Meeting Minutes

  • 01/09/2021 9:11 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Google Meet

    November 3, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Google Meet virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Meeting Video

    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Introductions

    • ·         Present: Colleen, Kenny, Joe, Anthony, Seth, Troy, Cody, Jason, Evan, Dan, Sandy, Jon
    • ·         Absent:


    • ·         Cincinnati Fire Department– Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • Keep fryers far away from house; make sure turkey is dry. Most problems occur when people put wet or frozen turkeys in fryers.
    • ·         Cincinnati Police Department– Captain Jones, District 2 Police
    • Violent crime is down. Slight increase theft from autos. 
    • ·         CRC– JaLisa Elkins
    • N/A

    Quick Notes:

    • ·         NBD– Craig Rosen
    • Support funds from the City - $3400 received last year ($2400 for events; $1k beautification)
    • $3,500 received this year. Proposal for $3k for Beautification; $500 for Operations.  
    • 16 – yes’s; 0 – no’s. NBD proposal approved.
    • ·         Esplanade Tree Lighting (Ratify Email Vote) – Cody Gausvik

    Cody Gausvik motions to spend no more than $4,000 for holiday lights on the esplanade for 2020. No objections. Motion passes.

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·         Madison & Kennedy (Morelia Group) – Colleen Reynolds
    • Proposal to rezone 8 residential lots (7 single family homes) to build retail (Swenson’s and similar retail).
    • Swenson’s now willing to match materials to resemble nearby homes. Residents are in support of project.


                NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakley Community Council hereby supports Morelia Group, LLC’s (“Applicant’s”) proposal to change the zoning classification of Hamilton County, Ohio Auditor’s Parcel Nos. 051-0002-0139, 051-0002-0140, 051-0002-0141, 051-0002-0142, 051-0002-0143, 051-0002-0144, 051-0002-0145 and 051-0002-0153 (collectively, the “Parcels”) from Residential, Mixed (“RMX”) to Commercial, General (“CG-A”), provided that the following requirements are imposed as conditions to such zoning change:

    • 1.    All buildings constructed on the Parcels shall feature compatible exterior building materials and colors;
    • 2.    Applicant shall convey to the City of Cincinnati (the “City”) a strip of land approximately sixteen feet (16’) in width along the frontage of the Parcels bordering Madison Road, subject to approval of such conveyance by the City and the Ohio Department of Transportation (“ODOT”); and
    • 3.    Applicant shall install a pedestrian crosswalk across Madison Road connecting to the Parcels, subject to approval of such installation by the City and ODOT.

    The Zoning and Economic Development Committee is hereby authorized and instructed to issue and deliver a letter to the City of Cincinnati that memorializes Oakley Community Council’s support for the aforementioned zoning change subject to the conditions listed above.

    Troy McAndrews motions to approve the resolution as presented; seconded by Dan Krohn.

    Evan Nolan and Colleen Reynolds abstain.

    7 approve.

    Cody Gausvik, Sandy Gross and Anthony Isaacs disapprove.

    Motion passes. 

    • ·         Wrapping Up 2020: News & Projects to Come – Colleen Reynolds
    • ·         Bridge Maintenance, Robertson, FYIs: City has requested OCC to incur some of the costs associated with maintenance.


    • ·         NBDIP– Joe Groh
    • We received approval for the Way Finding signage in Oakley (QR Code)  
    • ·         Oakley Guide Business Membership Requirement
    • $50 fee

    Joe Groh votes to require businesses to pay the fee to be an OCC member or OAH sponsor to be included in the Oakley Guide. Motion passes.

    • ·         Holiday Lighting/Decorating Contest– Joe Groh/Tina Hubert
    • Residents would register online for the community to then vote on their outdoor decorations. Tina provided a very thorough plan and presented to the board.
    • Miscellaneous Announcements:
    • ·         Election Discussion– Colleen Reynolds/Kenny McNutt
    • Candidate bios are due by 11/15.
    • ·         COVID-19 Updates– Colleen Reynolds

    Speaker Cards

    • ·         Approve 10/22/20 Meeting Minutes
    • Motion by Joe Groh to approve the 10/22/20 Meeting Minutes; seconded by Jason Wilcoxon. Unanimous approval; minutes approved.

    Cody Gausvik, Sandy Gross, Seth and Jon abstain.

    • ·         Approve 10/6/20 Meeting Minutes
    • Tabled until next meeting.
    • ·         Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    Tabled until next meeting

    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, November 19th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, December 1st – VIRTUAL

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting by Colleen Reynolds; seconded by Cody Gausvik. Meeting ends at 8:57PM.

  • 10/29/2020 1:11 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council Virtual Meeting: Google Meet

    October 6th, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Google Meet virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance T

    rustee Introductions - Evan, Dan, Sandy, Kenny, Anthony, Joe, Colleen, Troy, Seth, Jon


    • Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain o

    • Cincinnati Police Department – Capt Jones/Officer Christine Berry o nothing alarming in crime stats for Oakley o property crime is cooling off across the city, and in Oakley as well o would like to know about stolen yard signs (see below), would accept any Ring doorbell, surveillance, etc

    • CRC – JaLisa Elkins o offering care for kids after school at Hyde Park School with in person school coming back online

    COVID-19: •

    OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds o Virtual meetings through the rest of the year o Potential change from google’s meetings to other platforms; discussion was fine with either; Colleen suggested moving to zoom next month to see how it works

    Real Estate Development:

    • Robertson Traffic Concerns – Chris Ziegelmeyer / Neyer Properties o Developers here for questions about development on Norwood side of Robertson o Joe recapped traffic calming efforts that have happened as part of the 3 Oaks project ▪ parking on street ▪ curb bumps at each intersection ▪ extra crosswalks ▪ signal lights ▪ 4-way stop near 31/33rd o Audience: concerns that development hasn’t engaged with neighbors concerning traffic; question about having a separate meeting to hear community concerns o Board: tonight’s conversation is to begin the talk; ask project managers to put together a process to discuss project calming measures. Place to collect input from the community online. Reaching out to DOTE to see what ideas they have; o Developer: also going back to their design process to find information to help guide the conversation. o Tunnel conversation: due diligence study is starting; waiting on City to put together and approve the ordinance to study the project. Neyer has been putting together the specs and details of this part of the project for the community to present to the city.

    • Madison & Kennedy Corner – Chris Hildebrant / Morelia Group [POTENTIAL VOTE] o significant conversation since Sept meeting over this project o Morelia group presentation: ▪ review of Oakley station development ▪ the Crossings of Oakley • restaurant, retail, shopping and residential potentially o First plan is 14k square feet of Class A Retail and Restaurants • committed to moving forward with no TIF Funding for option 1; option 2 needs TIF funding - difference is 4 story building • CEO of Swensons: first location in Cincinnati; Akron-based, corporately owned full service drive in restaurant • traffic study was submitted to city on 10/5 • Paige ______ - helping to coordinate neighborhoods surrounding development and their input about the project. o overwhelming concern is that residential properties remain residential o large concerns over the traffic at that intersection o concerns about a “chain” location going in and it’s impact on the neighborhood o desire to have the vote postponed to November • discussion about how the houses under question function there and what’s best for that stretch of road. Owners who are under contract discussed the development • significant discussion about the nature of the site, what Oakley wants from that site • commitment to further conversations and plans


    • City of Cincinnati Community Budget Requests – Joe Groh [VOTE] o projects to vote for are on through Oct 8 o 20 votes so far o Joe would like to take top 3 on Oct 8 and submit them to the city by Oct 23 o questions about MSD’s involvement in one of the suggestions ▪ ongoing issues with MSD and their responses to citizens o other suggestion is for Bike lanes to add to Marburg o Other suggestion is for replacing stairs o long discussion about how to decide which project gets community vote - how are we rank ordering votes and then submitting the application • NSP Options [VOTE] o 20 votes from the community to vote to approve the presentation.

    ▪ vote to approve NSP details from last meeting were 20-0-1 o use last meetings minutes for the details

    • Bike Racks Update – Joe Groh Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • Signage Theft & Neighborhood Response – Colleen Reynolds

    • Invest Night of Neighborhoods – Joe Groh

    • Election Reminder – Colleen Reynolds

    • NEW DATE FOR NEXT MEETING – 10/22 Speaker Cards Approve September 17th Meeting Minutes

    • Jason friendly amended to last meeting minutes to include tonight’s 20-0-1 vote to approve NSP particular

    • Vote was 7-0-3 to approve the 9/17 meetings Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon • motion to approve financial report, seconded by Anthony, 9-0-3 approved New Business: •

    Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, October 22nd – VIRTUAL / NEW DATE

    • Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, November 3rd – VIRTUAL Adjourn Meeting

  • 10/29/2020 1:11 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting
    Virtual Meeting: Google Meet

    September 17th, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Meeting Video

    Trustees Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Kenny McNutt, Dan Krohn, Joe Groh, Seth Shaifer, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Sandy Gross, Troy McAndrews, Anthony Isaacs

    Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier, Cody Gausvik

    Approve 9/1/20 Meeting Minutes

    Joe Groh motions to approve 9/1/20 meeting minutes; seconded by Seth Shaifer. Unanimous approval. Evan Nolan, Sandy Gross, and Dan Krohn abstain.

    Madison & Kennedy Discussion (Morelia Group) – Seth Shaifer, Guests

    Colleen is conflicted out and will not be voting due to the Mr. Hildebrant’s representation by Dinsmore attorneys. Evan is conflicted out and will not be voting due to his client work with owner of other parcels under discussion.

    Proposed development at Madison Rd and Kennedy Ave. Neighbors have expressed concern about traffic. Developers are willing to give right-of-way for a continuous right-hand turn lane from westbound Madison onto northbound Kennedy and have included a right turn only exit onto northbound Kennedy. There are three concept site plans. Plan A includes a Swenson’s restaurant with no drive-through that would require rezoning of 3 single family home parcels on corner from residential to commercial. Plan B is contingent on Plan A and would expand the site eastward along Madison with the exception of the fourth house from the corner, with whom they have no current agreement. Plan B would include an additional building and extra parking that they hope to share with the Oakley Kitchen event space. Plan C requires the fourth house from the corner and would include two additional buildings, instead of one, and a city-subsidized underground parking structure. The buildings would have retail on the first floor and four floors of 45-60 affordable housing apartment units ($850-$950/month) above the retail. Two other restaurants and a wireless carrier are interested in the retail space.

    Interested in resident feedback. Seeking a vote at regular October meeting for rezoning the 3 single family home parcels on corner from residential to commercial, with the possible restriction of no drive-through.

    NBDIP Update – Joe Groh

    Final application submitted for the top two vote-getters: wayfinding signage and goVibrant routes. Joe and Anthony met with Christy from goVibrant to discuss possible routes. NBDIP board will decide within about 6 weeks of the final presentations that are scheduled for next week.

    NSP – Craig Rozen

    Last year, the Neighborhood Support Program awarded neighborhood councils $6058. This year, we requested an early disbursement of NSP funds to cover events early in the year, which was honored. NSP funding was eventually increased, which leaves us with an additional $1,929 to allocate.

    OCC Board will present a suggested request for NSP funds at the October regular meeting to submit in time for the first round of approvals. The NSP funds must be approved by a vote open to all OCC members.

    Community Budget Request – Joe Groh

    OCC may submit requests for up to 3 projects for funding in the 2022-2023 city budget. Suggestions can be submitted and viewed on the website at Joe will add a form for the community to vote on their preferred projects. OCC Board needs to vote at October regular meeting to meet the October 23rd submission deadline.

    Elections Discussion – Colleen Reynolds

    Call for members who are up for re-election to declare whether they are running for another term. New candidates need to ensure that they have met requirements for meeting attendance.

    Review 10/6 Draft Agenda – Colleen Reynolds

    • -          Several board members have conflicts with development topics.
    • -          Resident complaints about theft and defacement of BLM et al. signs.
    • -          Start discussion of traffic impact to Robinson
    • o    Neyer
    • o    Playing Card group don’t have traffic study done
    • -          CBR vote (OCC Board)
    • -          NSP vote (OCC members)
    • -          Reminder about elections and voting method
    • -          Census reminder

    Update on pedestrian gateway bridge project – Colleen Reynolds

    New lighting under the gateway pedestrian bridge and rail crossing.

    Census Reminder – Joe Groh

    Submission deadline of September 30th.

    Possible new development – Seth Shaifer

    Possible new Biggby Coffee near Sherwin-Williams store, drive-through only.

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting by Kenny McNutt; seconded by Dan Krohn. Meeting ends at 8:14PM.

  • 10/29/2020 1:10 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Google Meet

    September 1, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Google Meet virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Meeting Video

    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Introductions

    • ·         Present: Colleen, Kenny, Joe, Anthony, Seth, Troy, Cody, Jon, Jason, Sandy
    • ·         Absent: Evan, Dan


    • ·         Cincinnati Fire Department– Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • Small fire at former Kenner site – investigating as arson.  
    • ·         Cincinnati Police Department– Captain Jones, District 2 Police
    • YTD – Oakley has seen crime slightly increase at Meijer, Target, etc.
    • City-wide, crime is soaring, but not in Oakley.
    • ·         CRC– JaLisa Elkins
    • Pleasant Ridge pool to close after this weekend. Some CRC fitness centers have reopened with reservation.
    • ·         Beyond Self Storage– Tim Hensley


    • ·         OCC Updates– Colleen Reynolds
    • Planning to have virtual meetings for the rest of the year. Need to think about how to host virtual election in December. Jon, Joe, Evan and Cody are up for reelection.

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·         Robertson Traffic Concerns – Colleen Reynolds
    • Addition of Three Oaks and nearby Norwood developments has raised traffic concerns. Plan is to host developers from both projects at the next meeting. Due to reduced traffic, it’s been challenging to conduct traffic studies. Reduced speed limit discussion: Joe has been in contact with city and state legislators RE: reducing city street speed limits. Resident of Markbreit (David) planning to create petition to bring to OCC for approval.


    • ·         NBDIP (Joe): Final application submitted; mid to end of October is when decision will be made. Romana and Flaggs USA crosswalks have been approved.  
    • ·         City of Cincinnati Community Budget Requests (Joe): Please forward your ideas to OCC and/or Joe. Joe may request a call with you to understand request.
    • ·         2020 Census: pop-up stands all over Oakley. Please complete the census!

    Approve 8/4/20 Meeting Minutes

    Motion by Joe to approve the 8/4/20 Meeting Minutes; seconded by Cody. Unanimous approval; minutes approved.

    Sandy and Seth abstain

    Financial Report

    Motion by to approve the Financial Report by Seth; seconded by Joe. Unanimous approval; financials approved.

    Hyde Park Ave barrier removed and replaced with temporary barrier – concern from nearby residents. Seth working with DOTE to address.


    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, September 17th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, October 6th – VIRTUAL

    Speaker Cards

    • ·         None

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting by Cody; seconded by Seth. Meeting ends at 7:59PM.

  • 10/29/2020 1:10 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Google Meet

    August 4, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Google Meet virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Meeting Video

    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Introductions

    • ·         Present: Colleen, Evan, Dan, Kenny, Joe, Anthony, Seth, Troy, Cody, Jon
    • ·         Absent: Jason, Sandy


    • ·         Cincinnati Police Department– Captain Jones, District 2 Police

    Experiencing uptick in violent crime (shootings) across the city. Oakley crime remains low.   

    • ·         CRC – JaLisa Elkins
    • Summer camp still taking place (only 45 kids this year) – two weeks left of camp. Pool is still reservation-based to keep numbers down. Updates for the fall coming soon.
    • ·         Bill Frost – Candidate for City Council 2021


    • ·         OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds

    Real Estate Development:

    Will include 12 row houses.

    Motion by Seth to support the Cardiff Row plan as shown and presented on 8/4/2020 per the City of Cincinnati Planning Department request for a zoning change from ML to RMX. Further, the OCC supports the front yard setback variances as shown on the plan; seconded by Evan Nolan. Unanimous approval; motion passes.  


    • ·         Three Oaks Tunnel (Dan and Joe):Mayor and City Manager believe this project should move forward. $265k of funding will come from Oakley TIF district. Needs to be approved by City Council. OCC will be integral to the process after approval. Grant applications will need to be submitted.
    • ·         NBDIP (Joe):three projects proposed. 1.GoVibrant Walking Paths and Signage; 2. Allston Street Beautification; 3. Tree grates along Madison. Feedback welcomed at the following link:
    • ·         Discussion around 20Th Century Site: Colleen to research.
    • ·         2020 Census: starting next week, folks will be knocking on your door if you haven’t completed. Friday, 8/14 mobile station at Oakley Square from 6-9 and Saturday 11-3PM.

    Approve 7/16/20 Meeting Minutes

    Motion by Joe Groh to approve the 7/16/20 Meeting Minutes; seconded by Anthony Isaacs. Unanimous approval; minutes approved.  

    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, August 20th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, September 1st – VIRTUAL

    Speaker Cards

    • ·         None

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting by Seth; seconded by Evan. Meeting ends at 8:34PM.

  • 10/29/2020 1:10 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Live via Google Hangout

    7/16/20; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Isaacs, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Jon Bernier, Kenny McNutt, Seth Shaifer

    Trustees Not Present: Sandy Gross, Jason Wilcoxon

    Approve 7/7/20 Meeting Minutes

    Anthony Isaacs motions to approve 7/7/20 meeting minutes; seconded by Joe Groh. Unanimous approval. Sandy Gross and Jason Wilcoxon abstain.

    Honoring Jared Ellis

    Jared was very supportive and involved during the entire Oakley Master Plan process. He attended many OCC meetings and provided great support and oversight during various new developments in Oakley. Jared was very proud to work for the City of Cincinnati.

    How do we honor Jared’s memory?

    • ·         Proposal to rename street after Jared near Oakley Station.
    • ·         Proposal to dedicate Oakley Master Plan to Jared.
    • ·         Proposal to dedicate park bench to Jared.

    Further discussion to take place at 8/4/20 meeting.

    Next Steps on Apollo

    Traffic light timing at Madison and Camberwell – OCC working with Brian Williams.

    Limit commercial through traffic with signage?

    OCC to draft letter to DOTE, Planning, Water Works (storm water) expressing concerns about potential driveway from Apollo.

    Residents very pleased with support from OCC during this entire process.


    Historically, plans submitted go through peer review with bus tour. NBDIP has helped with all three phases of our streetscape. We could ask up to 50k for 2020. Application due August 21st.

    • ·         Grates on all tree wells? ADA compliant, wouldn’t have to weed them.
    • ·         Kevin Wright (Yard & Co.)/Anthony Isaacs – turn Allston into public space similar to how other neighborhoods have done. Expand sidewalk? More streetscape?

    Match difference in cost with TIF fund?

    Future Meeting Discussion

    CRC may be closed until the end of the year. Monthly meetings will continue virtually until further notice.  

    Adjourn Meeting

    Motion to adjourn meeting by Seth Shaifer; seconded by Evan Nolan. Meeting ends at 8:20PM.  

  • 07/20/2020 5:20 PM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, July 7, 2020 – 7 PM

    Live via Google Hangout

    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Isaacs, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon (arrived late)

    Trustees Not Present:



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    • ·       Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • Back to normal and busy. New 2019 Cincinnati Engine 31 fire truck.
    • ·       Cincinnati Police Department – Captain Aaron Jones
    • Oakley seeing decrease in crime during May, June and July months.
    • Violent crime spiking in other neighborhoods.
    • ·       CRC – JaLisa Elkins – reservations can be made online for pool access.
    • ·       Beyond Self Storage – Lara Anderson: Store Opening Announcement

    23rd location


    • OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds

    Free COVID-19 Testing Sites:

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·       The Establishment – Troy McAndrews [VOTE]
    • Owners have secured 200 signatures of approval
    • Anonymous complaints about noise late at night.
    • The OCC supports the following Conditional Use requests by the Establishment at 2900 Wasson Road:
    • *Amplified outdoor sound
    • *Outdoor space greater than 50% of the indoor space accessible to public
    • *Outdoor space within 100’ of residences
    • *Hours of operation to exceed 10 pm (Sunday-Thursday) and midnight (Friday-Sat)

    Motion by Seth Shaifer to approve the above Conditional Use requests; seconded by Anthony Isaacs. 7 approve; motion passes.

    Troy McAndrews, Colleen Reynolds, Kenny McNutt and Sandy Gross abstain

    • ·       Apollo Home (Camberwell) – Jamie Gerdsen & Sophia Holley [VOTE]
    • Purchased property in 2018; requesting variances. Apollo added 14 parking spots along with lot behind property for additional parking. Problem with trespassing/loitering on the property. Security concerns led to fence being erected.
    • Apollo willing to add 75 trees. Apollo met with nearby neighbors to discuss concerns. Apollo states there will be no storage placed on empty parcels. 
    • Apollo agrees to contact police when there is loitering on property. Apollo not seeking zone change in connection with consolidation. Apollo will participate in a quarterly call with neighbors. Variance is not being requested for driveway (no prohibition in SF Zoning – DOTE will review when permit is pulled by applicant. 
    • Residents want to ensure there is a 6ft wooden fence to block dumpsters. Resident requested speed bumps on Camberwell. Traffic concerns: future ped safety team + traffic light – OCC item
    • Trucks: Apollo will address too many at one time. 
    • 1.    4545 Camberwell Road
    • a.    Requesting use variance for additional parking
    • b.    A variance is requested relating to the buffer. (size)
    • c.     A variance is requested relating to the fence. (no encroachment and replacement of trees when unhealthy) – fence to be at least 6’
    • 2.    4502 Camberwell Road
    • a.    A variance is requested relating to the buffer
    • b.    Residents approved as presented
    • 3.    4538 Camberwell Road
    • a.    A variance is requested relating to the buffer

    Motion by Evan Nolan to adopt five variances as requested; seconded by Troy McAndrews. 11 approve; motion passes.

    Jason Wilcoxon abstained

    Motion by Evan Nolan to oppose curb cut on Camberwell Road for additional driveway for Apollo; seconded by Cody Gausvik.

    9 approve; motion passes.

    Colleen Reynolds, Dan Krohn and Jason Wilcoxon abstain

    • ·       Anchor Properties (Isabella/Paxton) – Matt Hemberger – [VOTE]
    • The OCC supports the requested variance from a 15-foot buffer yard (per Section 1423-13-A) to 5 feet, conditioned on Anchor Properties complying with the remaining fencing and landscaping requirements.
    • Motion by Cody Gausvik to approve the requested variance for Anchor Properties; seconded by Dan Krohn.
    • 11 approve; motion passes.
    • Evan Nolan abstained.
    • ·       Carvana has cancelled plans for Oakley Station.

    6/2/20 Meeting Minutes update:

    As Seth was authorized by the Board to provide a support letter based on the outcome of further discussions with the next-door homeowner with respect to 2 “open” variances.

    For the rear yard setback that 35’ is required, the OCC

    • supports a 5’ rear yard setback along the RMX property line
    • supports a 10’ rear yard setback along the SF-4 property line, which also has support from the property owner on the adjacent SF-4 parcel.


    For the Type A Buffer Yard requirement, the OCC

    Acknowledges that with the movement of the proposed structure to 10’ from the property line, no reduction is required.

    However, rather than a fence in the buffer yard, the parties have agreed to have the developer provide plantings along the side of the structure, and the OCC supports this change.

    Seth will include these with the prior approved variance requests in a letter to the city.


    • ·       TIF Ordinance from Council on Affordable Housing – Colleen Reynolds
    • City trying to create more affordable housing in neighborhoods.

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • ·       Census Update – Joe Groh
    • You will receive a post card next week if you haven’t completed census.

    Approve June 2nd Meeting Minutes

    Seth Shaifer motions to approve 6/2/20 Meeting Minutes; seconded by Joe Groh.

    11 approve; 6/2/20 Meeting Minutes approved

    Cody Gausvik abstained.

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    Left over money from Oakley postcard will go to artist who created illustration.

    Motion by Dan Krohn for $300 to be provided to illustrator who designed Oakley post card; seconded by Joe Groh.

    Unanimous approval; motion passes.  

    NBD application – need answer by 7/10 on if we’re submitting the same requests as previously. Amendment to be created Thursday.

    New Business:

    ·       Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, July 16th - VIRTUAL

    ·       Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, August 4th – VIRTUAL (TBD)

    Motion to adjourn meeting by Troy McAndrews; seconded by Seth Shaifer. Meeting ends at 10:05.

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 06/06/2020 8:12 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Live via Google Hangout

    5/21/20; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Isaacs, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Jon Bernier, Kenny McNutt

    Trustees Not Present: Jason Wilcoxon,

    Approve May 5th Meeting Minutes

    Joe motions to approve 5/5/20 meeting minutes; seconded by Dan Krohn. Unanimous approval.


    Outdoor Dining Options – Board Discussion / Personal Updates

    Establishment: reopened, great weekend turnout. People were following distancing protocols.  

    OPG: reopened, great weekend turnout. Adjusting based on how weekend went.

    Sleepy Bee: working to create new layout inside.

    OCC Action Regarding Reopening – Board Discussion

    Continue to direct people to OCC social media pages.

    Discussion about creating Oakley Community Fund for people in need to use to utilize at local businesses; takes $5k to start. Discussion about sending letters and placing phone calls to local businesses.

    Since We Last Met:

    Apollo Update – Joe Groh & Colleen Reynolds

    Apollo reports trespassers/vandalism on property, which is why they erected fence. May be attempting to buy additional houses in that area. OCC plans to invite them to June meeting. OCC to contact city to understand where this project stands. Seth to coordinate with Apollo and residents. Suggestion for OCC to issue letter to city expressing OCC’s concern.

    Status of New Crosswalks & Bike Racks – Joe Groh

    Most of DOTE furloughed. City has received bike racks – plan in place for them being distributed, however, contact who manages distribution was furloughed. Not entirely clear on when Flaggs USA crosswalk will be installed.

    Committee & Majors Projects: What’s Next – Colleen Reynolds

    Gateway project – maintenance agreement provided to OCC to sign. Will review and advise board of next steps.

    June Agenda:

    Preview Draft for Feedback – Colleen Reynolds

    Schedule Zoom call for parking discussion.

    Other items:

    • ·         Rec Centers and Pools are reopening – limited capacity; may need reservation for pools. Opening 7 pools.
    • ·         Issue 7 passed.
    • ·         Flooding issues on Camberwell Road – suggestion to contact MSD.
    • ·         Officer Barry: motorcycles and quads on Madison Road. District 2 aware, however, they’re gone by the time police respond there. Non-emergency dispatch will respond if called. They will pull them over but will not chase.

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 05/22/2020 9:01 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, May 5, 2020 – 7 PM

    Live via Google Hangout

    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Issacs, Jason Wilcoxon, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Jon Bernier, Evan Nolan

    Trustees Not Present:



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    • ·       Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • Runs are down across the city. Steel Place fire – not sure of cause yet. (Business was closed)
    • ·       Cincinnati Police Department – Officer Christine Berry
    • Increase from theft to vehicles is on the rise in Oakley. There has been a rise in violent crime city-wide, which is where a lot of resources are being diverted. Oakley has not seen a large increase in violent crime; violent crime in Oakley down 30%.
    • ·       CRC – JaLisa Elkins
    • Rec Center is closed. Seniors can still pick up 7 days’ worth of meals on Wednesdays. 85 meals prepped for tomorrow, which is higher than usual. Snacks being handed out to kids as well. Some childcare is being provided at the Madisonville CRC and other locations for essential workers. No decision has been made RE: summer camp.

    Public Officials:

    • Clerk of Courts – Aftab Pureval

    Everyone in his department has either taken a pay cut or furloughed. Courthouse remains open, as does the Clerk’s office. You can file suit in person at 900 Sycamore Street at the Justice Center.

    Very specific rules for entering courthouse going forward and you can find specific details at

    Most jury trials and civil cases continue to be postponed.

    If going to courthouse – only two family members allowed inside at a time with you; there is a mandatory temperature screen; and everyone entering courthouse must wear a mask.

    Asking for support for reelection campaign.

    • City Councilmember – Greg Landsman
    • 30 deaths in Cincinnati total from COVID-19. $45-50 million in city reserves we may have to tap into. If no federal help is provided, city is looking at an $80 million deficit.
    • Question about Vision Zero budget? Improvements are in capital budget, should be okay.
    • Question about retailers opening? Retailers will be required to follow specific safety protocols, like wearing a mask inside.
    • Question about residential and commercial abatements during this pandemic? Greg has proposed series of commercial abatement revisions. There is also a proposed alternate residential permit process. Greg and P.G. have put forth motion about what the various options could be, but no official vote has been taken.  
    • Virtual summits will be hosted by Landsman in the future.


    • OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds

    Oakley Pup Crawl scheduled for 5/31 currently. Discussion on OCC requesting event organizers to postpone pub crawl.

    Colleen to reach out to organizers to see if they will support postponing event. Colleen will update the board and advise if any further action is needed.

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·       Rookwood Place, LLC – Douglas Hine (Edwards Rd/Camden Phase II) [VOTE]
    • Roadblock at the end of Hyde Park Ave has been removed but will be replaced once construction is complete.
    • Requesting support for Phase 2 (8 units); Phase 1 has 8 units.
    • Resident asked where equipment will be stored for Phase 2? Detailed plan in place.
    • Are there hopes to secure property in between properties? Yes.
    • Neighbors have communicated developers have been very good neighborhood partners during construction.  
    • Seth Shaifer motions to approve the Rookwood Place, LLC concept as presented at the 5/5/20 OCC meeting; seconded by Dan Krohn. Unanimous approval; motion passes.   
    • ·       The Establishment – Troy McAndrews
    • Recently received permit violations.
    • 1. Outdoor TVs – requesting zoning relief to have outdoor TVs. TVs will be on from 7am-10pm weekdays and until 12AM on weekends. Need zoning relief to use as outdoor entertainment.
    • 2. Expanded outdoor patio (15 x 15 ft wide); city requesting additional parking spaces, but due to the location of the business, there is no option for additional parking.
    • 3. Fence across driveway on Wasson – business installed black aluminum fence to prevent rideshare and other drivers from abruptly entering and exiting driveway, due to pedestrian safety concerns. City has requested the fence be removed.
    • Vote tabled. OCC board needs to discuss process for when board member has request for zoning relief. Fellow OCC businessowners to meet and discuss with Troy. Vote will likely be taken in June.   

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • ·       Census Update – Joe Groh – Oakley at 63% response rate; online response are due end of the October.
    • ·       Major Projects / Committee Updates

    OCC Neighborhood Mailer: Sandy Gross had designer create mailer “#oakleystrong”. Lists local resources on mailer.

    Beautification: Tree well spring cleanup underway.

    Rec Center Update: it’s been a year since OCC approved funds for Ignite to start process. CRC is on hold due to COVID-19 pandemic. Monthly meetings are taking place until CRC gets a better understanding of where they are during this pandemic. There’s not much OCC can do at this time. OCC has requested deliverable of what Ignite has completed so far and what their plan is for the future (deliverable to be shared publicly). We are not paying for Ignite’s time through this process; we’re paying for the final deliverable. Even though Ignite has taken longer than anticipated, there is no increased price for the OCC due to the amount of time it’s taking Ignite.

    Approve April 7th Meeting Minutes

    Cody Gausvik motions to approve 4/7/20 minutes; seconded by Seth Shaifer. 11 approve; Jon Bernier abstained.

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    In process of closing OCURC account

    Jason Wilcoxon motions to approve OCC financial report as presented; seconded by Joe Groh. Unanimous approval.

    New Business:

    Tunnel project update coming up in June.

    ·       Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, May 21st - VIRTUAL

    ·       Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, June 2nd – VIRTUAL (TBD)

    Motion to adjourn the meeting by Cody Gausvik ; seconded by Joe Groh. Meeting ends at 9:10PM.

  • 05/06/2020 7:30 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, April 7, 2020 – 7 PM

    Live via Google Hangout

    Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Issacs, Jason Wilcoxon, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer

    Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Call to order - Pledge of Allegiance


    • Sign in sheet; Speaker Cards
    • Trustee Introductions
    • City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400
    • Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    • ·       Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • No fire inspections or fire hydrant servicing until further notice. Fire fighters are staying at firehouse and keeping equipment clean. Different protocols are being taken when responding to emergencies. Please refer to the CDC, NIH and Cincinnati Health Department websites for the latest information. Time change in March – perfect time to change your smoke detector batteries. You can still get a smoke detector from the Fire Department.
    • ·       Cincinnati Police Department – Officer Christine Berry
    • CPD is prioritizing calls; please go online to report issues instead of showing up in person at the police station.  


    • ·       OCC Response – Colleen Reynolds
    • Virtual meetings going forward until further notice. Detailed information on regarding businesses that are still open, resources, links, etc.
    • ·       OCC Summer Series – Jon Bernier
    • Not cancelled, but on hold for the moment. Discussion about if we should still send out mailer to residents. Dan and Colleen to discuss and carry forward.
    • ·       State of the City of Cincinnati – Colleen Reynolds
    • Copious amounts of city employees have been furloughed. Please call Colleen if you have questions on who is still available or who we should contact in the meantime. City working to bring Planning Commission online; everything zoning related has been postponed until 4/17.
    • ·       Additional Support – Board Discussion
    • Discussion about how we can support our local businesses. Promote National Bear Hunt in Oakley?

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·       Apollo Home: Camberwell Road: NOW ON HOLD
    • ·       From Paige (on behalf of neighbors from surrounding streets)
    • o   Since Apollo relocated, they’ve been trying to expand location.
    • o   Without permit, they paved a parking lot to the property line.
    • o   Over 30 residents are opposed to any variance or zone changes, including the addition of a driveway.
    • o   Concerned about new driveway; requesting proper buffer zone so residents don’t have to look at parking lot.
    • ·       Inspector gave citation to Apollo in September 2019.
    • ·       If Apollo doesn’t come back, what action can we take? How can we hold them accountable?

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • ·       Landscaping – Cody Gausvik
    • Requesting $3,000 for tree well maintenance for 2020 ($1,000 of NSP; $1,500 of NBD; and $500 from OCC operating account).
    • Cody Gausvik motions to allocate $1,000 of NSP funds, $1,500 of NBD funds and $500 of OCC operating funds for tree well maintenance for 2020; seconded by Dan Krohn. Unanimous approval; motion passes.
    • ·       Election Day Change – Colleen Reynolds
    • All information can be found online. Ohio is now vote by mail only. You can request absentee ballots at Kroger. If you have already voted by mail, you do not need to vote again. Be sure you ask your older adults in your neighborhood if they have voted and if they need help.
    • ·       Census Update – Joe Groh
    • Census still taking place; participation is Oakley is currently at around 50-54%.

    There is now a new Development in Oakley section on

    Approve March 19th Meeting Minutes

    Seth Shaifer motions to approve 3/19/20 minutes; amendment proposed by Evan Nolan to change “will require” to “may require”. Amendment accepted by Seth Shaifer. Seconded by Evan Nolan. 8 approve; Kenny McNutt, Sandy Gross and John Bernier abstain.

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    $80,000 given to City for pedestrian bridge project. Motion by Jason to approve the financial report as presented; seconded by Joe Groh. Unanimous approval.  

    New Business:

    ·       Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, April 23rd - VIRTUAL

    ·       Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, May 5th - VIRTUAL

    Motion to adjourn the meeting by Cody Gausvik; seconded by Seth Shaifer. Meeting ends at 8:35PM

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