Oakley Community Council
Oakley Pub & Grill Basement
August 17, 2017; 8:00 PM
Trustees present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Evan Nolan, Chris Mucha, Chris Mengel, Tim Langmeyer, and Kenny McNutt
Attending: Jim Hurst, Fred Yaeger, Dan Krohn, and Bob Gallo
Approve minutes from August 1st meeting
Motion to Approve by Evan Nolan, seconded by Chris Mengel. Unanimously approved
Great American Cleanup – Sat 19th 9-12 AM – Meet at Geier Esplanade
Oakley After Hours – Fri Aug 25th
Finalize accounting of events
Send invoices to sponsors that have not paid
December Election – Nominating Committee
Continue to discuss at all meetings
Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee
Selected members to be a part of the committee
Meeting on 9/5 at 5:30 with city to explain process. Anne Marie Kirby will be
our contact with the city.
Potential New Year’s Eve Event
Chris Mucha to verify Esplanade reservation
Stacy to speak with Rozzi’s
Christmas lights to be put up Saturday before Thanksgiving. Jason to organize group to install them. He will contact Park Board.
Sending email messages to all (or a subgroup) of OCC members
Discussed by Fred Y and Kenny
East Side Candidates Night – Tentative planning meeting Aug 23rd 5:30
Future Retreat – Sean to work with Colleen on getting potential dates
4016 Allston – They can continue with existing project. Chris Mengel to reach out to city for status.
Motion to adjourn by Chris Mengel, seconded by Chris Mucha 9:20.