizabeth:

    o   There’s a need for a safe playground for the school kids and the community.

    o   Oakley students make up about half the school students.

    o   Would like the Oakley community to consider a contribution.

    ·         September 21st meeting minutes: Motion to approve the September 21st meeting minutes is made by Chris Mengel. Seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Motion is approved 7-0. Chris Mucha and Evan Nolan abstained.

    ·         Treasurer’s Report: Motion to approve the September Treasurer’s report by Chris Mengel. Motion is seconded by Dave Schaff and approved 9-0.

    New Business:

    ·         East Side Candidates Night on October 20th . 5:45-9:00. Will be at Crossroads in Oakley.

    o   Motion to provide $100 for printing cost for East Side Candidates Night. Motion made by Colleen Reynolds and Evan Nolan seconded. Motion is approved 9-0.

    ·         Third Thursday/Planning meeting on October 19th. 6-8 PM. Location TBD.

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, November 7th, 7pm.

    ·         Speaker Cards

    o   Melanie Bates – CPS School Board: Running for re-election.

    o   Craig Rozen – Renew Issue 24: It won’t raise taxes. 2nd renewal of 2008 levy. Not related to Issue 44 that was passed last year.

    §  Introduced Jill Sundermen, new Principal at Hyde Park School.

    o   2nd Thursday of each month is an Oakley Art Walk.

    8:52 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting by Chris Mengel is seconded by Evan Nolan and approved 9-0. Meeting ends.

  • 11/21/2017 9:20 AM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Pub & Grill Basement

    September 21, 2017; 8:00 PM


    Trustees Present: Jon Bernier, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mengel, Tim Langmeyer, Kenny McNutt, Sean Fausto, Jes Overley, Jason Wilcoxon, and Dave Schaff

    Trustees Not Present – Stacy Lehman, Chris Mucha, Evan Nolan

    Approve minutes from Aug 17th & Sept 5th meeting

    Motion to approve August 17th 2017 minutes  by Chris Mengel and seconded by Tim Langmemeyer. Attendees Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Evan Nolan, and Chris Mucha approved.

    Motion to approve September 5th 2017 minutes by Chris Mengal and seconded by Jason Wilcoxon, approved unanimously.

    December Election – Nominating Committee

    Jes Overley, Kenny McNutt, and Dave Schaff– Nominating committee – Jes to post to website schedule and process – To run for a board position.

    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

    OMP- will be posting the OMP survey online for input. Nov 14 will be the first community meeting.

    New Year’s Eve Event

    Stacy is still the contact for this event.

    East Side Candidates Night

    East Side Candidates Night – 10/20/2017 at Crossroads.  5:30-Issues in the lobby.  6:30 candidates debates 3 sessions of 30 minutes each.

    Hyde Park School Playground Project

    Approximately a $300,000 project. Jason would like to see the OCC to take a lead role in this project.

    Future Retreat

    Working on a date.

    Other Business:

    Jes Overley will be the back up to Stacy Lehman for general emails.

    9:38 Kenny McNutt motions to adjourn and Chris Mengel seconds.  Approved unanimously. 

  • 09/22/2017 1:37 PM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: September 5, 2017, 7 PM       Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Stacy Lehman, Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier

    Trustees Not Present: Evan Nolan, Tim Langmeyer



    City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Lt. Jerome – 31 fire runs. 165 EMS runs.

    Fire prevention week beginning of October.  Theme is “Every second counts, has two ways out.”

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480 –

    Robbery at the UDF.  But, almost all offenses down over the three-month average.



    Cincinnati City Council Member – PG Sittenfeld – His dog is named Oakey. Spoke about seniors, and heroin epidemic. Focused on pedestrian safety – set aside $500,000 for pedestrian safety. 

    Candidate for Hamilton County Judge – Darlene Rogers –  Started at GM, and went back to school to become a teacher. Later went to law school and became a public defender. Concrete heroin solutions – jail is overcrowded. 

    Candidate for City of Cincinnati City Council – Seth Maney -  Has served in OTR Community Council.  Works in real estate.  Running specifically to focus on budget.

    Candidate for City of Cincinnati City Council – Derek Bauman – Lives in OTR.  Started as a police officer. Public Safety is a key focus for Derek. 

    Candidate for City of Cincinnati City Council – Erica Black-Johnson – running as an independent.  Wants to bring the focus of government back on the people, not the political parties.  Core issues: budget, jobs, housing, transportation, crime and safety. 

    Candidate for City of Cincinnati City Council – Henry Frondorf –  - wants to focus on neighborhoods.

    EastSide Candidates night on October 13th (tentative) at Crossroads.

    OCC Election – Conducted at the December 5th meeting.  Nominating committee: Jes Overley, Dave Schaff, and Kenny McNutt. 


    -Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee – Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Chris Mucha, Jason Wilcoxon  - First meeting was 9/5.  The kickoff meeting for the community is 11/14 at 6:30PM.

    -Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier -no updates

    -Oakley After Hours – Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff  - doing a thank you for the OAH sponsors.

    -City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, & Tim Langmeyer – Fortis is under contract to sell the 5/3 property to the developers of the townhomes on Markbriet off the square.  Renovation on Alston, office and shop space, bar zoning was denied.

    Great American Cleanup Recap- Wasson Way and the pedestrian bridge main focus. 27 bags of trash collected.

    NYE Proposal – 7pm-9pm on NYE in the esplanade.  Total budget request $3500.  Motion to approve up to $3500 to fund NYE event. Motion by Colleen Reynolds and seconded by Dave Schaff. Approved unanimously.

    City of Cincinnati Citizen Complaint Authority Kim Neal – CCA Director Discuss police and community relations.

    City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering -Bill Shefcik –  Supervising Structural Engineer- Marburg Ave Bridge Project.  Bridge to open September 16th.  Railing design will have both Oakley and Hyde Park. 

    3977 Marburg Ave LTD – Bill Gruber – Potential Building Project – will be back in October for formal presentation and take questions at that time.

    Cincinnati Water Works – Jon Hunseder -  Will be attending OCC meetings to answer questions from residents. 

    Table approval of August 17th Meeting Minutes.

    Approve August Financial Report: Motion to approve by Jes Overley, seconded by Jason Wilcoxon. Approved unanimously.

    Neighborhood Support Program (NSP)/Neighborhood Business District Support

    Fund (NBDSF) Community vote for both.

    NBDSF – 31 for, 2 against.

    NSP – 31 for, 2 against.

    Speaker Cards:

    Casey Gries - Visionary and Voices is moving into the old Blue Manatee space.  It will be an educational space.  Opening in mid-October. 

    New Business:

    • Third Thursday meeting on September 21st. Oakley Pub and Grill Basement. (may be rescheduled)
    • Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, October 3rd.
    • OCC planning meeting. Date and time TBD. Will publish on website and Facebook page.

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:59PM by Jes Overley and seconded by Colleen Reynolds.  Meeting Ends.

  • 09/22/2017 1:37 PM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council
    Oakley Pub & Grill Basement

    August 17, 2017; 8:00 PM



    Trustees present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Evan Nolan, Chris Mucha, Chris Mengel, Tim Langmeyer, and Kenny McNutt

    Attending: Jim Hurst, Fred Yaeger, Dan Krohn, and Bob Gallo

    Approve minutes from August 1st meeting

              Motion to Approve by Evan Nolan, seconded by Chris Mengel.  Unanimously approved

    Great American Cleanup – Sat 19th 9-12 AM – Meet at Geier Esplanade

    Oakley After Hours – Fri Aug 25th

              Finalize accounting of events

              Send invoices to sponsors that have not paid

    December Election – Nominating Committee

              Continue to discuss at all meetings

    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

              Selected members to be a part of the committee

              Meeting on 9/5 at 5:30 with city to explain process.  Anne Marie Kirby will be

              our contact with the city.

    Potential New Year’s Eve Event

              Chris Mucha to verify Esplanade reservation

              Stacy to speak with Rozzi’s

    Christmas lights to be put up Saturday before Thanksgiving.  Jason to organize group to install them.  He will contact Park Board.

    Sending email messages to all (or a subgroup) of OCC members

              Discussed by Fred Y and Kenny

    East Side Candidates Night – Tentative planning meeting Aug 23rd 5:30

    Future Retreat – Sean to work with Colleen on getting potential dates

    4016 Allston – They can continue with existing project.  Chris Mengel to reach out to city for status.

    Motion to adjourn by Chris Mengel, seconded by Chris Mucha 9:20.

  • 09/22/2017 1:30 PM | Jessica Laine

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: August 1, 2017, 7 PM       Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan, and Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Stacy Lehman, Tim Langmeyer, Kenny McNutt 

    Trustees Not Present: Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier



    City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 not present

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480 -not present



    Cincinnati City Council Member – Chris Seelbach  - on city council for 6 years. Population is growing for the first time in 60 years.  Things we can do much better on: 50% of our families are still below the poverty line.  Public transportation.  Heroin epidemic.  Safe and valued as part of our community.

    Candidate for City of Cincinnati City Council – Michelle Dillingham – lives in Kennedy Heights.  Asking for a vote with someone that has worked in city hall for 4 years.  Served on a community council for over 10 years.

     Candidate for Cincinnati School Board – David Brenner – - wants to bring a parents perspective for the board. Sees need to invest in neighborhood schools.


    Candidate for Cincinnati School Board – Marcia Futel – Lives in East Walnut Hills for over 37 years. Comes from a family of teachers.  Three points: 1. Accountability.  2. Transparent. 3. Engagement.

    OCC Election – Conducted at the December 5th meeting – Must be an OCC member (see for details) to vote.

    Great American Cleanup – August 19th 9-12 AM – Sign ups on Nextdoor, Facebook, and  Meet at Geier Esplanade

    Recap of June Community Input Meeting – Quarterly meetings.  10-12 folks joined.  Ideas for community gardens, community watch programs and community engagement Also maybe a movie night!! 

    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee – a 12 – 18 month commitment to volunteer.  See Chris Mengel or Jes Overley to express interest.  First Steering Committee meeting will be Sept 5th.


    Committee Reports:

    - Membership – Kenny McNutt – membership is on the website. 

    -Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier- no updates.

    -Oakley After Hours – Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff –Next OAH Friday August 25th

    -City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, & Tim Langmeyer – no updates

    -Recreation Center Project – Chris Mucha & Evan Nolan –  CRC celebrated their 90th anniversary.

     Hyde Park School – Jason Wilcoxson – gifted program has been removed from the Hyde Park School.  School is 95% Oakley residents.  There is a new principal search for the Hyde Park School. 


    City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation and Engineering

                Brandon Lacrone – Senior Engineer, Structures. Marburg Ave Bridge Project Update.  On schedule to open by Sept 16th.  


    Al. Neyer – David Okun – Real Estate Development Manager – Potential development at the SW corner of Kennedy Ave and Mill Ridge Rd

    -          Showed renderings of potential development.

    -          Motion to have the OCC support the Prolink project by Chris Mengel, seconded by Colleen Reynolds, approved 8-2 -opposed by Chris Mucha and Tim Langmeyer.

    Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition – Mark Mussman, PhD, Director of Education 25,000 people will experience homelessness in Hamilton County in 2017.  Create a trust fund for an affordable housing trust fund.

    Approve June 15th Meeting Minutes:  Motion to approve by Chris Mengel, seconded Evan approved unanimously. Kenny McNutt, Stacy Lehman, and Chris Mucha abstained.

    Financial Report – Motion to approve by Jes Overley, seconded by Chris Mengel approved unanimously.


    Speaker Cards


    Evelyn Ries – Asked about update on 5/3 development  - Fortis sold to the developers that are developing 2940 Markbreit.


     New Business:

    ·         FCC – do you have any strong feelings on the FCC stadium being built in Oakley either way?  see Evan Nolan after the meeting.

    ·         Third Thursday meeting on August 17th.  Oakley Pub and Grill Basement.

    ·         Next first Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, September 5th.          


     8:36 PM – Motion to adjourn meeting, is seconded by Chris Mengel , and approved Jes Overley unanimously. Meeting ends.


  • 08/03/2017 8:18 AM | Jessica Laine

     Oakley Community Council

    Oakley Pub & Grill Basement

    June 15, 2017; 8:00 PM



    Trustees present: Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley (by phone)

    Attending: Bob Gallo & Dan Krohn

    Approve minutes from May 18th meeting – motion to approve by Chris Mengel, second by Evan Nolan, approved by Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley (by phone).

    Approve minutes from June 6th meeting – motion to approve by Evan Nolan, second by Chris Mengel, approved by Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jes Overley (by phone), Jon Bernier and Tim Langmeyer abstain.

    NBDIP/Gateway Project Update – Awarded NBDIP grant of 215K. Oakley ranked 7th out of 31 neighborhoods.

    Neighborhood Engagement Open House - June 25th 1-3 PM Stacey and Colleen to host. They will post information regarding the meeting on Oakley Now website and Facebook.

    T&T Lighting Invoice/Landscaping 2017 - Evan Nolan makes a motion to authorize the OCC officers to pay T&T Landscaping lighting invoice #6725 in full for $6825 subject to a reasonable attempt to obtain verification of the purchase price of the lights, second by Chris Mengel, approved by Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley (by phone).

    Discuss committees and roles – topic tabled.

    Chris Mengel makes a motion for the OCC to provide a $500 sponsorship for the Ault Park Fireworks event scheduled on July 4th, second by Dave Schaff, approved by Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley (by phone).

    9:27 Motion to adjourn by Chris Mengel, second by Tim Langmeyer. Meeting ends.

  • 06/25/2017 1:00 PM | Anonymous

    Community Input Meeting Notes
    6/25/2017 1-3:00 pm at Red Tree Coffee Shop

    The below notes are brainstorming that occurred during the 6/25 Oakley Community Input Meeting. The OCC Board Members in attendance (Colleen Reynolds and Stacy Lehman) will follow up up on each section discussed, and will give updates/follow up to discussion at next Community Input meeting (goal to have these meetings every 2-3 months). The below topics were brought up by residents in Oakley in attendance to the meeting. These meetings have the goal of providing further discussion after OCC meetings as well as hearing from our neighbors, and giving residents an opportunity to share their stories, concerns, or ideas to improve our neighborhood.

    1. Community Gardens: Residents discussed many benefits to community gardens (increase sense of community and stewardship, get to know others from various life stages/backgrounds, learn about different groups/clubs/activities in the community, increase eyes on the street/more people visible around town). Community member Lisa Staggenborg shared her experience in her previous neighborhood and the overwhelming benefits their community garden had to the neighborhood. Cincinnati Civic Gardens also helpful in starting community gardens. Four things needed for a successful garden: Access to parking, water, sunlight, flat piece of land. Would be a citizen ran program, plots would be paid for by residents. Looking into feasible public property in Oakley that would work for this use.

    2. Citizen Watch Program: Community member Cathryn Isaac would like to lead Citizen Watch program. Ideas include creating a schedule for folks to walk in groups of 3 in the neighborhood certain times of the night (also picking up trash, while they are patrolling) to increase citizen presence on our streets. She has already gauged interests from the community on NextDoor and has organized a meeting to take place 7/27. OCC board is contacting officers Princess Davis/Shawn Tarvin to see about the possibility of an extra training for Oakley for the Citizens On Patrol Program, logistics, safety of volunteers, etc. to share with Cathryn.

    3. Community Engagement: Below are several ideas from the community as well as OCC Board Members to improve community engagement and neighborhood involvement:

        -Periodic updates from Oakley Library at OCC meetings and work on stronger relationship with library overall. Discuss with librarian possibility for historical Oakley section, “Oakley Stories” showcasing historical information about the neighborhood. Partner with Historical Society for neighborhood tours (suggested historical ghost tour in October). Stacy Lehman to meet with librarian to discuss above ideas as well as invite to OCC meeting.

        - Street Ambassador Program. Discussion of how to engage neighbors and parts of our community that are not reached at OCC meetings and/or through social media. How can we be better neighbors, and how to make our neighborhood safer. Plan to initiate a program to connect neighbors and improve engagement/involvement in Oakley. Good feedback from community at meeting, more information and details to be shared at upcoming OCC meeting. Date TBD.

        - Great American Clean Up in late summer/early fall date TBD to address some of the neighborhood’s concerns for areas with higher need for clean up.

        - Movie night on the Square date TBD and details to come. Colleen Reynolds looking into cost/logistics/etc.

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