11-19-2020 OCC Approved Meeting Minutes

01/09/2021 9:12 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

Oakley Community Council

Virtual Meeting: Zoom

November 19th, 2020; 7:00 PM




Meeting Minutes

Call to Order – Evan Nolan

Trustees present: Evan Nolan, Kenny McNutt, Troy McAndrews, Joe Groh, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Anthony Isaacs, Dan Krohn, Jon Bernier

Trustees absent: Cody Gausvik, Jason Wilcoxon, Colleen Reynolds

Opening statement:

  • Statement from Evan about our conflicts of interest policy and the difficult situations that can arise when we have relationships with people who have an interest before the Board
  • Emphasized the need for openness about any potential conflicts

Economic Development and Zoning Committee:

  • Sandy requested that the Economic Development and Zoning Committee respond to requests for information related to development projects and asked for clarification on whether we have SOPs for how to proceed in discussions with developers who have reached out to discuss a prospective development. Sandy also pointed out that there may be members of our community who are unaware of development projects that affect them.
  • Seth clarified that the Committee is focused on making it possible to have efficient proceedings during the regular OCC meetings


  • OCC Updates – Evan Nolan
  • o   Joe suggests that we remind businesses about the form to update their status on the OCC website


  • Holiday Lighting/Decoration Contest Update – Joe Groh
  • o   Initial info has been distributed on social media
  • o   Next steps: decide on prizes and adjudication of the contest
  • §  Possibly buy gift cards from local businesses as prizes
  • o   Create the forms for nomination and voting with Tina
  • o   Sandy, Troy, and Jason also on the team
  • o   Bring motion to December OCC regular meeting
  • FY 21/22 Vision Zero Project Request – Joe Groh
  • o   City Vision Zero team reached out for top five requests for budget
  • o   Joe reached out to some Trustees and members who have been involved in pedestrian safety efforts for initial ideas
  • o   Will post a form for community members to provide feedback
  • o   Joe presented background on the overall city Vision Zero effort
  • §  $500k budget in 2019, $750k budget in 2020
  • §  $750k leveraged to $1.3M via grants
  • §  Joe detailed several possible types of requests
  • §  Three Oaks and Wasson Way will bring several improvements outside of this budget request
  • §  Joe previewed the initial suggestions for improvements
  • ·         Joe will get feedback from Mel McVay about the most appropriate requests
  • Committee/Project updates
  • o   Pedestrian/Bike Tunnel update – Dan Krohn
  • §  Ordinance to set up account for due diligence was put through the Budget & Finance Committee without objection on 11/9 and sent on to full council on 11/12 where it passed unanimously
  • §  Request for bids on the project can now be made
  • §  After designs are complete, we can seek funding

Miscellaneous Announcements:

  • Elections Discussion – Kenny McNutt
  • o   Bios, key dates, voting process
  • §  Election on December 1st
  • §  Bios due by November 20th
  • §  Plan to post ballot by Saturday, November 21st
  • §  Four open spots, currently four people have declared they are running
  • §  For questions, please check oakleynow.comor email nominations@oakleynow.com
  • Jared Ellis Drive
  • o   City Planning Committee meeting has been postponed
  • o   Joe and Colleen plan to attend
  • Columbus Avenue development in Hyde Park
  • o   Adjacent to Wasson Way, but currently Columbus is closed off with a fence
  • o   A developer is trying to build two SF homes at the terminus of Columbus Ave
  • Oakley Square flag replacement
  • o   In honor of Kenny McNutt’s contributions to the community, a community member has anonymously asked to replace the flag of the United States of America that flies over the square
  • o   Evan will coordinate the next steps
  • ·         Woman-themed meditation path
  • An organization seeking a public space for a woman-themed path in Oakley has reached out to Brazee Street Studios to discuss a glass block piece for the space

Approve Previous Meeting Minutes

  • Evan Nolan motions to approve the November 3rd OCC regular meeting minutes. Joe Groh seconded. Unanimous approval. 9/0/0

New Business:

·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, December 1st – VIRTUAL – Move to ZOOM

·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, December 17th – VIRTUAL – Move to ZOOM

o   Evan noted that the OCC doesn’t typically hold a Third Thursday Meeting in December. Will update at the December Tuesday OCC meeting.

Adjourn Meeting

  • Seth motions to adjourn. Sandy seconds the motion. Unanimous approval. 9/0/0

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