Meeting Minutes

  • 05/10/2021 12:40 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    April 15th, 2021 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,



    • Present: Colleen, Joe, Dan, Mallory, Kenny, Seth, Jon, Sandy, Paige, Troy
    • Missing: Jason, Evan

    Approve April 6th Meeting Minutes

    • Motion:
    • Seconded:
    • Vote:   Yes   9     No  0    Abstain  1   Absent 2

    Welcome Newest Trustee: Mallory Dodd

    April 6th Follow Ups:

    • Biggby Coffee Variances – Potential Vote Per 4/6 Discussion
    • o   Seth: Motion to support the request for variances for the Biggy Coffee project on Barrow Avenue as follows:
    • §  1. A Conditional Use request to allow a drive through to be located on a corner lot
    • §  2. Approve a Special Exception to allow the building to be constructed at the proposed site location which does not meet the Building Placement requirement of being constructed at the corner.
    • §  3. Approval of a Special Exception to reduce the required ground floor transparency requirements from 80% on the south elevation and 30% on the west and east elevations.
    • o   Seconded: Joe
    • o   Vote:    Yes 8  No  0  Abstain 2  Absent 2
    • ·         Rookwood Place II
    • o   Seth: Motion to support Rookwood Place LLC’s request for variances for the property located at 3908 Edwards Road as follows:
    • §  1407-07 - Front Yard Setbacks
    • ·         12’6 Proposed in lieu of 24’ Required – 11’6 Variance
    • ·         (20’ base, +2’ per 10’ Bldg Ht over 25’)
    • §  1407-07 - Rear Yard Setbacks
    • ·         [#5 & #6]
    • ·         17’ Proposed in lieu of 26’ Required – 9’ Variance
    • ·         (20’ base, +3’ per 10’ Bldg Ht over 25’)
    • §  1407-07 - Rear Yard Setbacks
    • ·         [#1 - #4, #7]
    • ·         2’ Proposed in lieu of 26’ Required – 24’ Variance
    • ·         (20’ base, +3’ per 10’ Bldg Ht over 25’)
    • §  1423-13 - Buffer Yard
    • ·         Special Exception – Proposed 6’ Fence + 3’w Planting
    • ·         (in lieu of 10’ Yard required), along Subdivision East PL.
    • §  1407-07 - Max Gross FAR
    • ·         Proposed increase to 1.92 Max in lieu of 0.6 FAR Max
    • §  1407-07 - Side Yard Setback
    • ·         [N. Prop Line #4 only]
    • ·         7’9 Proposed in lieu of 9’ Required – 1’3 Variance
    • ·         (5’ base, +2’ per 10’ Bldg Ht over 25’, to 10’ max)32 Variance
    • o   Seconded: Joe
    • o   Vote:    Yes 8  No  0  Abstain 2  Absent 2


    • CRC Great American Cleanup
    • o   4/24/2021 10am-2pm Oakley Rec Center
    • Beautification Projects
    • o   Tree Wells – Potential Vote
    • o   Discussion about vendor options, use of pesticides.
    • o   Sandy, Beautification chair, opted to push vote to 4 May, 2021 to allow further discussion with vendors


    • 2021 Events – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Discussion about potential to plan an event(s) for upcoming events
    • o   City issuing permits? Yes, upon review & latest restriction guidelines
    • o   Think about options, will discuss further at May 4th meeting
    • §  Would have to have decision made in May to allow ample time for permits, tents, etc., most likely.
    • ·         Committee Updates – If Needed
    • o   Ferdinand sale – letter sent; water works has concern about lines in area; likely not be allowed to build there.
    • o   Parking Overlay – city looking for community interest in exploring possibility
    • §  Colleen to send letter expressing interest
    • o   Recognition for local accomplishments options

    New Business:

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, May 4th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, May 20th – VIRTUAL

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 04/16/2021 9:57 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    April 6th, 2021 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Introductions

    • Present: Colleen, Evan, Jason, Joe, Dan, Seth, Kenny, Paige, Jon
    • Absent: Sandy, Troy

    Community Partners:

    • Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
      • n/a
    • Cincinnati Police Department – Officer Christine Barry
      • Most incidents down from last month with the exception of theft from autos, whch was up slightly
    • CRC – JaLisa Elkins
      • Summer Camp – already full; same COVID limitations
      • Pool – will be doing swim team & junior life card
        • Has wifi, so will be able to reserve space at pool, check in
        • Same reservation policies as last summer
        • Swim lessons will be on Saturday
      • Outdoor fitness classes, IDAP STEM classes, Abracadoodle art class, neighborhood campout events being planned for the summer
    •  Hyde Park Neighborhood School – Jill Sunderman
      • Principal
      • Thanked OCC for contribution for picnic benches
      • Back in full time in-person
      • Summer Scholar Program June 2 – June 30
    • Oakley Library – Chris Oaks - n/a

    City of Cincinnati:

    • Councilmember Betsy Sundermann
    • Talked about the three issues/charter amendments on the May ballot:
    • Issue 1 – Corruption based, ability to hire special prosecutor
    • Issue 2 – Ability to remove indicted members
    • Issue 3 – Affordable Housing Amendment
    • American Relief Fund
    • FY budget cycle


    • Hamilton County DD Services – Ryan Braun & Diana Mairose
      • Mission & Vision: Promote/support those with developmental disabilities
      • Diana lives in Oakley (21 years) and is program advocate
        • Chose Oakley because of bus, walkability, shopping & library
        • Can help with anyone in the community with disability needs
        • Safety issue – red car parked long time in Mio’s lot
        • Paxton & Isabella – traffic light hard to see
    • Harman Najoli – Candidate for Mayor -  n/a
    • Brian Gary – Candidate for Cincinnati City Council - n/a
    • Jaime Castle – Candidate for Cincinnati City Council
      • Mt Washington resident
      • Works for CPS, education background
      • Family, Children, education focus. People first.

    Real Estate Development:

    • Biggby Coffee Presentation – Anne McBride, Mark Ayer 
      • Want to build drive thru coffee shop on site at Ridge, Alamo, and Mill Ridge
      • Asking for variances, conditional use
      • Vote tabled until 4/16/2021 so that they can have specific variance wording/requirements
      • Concerns about traffic, specifically for south bound Ridge (no left turn allowed to Alamo)
      • Trip generation analysis OK’d by DOTE
      • Consolidated Site review done, wanted more landscaping
    • 3800 Ferdinand Land Sale – Seth Shaifer 
    • Sunset Properties looking to purchase city land at 3800 Ferdinand
      • Is part of the walkway between Celeron & Ferdinand
      • Concerns about buyer not keeping the walkway.
      • Motion by Evan, seconded by Dan.  All approved: Consensus of board is to draft letter of No Objection with condition that buyer will maintain the walkway; Seth, Colleen, Joe will draft letter to city

    OCC Committees:

    • Landscaping Funding – Beautification Committee 
      • Tabled until 4/15 since Chairman not present
    • American Rescue Act Opportunity – Colleen Reynolds 
      • Two projects we’d like to promote – Rec Center ($2m), Tunnel project ($500k - $1m)
      • Colleen & Joe will draft letters to be shared with city council

    Approve March Meeting Minutes, March 18th Meeting Minutes, and Financial Report

    • Motion to approve: Paige
    • Seconded: Jason
    • Yes - 10    No - 0    Abstain - 1

    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, April 15th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, May 5th – VIRTUAL

    Board Vacancy:

    • Candidate Remarks Followed By Board Executive Session – Colleen Reynolds 
    • Each candidate had a couple minutes to introduce themselves.
    • Board then convened Executive Session to discuss candidates and take a vote.
    • Mallory Dodd was selected.

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 04/10/2021 10:11 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    March 18th, 2021 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,



    • Present - Jason, Joe, Colleen, Kenny, Dan, Paige, Sandy, Troy, Jon, Evan
    • ·Absent - Seth

    Approve March 2nd Meeting Minutes

    • Motion: Joe
    • Seconded: Paige
    • Vote: 10 yes, 1 abstain


    • OGGO Opportunity presentation– Michael Palmer, Dustin Grutza
      • Ride Share company, electric vehicles
    • o   OTR/Downtown services pre-covid, provide ride share in entertainment areas
    • o   Offer brand marketing opportunities thru vehicle wraps, app, in vehicle video
    • o   Possible coverage area could include Oakley, Hyde Park, Rookwood
    • o   Costs offset by rider fees and sponsor/corporate contracts
    • o   Discussion about feasibility for our area, need to coordinate with other communities
    • o   Business committee will discuss further, no decision made


    • ·         NBDIP Pre Application Update – Joe Groh
    • o   Pre-application be submitted this week
    • o   Will need to work on the detailed application over next several weeks
    • §  Seasonal banners? Mix of Oakey banners all year, with rotation of seasonal?
    • ·         HPNS Picnic Benches – Jason Wilcoxon
    • o   Would allow more activity outside
    • o   HPNS reached out asking for help
    • o   Discussion about if this something OCC should do – there is precedent
    • o   MOTION: Troy – Motion that we provide up to $1400 to sponsor 6 tables
    • §  Seconded - Jason
    • §  Vote:  Yes -   8   No - 2
    • ·         Beautification – Joe Groh, Sandy Gross
    • o   Need to be thinking about local beautification projects – H&R Block/Nextdoor grants
    • ·         OCC Apps Demonstration (1 of 2) – Joe Groh
    • o   Demonstration of Board Communications app, designed for internal board communications, committee/project tasks, and streamlining process of updates and building agendas.


    • ·         2021 Events – Colleen Reynolds – tabled for now.

    New Business:

    • ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, April 6th – VIRTUAL
    • ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, April 15th – VIRTUAL

    Executive Session:

    • ·         Election Candidate discussion

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 03/27/2021 10:48 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    March 2nd, 2021 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance


    • ·         Colleen, Evan, Jason, Joe, Kenny, Sandy, Seth, Dan, Sandy
    • ·         Absent: Paige, Jon


    • ·         Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • o   n/a
    • ·         Cincinnati Police Department – Officer Brown, Lt Seta
    • o   Lt Seta – responsible for all neighborhood liaison officers
    • o   Officer Brown – slight uptick in breaking & Entering (3); other thefts down from previous 28 days
    • ·         CRC – JaLisa Elkins
    • o   n/a


    • ·         Gavi Bertrup – Candidate for Mayor
    • o   PhD Physics, small business owner, Gabby Giffords policy advisor


    • ·         OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·         Three Oaks Subdivision at Planning Commission – FYI
    • o   On Planning Commission agenda 3/5
    • ·         Mike Copfer – Graphite Oakley/Hills Properties update
    • o   Purchase finalized
    • o   Plan approved
    • o   More brick, site construction & demo
    • o   Start build in July

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • ·         NBDIP Pre Application Update – Joe Groh [VOTE]
    • o   Three suggested projects:
    • §  Tree Well Grates
    • §  Lamp Post Banners
    • §  Allston Streetscape
    • o   Poll taken to determine top choice – Lamp Post Banners top choice
    • ·         Board Vacancy Process – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Anyone interested in running should fill out Applicant form
    • o   Link
    • ·         OCC at Cincinnati City Hall – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Will give our presentation March 15
    • ·         Business District Expansion Update – Joe Groh
    • o   Reviewed the updated Oakley North expansion and Oakley South node
    • o   Map Link

    Speaker Cards

    • ·         Solarize Cincy – Anthony Isaacs
    • o   Solarize Cincy Co-op
    • o   Link

    Approve February 18th Meeting Minutes

    • ·         Motion: Joe
    • ·         Seconded: Seth
    • ·         Vote: Yes 10, absent - 2

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • ·         Motion: Jason
    • ·         Seconded: evan
    • ·         Vote: Yes 10, absent - 2

    New Business:

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, April 6th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, April 15th – VIRTUAL

    Adjourn Meeting

  • 03/04/2021 11:11 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    February 18th, 2021 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,



    • Present - Jason, Joe, Colleen, Kenny, Dan, Paige, Sandy, Troy, Jon, Seth, Evan (joined late)
    • Absent - n/a

    Approve February 2nd Meeting Minutes

    • Motion: Joe
    • Seconded: Paige
    • Vote: 8 yes, 3 abstain


    • Board Vacancy Process – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   4 individuals interested in vacant position
    • o   Discussed options for electing/selecting new person
    • o   Decision:
      • §  Have candidates supply bio
      • §  Talk with officers
      • §  Vote at first Tuesday meeting April
    • City of Cincinnati Communications – Colleen Reynolds & Joe Groh
    • o   Invited to present at City Council Neighborhoods Committee (tentatively 1 March)
    • o   Review & discuss our presentation of who we are, our accomplishments, and wants/needs
    • o   Board asked to provide their top 10 issues/wants/needs/etal via Google Form to be be shared.
    • NBDIP – Joe Groh
    • o   Board and residents can learn about the NBDIP process, submit project ideas, and review/comment on proposed projects here:
    • o   Current projects listed are the two that did not get selected as top priority in the fall:
      • §  Tree Well Grates
      • §  Allston Streetscape Design Study
    • o   Submit any new potential projects prior to the march 2nd meeting, when we will have t select main option(s) so we need to have initial draft application submitted by March 11
    • ·         Potential Business District Expansion – Joe Groh
    • o    CNBDU accepting requests to either expand an existing business district, or add a new business “node”
    • §  Expand – must be contiguous to existing business district
    • §  Node – not contiguous
    • o   Primary benefit – these new areas would be eligible to have projects there that are funded by NBDIP/NDBSF/NSP neighborhood program funding
    • §  This is not intended to mean residential areas within the new areas will be converted to commercial.
    • o   Joe presented map showing potential expansion called “Oakley North” which would extend north/east from end of current district.
    • o   Joe presented map showing potential Node called “Oakley South”, which would include the section along Wasson Way and the Isabella/Paxton intersection
    • o   Board discussed options and decided to modify map as shown in the following link:
    • §
    • o   Board to review the revised map and discuss/vote at March 2nd Tuesday meeting
    • ·         2021 City Elections – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Investigating potential of hosting a City Council Candidate’s Night with Mt. Lookout and potentially Hyde Park, due to high number of candidates
    • o   Board will limit new candidates to submit speaker cards to speak at our meetings
    • o   Incumbents may be provided additional time to address current city council actions/decisions/updates
    • ·         Unfinished Committee Conversation (If Needed) – All
    • o   Business (Troy) – OGGO
    • §  Ride Share operation specific to Oakley
    • §  Potentially service offered Wednesday - Sunday evenings, all day on weekends
    • §  Will invite to present at future meeting
    • o   Zoning – Hyde Park Avenue residents concerned existing barriers will not stop vehicles from cutting through, which is feature they requested. Seth has had conversations with the developer.
    • o   Sandy – style guidelines

    New Business:

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, March 2nd– VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, March 18th – VIRTUAL

    Adjourn Meeting

    • ·         Motion: Seth
    • ·         Seconded: Joe
    • ·         Vote: 11 yes

  • 02/19/2021 7:07 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    February 2nd, 2021 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Introductions

    Present: Colleen, Jason, Joe, Dan, Seth, Kenny, Jon, Troy, Sandy, Paige

    Absent: Evan


    • Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • o   FD vaccinations started
    • o   Winter weather, please help keep snow cleared from around hydrants
    • Cincinnati Police Department – Capt. Pettis/Officer Brown
    • o   Officer Al Brown is covering for Officer Barry, who is on medical leave
    • o   Past 20 days – 17 thefts, 1 B&E
    • o   Capt. Danita Pettis taking over as Dist. 2 Captain; introduced herself
    • CRC – JaLisa Elkins
    • o   CPS returning, offer all day care when students when not in school; after school care when in school
    • o   Wednesdays, offer take-out meals for seniors
    • o   AARP Tax service for seniors – start Feb 21, details coming. Call 513-549-4775
    • Oakley Library – Chris Oaks
    • o   n/a

    City of Cincinnati:

    • Councilmember David Mann/Gerald Checco (Chief of staff)/Kathy Doane (Community Relations & Services)
    • o   City Hall updates
    • §  Mayor’s Reform Panel approved, to review processes to eliminate ethics issues
    • §  Efforts to better define responsibilities/duties of the three components of the city: council, administration, mayor
    • §  Budget year discussions are getting started.
    •  Issue of employees working from outside city – are taxes still collected.
    • ·         COVID impact on revenues


    • OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Continue to meet virtual, events for the year still TBD
    • o   Business owners appreciate longer hours, thankful for support from the community
    • o   Passing of Mr. Aglamesis
    • §  Potential of dedicating bench on the Square in his honor?

    Real Estate Development:

    • Biggby Coffee Presentation – Mark Ayer, Jonathan Evans [VOTE?]
    • o   n/a

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • Board 2021 Committees/Projects – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Discussed the Committees and Major Projects for 2021
    • o   Encouraged residents to get involved.
    • o   Committees:
    • §  Business
    • §  Economic Development & Zoning
    • §  Finance
    • §  Membership
    • §  Beautification
    • §  Major Events
    • §  Education
    • §  Pedestrian/Traffic Safety
    • §  Communications
    • o   Major Projects:
    • §  Three Oaks Tunnel team
    • §  Oakley Housing Inventory
    • §  SOP Completion
    • §  Parking Overlay
    • §  Recreation Center
    • §  Oakley Neighborhood School
    •  Trustee Anthony Isaacs has officially resigned (moved out of Oakley)
    • o   Accepting names of individuals interested in filling the remaining 2 years of his term
    • o   Hope to have position filled NLT end of March
    • 2022 NDBIP Process – Joe Groh
    • o   Time is here to nominate projects for the FY2022 NBDIP Process
    • o   All NBDIP information can be found here:
    • o   Deadlines/Milestones:
    • §  April 2, 2021 – Pre-application due to the city
    • §  May 14, 2021 – Final application due to the city
    • §  May 25/26, 2021 – Neighborhood presentations
    • o   All are encouraged to submit suggestions for potential projects at the link above
    • o   Will be discussing at upcoming Third Thursday and First Tuesday meetings
    • Education – Jason Wilcoxon
    • o   Hyde Park School – need for more outdoor infrastructure, specifically picnic tables
    • o   Possible to have a build party?
    • o   Joe – looking to engage local students in Beautification efforts

    Speaker Cards

    Approve January 5th Meeting Minutes

    • Motion: Joe
    • Seconded: Seth
    • Vote: 9 yes, 1 abstain (Dan), Evan absent

    Approve January 21st Meeting Minutes

    • Motion: Joe
    • Seconded: Seth
    • Vote: 9 Yes, 1 abstain (Jon), Evan absent

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    •  Motion to approve: Jason
    • Seconded: Sandy
    • Vote: 10 yes, Evan absent

    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, February 18th – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, March 2nd– VIRTUAL

    Adjourn Meeting

    • Motion to approve: Paige
    • Seconded: Sandy
    •  Vote: 10 yes, Evan absent

  • 02/04/2021 10:42 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    January 21, 2021; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Attendance: Colleen, Joe, Dan, Anthony, Kenny, Troy, Seth, Sandy, Paige

                Evan called in for part of the call

                Missing: Jason, Jon

    Project Update: 

    ·         Tunnel Project Update – Dan Krohn, Joe Groh

    o   Received 2 proposals, Tunnel Team evaluating, conducted interviews

    o   Professional proposals

    o   Will be public hearing in the future to review design options

    2021 Board Planning Discussion

    ·         Committees, projects, priorities

    ·         Review of 2020 committees and projects

    ·         Discussion of 2021 committees and projects

    o   Committee chairs, members

    §  Same committees as last year

    ·         Business

    ·         Economic Development & Zoning

    ·         Finance

    ·         Membership

    ·         Beautification

    ·         Major Events

    ·         Education

    ·         Pedestrian Safety

    ·         Communications

    o   Major projects chairs, members

    §  Parking Overlay

    §  Recreation Center

    §  Oakley Neighborhood School

    §  Three Oaks Tunnel Team

    §  Added 2 new projects;

    ·         Oakley Housing Inventory

    ·         SOP Completion

    o   Some discussion about using “committee” and need for some type of schedule.

    §  Joe mentioned efforts to streamline internal board processes which will help

    ·         Dissuasion on voting at Thursday meetings, intent of Thursday meetings vs Tuesday meeting.

    o   No need to formally say no votes on Thursday, should be based on circumstances and would require sufficient community notice.

    o   Talked about ways to get letters of support out faster, tied to timing of approval of minutes.

    ·         Colleen will finalize based on discussion and present on February 2nd Tuesday meeting

    ·         How to move forward with COVID19 discussion

    February 2nd Agenda Items/Suggestions

    ·         Biggby Coffee?

    ·         Candidates Speaker card

    ·         Committee/Projects Updates

    Trustee Anthony Issacs announced he has moved out of Oakley and will be resigning.

    New Business:

    ·        Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, February 2nd – VIRTUAL – ZOOM

    ·        Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, February 18th – VIRTUAL – ZOOM

  • 02/04/2021 10:36 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    January 5th, 2021; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Attendance: Colleen, Evan, Jason, Joe, Sandy, Jon, Anthony, Seth, Troy, Kenny, Paige

                                        Absent: Dan

    Community Partners:

    • ·         Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • o   No Update
    • ·         Cincinnati Police Department – Capt Jones/Officer Christine Berry
    • o   Capt Jones being reassigned, Capt Danita Pettis his replacement
    • ·         CRC – JaLisa Elkins
    • o   No Update
    • ·         Oakley Library – Chris Oaks
    • o   No Update
    • ·         Metro/SORTA – Joe Groh (for Taylor Liggins)
    • o   Metro/SORTA hosting series of information meetings to discuss first round of upgraded services
    • o   Rt 11 (Oakley/Hyde Park) meeting Jan 14


    • ·         Holiday Lighting/Decoration Contest – Winners Announced
    • o   Best Traditional – Community Vote 1st Place – A Classic Christmas Wonderland, 3894 Drakewood Drive – Andrew Cole
    • o   Best Traditional – Community Vote 2nd Place - Winter Joy, 4208 34th Ave – Diane Rupp
    • o   Best Theme – Community Vote 1st Place - A Very Merry Star Wars Christmas You Must Have, 3806 Millsbrae Ave – Ryan Moore
    • o   Best Theme – Community Vote 2nd Place – Miracle on 34th Street, 4317 34th Ave – Brandon Autrey
    • o   Griswold Award – Community Vote 1st Place - Clark’s Place, 4222 34th Ave – Bob Reeder
    • o   Griswold Award – Community Vote 2nd Place – Winter Joy, 4208 34th Ave – Diane Rupp
    • o   Best Street – Community Vote 1st Place – 34th
    • o   Best Street – Community Vote 2nd Place – Hyde Park Ave
    • o   Best Outdoor Display – Community Vote 1st Place – King Arthur’s
    • o   Best Window Display – Community Vote 1st Place – Flagg’s USA
    • o   Best Window Display – Community Vote 2nd Place – Trend Boutique
    • o   Best Traditional – Judge’s Vote 1st Place – The Ferry Household, 2716 Arbor Ave – Brian Ferry
    • o   Best Theme – Judge’s Vote 1st Place - A Very Merry Star Wars Christmas You Must Have, 3806 Millsbrae Ave – Ryan Moore
    • o   Griswold Award – Judge’s Vote 1st Place - Clark’s Place, 4222 34th Ave – Bob Reeder
    • o   Best Street – Judge’s Vote 1st Place – 34th
    • o   Best Outdoor Display – Judge’s Vote 1st Place – King Arthur’s
    • o   Best Window Display – Judge’s Vote 1st Place – Trend Boutique
    • ·         Bridge Plaque Committee – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   A project team will be put together to design an additional plaque to mention OCC and community members who contributed to getting the pedestrian bridge complete.

    Real Estate Development:

    • ·         City of Cincinnati: Oakley Housing Inventory – Kira Palmer
    • o   Vista/City Planning project, based on CBI Initiative
    • o   Snapshot of Affordable housing (no more than 30% of pre-tax income)
    • o   Based on Census/ACS data, HUD Area Median Family Income


    • ·         OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds

    Miscellaneous Updates:

    • ·         Office Election Recap – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Officers elected on 12/19
    • o   President – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Vice President – Evan Nolan
    • o   Treasurer – Jason Wilcoxon
    • o   Secretary – Joe Groh
    • ·         St. Cecilia Playground – Joe Groh
    • o   Building an expanded playground, expect to be done this summer
    • o   Will be available to the public during non-school hours
    • o   Accepting donors -

    Speaker Cards:

    • ·         Adam Mysock – Manifest Drawing Center
    • o   Offering a series of free art/film classes
    • o
    • o
    • o
    • ·         Sara Pearce Remembrance – Sandy Gross, Joe Groh
    • o   Wife of OMP Committee Member Mark Pearce
    • o   Active in Oakley and city arts community
    • ·         Heather Schradin – Athletico Physical Therapy new business introduction
    • o   In previous Bones Burgers space

    Approve December 1st Meeting Minutes

    • ·         Motion: Evan           Seconded: Anthony
    • ·         Yes:   11     No:    0    Abstain:

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • ·         Motion: Joe             Seconded: Anthony
    • ·         Yes: 11       No:   0     Abstain:

    New Business:

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, January 21st – VIRTUAL

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, February 2nd – VIRTUAL

    Adjourn Meeting

    • ·         Motion: Paige            Seconded: Joe
    • ·         Yes: 11       No:   0     Abstain:

  • 01/09/2021 9:12 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    December 1st, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website,


    Call to Order

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Trustee Introductions

    • Present: Colleen, Joe, Jason, Kenny, Dan, Jon, Evan, Troy, Sandy, Anthony, Seth
    • Absent: Cody

    Community Partner:

    • Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain
    • N/A
    • Cincinnati Police Department – Capt Jones/Officer Christine Berry
    • o   Reductions across the board, big reduction in theft from auto
    • o   Northside Bank robbed, suspect linked to 4 other local banks
    • o   Citizen app – not most reliable as not all calls reported are valid, or codes not accurate
    • CRC – JaLisa Elkins
    • o   All day & remote learning continue
    • o   Mini-camp for CPS holidays, couple spots available
    • o   Holiday Event: Find the Elf Christmas Contest
    • Oakley Library – Chris Oaks
    • o   Branch Manager –
    • o   In person service available. 2-hour time limit

    OCC Election

    • 4 candidates: Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier, Joe Groh, Paige Scheidler
    • No additional nominations
    • Board officer elections to happen later in the month (3rd Thursday)


    • OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds
    • o   Zoom & Facebook Live good changes
    • o   Virtual meetings continue for foreseeable future

    Real Estate Development:

    • Biggby Coffee – no representative, Seth shared initial drawing
    • o   Looking to put drive-thru on property at Ridge & Alamo
    • o   Will present full request at January meeting
    • Rename Jared Ellis Drive scheduled for 12/18 Planning Commission meeting


    • Vision Zero Project Submission – Joe Groh [VOTE]
    • o   Pedestrian Safety team reviewed process and presented recommendations
    • o   Discussion/Question on the top locations
    • o   Motion: Evan - Motion to delegate the safety team recommendation to make the final decision. Seconded by Sandy
    • o   Vote:  Yes - 11           No - 0 
    • Holiday Lighting/Decoration Contest Update – Joe Groh/Tina Hubert [VOTE]
    • o   Discussion on the prizes and money to spend on gift cards
    • o   Motion by Joe:  To authorize the lights project committee to spend up to $800 for prizes.            Seconded:   Jon
    • o   Vote: Yes - 11       No - 0
    • Tunnel Team Update – Dan Krohn
    • o   Update – Our ordinance approved to spend TIF $
    • o   RFP process – sent to 7 firms
    • o   Tunnel team to review (week of 14 Dec) and present recommendations at January Tuesday meeting

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • NSP/NBD approved
    • 2020 Housekeeping
    • o   No official meeting on 12/17; election of officers
    • o   Need to keep ATT contract on tablets?

    Speaker Cards - none

    Approve Nov 19th Meeting Minutes

    • Motion to approve:     Joe             Seconded:   Sandy
    • Vote: Yes -   9     No - 0    Abstain - 2

    Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon

    • Motion to approve:       Jason           Seconded:    Joe
    • Vote: Yes -   11     No - 0

    OCC Election Results

    •  4 candidates elected: Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier, Joe Groh, Paige Scheidler

    Adjourn Meeting

    • Motion to approve:  Jason                Seconded:    Kenny
    • Vote: Yes -    11    No - 0
  • 01/09/2021 9:12 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Oakley Community Council

    Virtual Meeting: Zoom

    November 19th, 2020; 7:00 PM


    Meeting Minutes

    Call to Order – Evan Nolan

    Trustees present: Evan Nolan, Kenny McNutt, Troy McAndrews, Joe Groh, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Anthony Isaacs, Dan Krohn, Jon Bernier

    Trustees absent: Cody Gausvik, Jason Wilcoxon, Colleen Reynolds

    Opening statement:

    • Statement from Evan about our conflicts of interest policy and the difficult situations that can arise when we have relationships with people who have an interest before the Board
    • Emphasized the need for openness about any potential conflicts

    Economic Development and Zoning Committee:

    • Sandy requested that the Economic Development and Zoning Committee respond to requests for information related to development projects and asked for clarification on whether we have SOPs for how to proceed in discussions with developers who have reached out to discuss a prospective development. Sandy also pointed out that there may be members of our community who are unaware of development projects that affect them.
    • Seth clarified that the Committee is focused on making it possible to have efficient proceedings during the regular OCC meetings


    • OCC Updates – Evan Nolan
    • o   Joe suggests that we remind businesses about the form to update their status on the OCC website


    • Holiday Lighting/Decoration Contest Update – Joe Groh
    • o   Initial info has been distributed on social media
    • o   Next steps: decide on prizes and adjudication of the contest
    • §  Possibly buy gift cards from local businesses as prizes
    • o   Create the forms for nomination and voting with Tina
    • o   Sandy, Troy, and Jason also on the team
    • o   Bring motion to December OCC regular meeting
    • FY 21/22 Vision Zero Project Request – Joe Groh
    • o   City Vision Zero team reached out for top five requests for budget
    • o   Joe reached out to some Trustees and members who have been involved in pedestrian safety efforts for initial ideas
    • o   Will post a form for community members to provide feedback
    • o   Joe presented background on the overall city Vision Zero effort
    • §  $500k budget in 2019, $750k budget in 2020
    • §  $750k leveraged to $1.3M via grants
    • §  Joe detailed several possible types of requests
    • §  Three Oaks and Wasson Way will bring several improvements outside of this budget request
    • §  Joe previewed the initial suggestions for improvements
    • ·         Joe will get feedback from Mel McVay about the most appropriate requests
    • Committee/Project updates
    • o   Pedestrian/Bike Tunnel update – Dan Krohn
    • §  Ordinance to set up account for due diligence was put through the Budget & Finance Committee without objection on 11/9 and sent on to full council on 11/12 where it passed unanimously
    • §  Request for bids on the project can now be made
    • §  After designs are complete, we can seek funding

    Miscellaneous Announcements:

    • Elections Discussion – Kenny McNutt
    • o   Bios, key dates, voting process
    • §  Election on December 1st
    • §  Bios due by November 20th
    • §  Plan to post ballot by Saturday, November 21st
    • §  Four open spots, currently four people have declared they are running
    • §  For questions, please check oakleynow.comor email
    • Jared Ellis Drive
    • o   City Planning Committee meeting has been postponed
    • o   Joe and Colleen plan to attend
    • Columbus Avenue development in Hyde Park
    • o   Adjacent to Wasson Way, but currently Columbus is closed off with a fence
    • o   A developer is trying to build two SF homes at the terminus of Columbus Ave
    • Oakley Square flag replacement
    • o   In honor of Kenny McNutt’s contributions to the community, a community member has anonymously asked to replace the flag of the United States of America that flies over the square
    • o   Evan will coordinate the next steps
    • ·         Woman-themed meditation path
    • An organization seeking a public space for a woman-themed path in Oakley has reached out to Brazee Street Studios to discuss a glass block piece for the space

    Approve Previous Meeting Minutes

    • Evan Nolan motions to approve the November 3rd OCC regular meeting minutes. Joe Groh seconded. Unanimous approval. 9/0/0

    New Business:

    ·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, December 1st – VIRTUAL – Move to ZOOM

    ·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, December 17th – VIRTUAL – Move to ZOOM

    o   Evan noted that the OCC doesn’t typically hold a Third Thursday Meeting in December. Will update at the December Tuesday OCC meeting.

    Adjourn Meeting

    • Seth motions to adjourn. Sandy seconds the motion. Unanimous approval. 9/0/0

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