Board Actions

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  • 03/06/2018 10:00 PM | Anonymous

    Yesterday evening, the Board of the Oakley Community Council (OCC) hosted a town hall with FC Cincinnati regarding the plans for a stadium in our neighborhood.  It was our first public meeting with the team since Jeff Berding presented the initial vision for the stadium at our meeting on November 7, 2017.  Both proponents and opponents of the stadium felt this meeting was overdue.  We thank Jeff Berding and his team, as well as the members of the City Department of Transportation and Engineering, for joining us and hearing out all of the questions and concerns that were presented by our engaged community members.  We also thank the attendees who took the time to join us and share their feelings about the stadium.  We are proud of the passion held by our fellow community members.


    Following that meeting, we ask FC Cincinnati to continue the engagement with our community.  Please do not force us to wait another 4 months.  We recognize that alternative paths are being pursued.  We appreciate the diligence that FC Cincinnati is conducting, and we are grateful that our neighborhood is being considered for such a transformative development.  We need to continue to evaluate whether such transformation is the right direction for Oakley.  And if our neighborhood is chosen as the ultimate destination for this stadium, we will make every effort to ensure that it enhances the neighborhood for the benefit of those who live, work, play and worship in Oakley.


    Following last night’s meeting, we also would like to use this opportunity to share where we, the OCC, stand by providing clarity on our previous actions: 

    On November 7, 2017, Jeff Berding and Michael Moore, Director of the City Department of Transportation and Engineering, presented a vision for a future FC Cincinnati stadium in Oakley.  Some renderings were displayed, but Mr. Berding made clear that those renderings were merely ideas.  At that time, Mr. Berding confirmed that the team was negotiating an option for the site of the former Cast-Fab manufacturing facility between Oakley Station and I-71.  In response to the presentation from Jeff Berding and Michael Moore, the OCC Board voted 8-1 in favor a providing a letter of support to the City for the vision presented at that meeting, subject to the OCC’s continuing review of the development for the FC Cincinnati stadium. 

    Within a few weeks of our vote on the stadium vision, Mayor Cranley proposed a financing plan for infrastructure improvements in the area of the proposed stadium site.  In response to the initial proposal, the OCC Board took action by unanimous written consent to specifically oppose the spending of the entire amount of the Oakley TIF funds for stadium infrastructure improvements, because those funds are explicitly designated for developments in different parts of our neighborhood.  The plan that City Council ultimately passed did not include the Oakley Business District TIF funds, because Mayor Cranley heard our concerns and amended the financing plan before it was voted upon.  To be clear, we have not taken a position on any specific infrastructure improvements.  Generally speaking, infrastructure improvements are welcomed, but we need to understand the results of FC Cincinnati’s traffic study, what improvements are being proposed, and the impact those improvements will have on our neighborhood.    

    Since taking those actions, the OCC’s position has not changed.  FC Cincinnati has not requested any action from the OCC.  Last night’s meeting provided few new details regarding the proposed development.  Additional details and discussion are required before any additional official action is appropriate.  We ask FC Cincinnati to share details as soon as they become available and to continue engagement with the OCC to ensure that open communication and transparency are part of this process moving forward.  Last night’s meeting was a step in the right direction.  The community engagement must continue.  We expect FC Cincinnati and their staff will meet with us on a regular basis, and we expect our community members to continue to ask questions, raise concerns, and most importantly, have our voices heard by all parties. 


    Oakley Community Council Board of Trustees 


  • 02/21/2018 8:07 PM | Anonymous

    At the Oakley Community Council (OCC) regular meeting on Tuesday, February 5th, Laura Caracciolo, John Smith, and Mike Martin represented Smmarthousing LLC/Big V Renovations proposal for a lobby bar located within the building located at 4016 Allston St. The OCC was informed that the this proposal  does not meet the minimum established parking requirements required of Cincinnati’s zoning codes and requested a letter of support for a variance of five parking spaces.

    By a simple majority vote (six in assent, zero in dissent, and 3 in abstention) the motion to support: ” 4016 Allston Street space specifically for the use of a lobby bar and grant 5 parking space variance” was approved by the OCC.

    By this letter*, the OCC Board hereby supports the variance of five parking spaces for the proposed additional development at 4016 Allston St.


    Chris Mengel

    Chair, City Hall Liaison

    *A zoning hearing for this variance has not been scheduled with the city. The OCC is providing a letter of support to the applicant and will send this letter to the Zoning Hearing Examiner upon notification of a hearing date.

  • 01/12/2018 5:29 PM | Anonymous

                                                                                        January 12, 2018

    Kevin Tidd

    Zoning Hearing Examiner

    City of Cincinnati – Zoning Administration


                    Re:         Proposed Starbucks Drive-Through at 4700 Ridge Road


    Mr. Tidd,


    At the Oakley Community Council (OCC) meeting on January 2, 2018, Jerry Royce of Brandicorp presented a proposed development of a Starbucks for the real property located at 4700 Ridge Road (the “Site”).  The proposal included the demolition of a house and the construction of new Starbucks drive-through location.  Mr. Royce requested a letter of no objection from the OCC Board of Trustees for conditional use of a corner lot for a drive-through and three variances: (i) special exception from the setback requirements from each of Ridge Road and Ibsen Avenue, (ii) special exception for front-yard parking, and (iii) special exception from the 3’ buffer requirement between the parking lot and lot lines.  The OCC Board voted, with 8 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstained, to provide a letter of no objection regarding the requested conditional use and variances. 


    By this letter, the OCC Board hereby states no objection to the proposed development of the Starbucks drive-through on the Site, as presented to the OCC on January 2, 2018, including the requested conditional use and variances stated above, subject to consideration of adding “OAKLEY” to the monument sign depicted in the presentation.


    Thank you for your time and consideration. 


    Best regards,


    Evan Nolan

    Vice President

    Oakley Community Council


  • 01/12/2018 4:38 PM | Anonymous

                                                                                        January 12, 2018

    Kevin Tidd

    Zoning Hearing Examiner

    City of Cincinnati – Zoning Administration

                    Re:         Proposed Development at 2960 Madison Road and 2897 Romana Place


    Mr. Tidd,


    At the Oakley Community Council (OCC) meeting on January 2, 2018, Angelo Pusateri presented a proposed development for the real property located at 2960 Madison Road and 2897 Romana Place (the “Site”).  The proposal included the demolition of a current church building and the construction of six new townhomes.  Mr. Pusateri requested a letter of no objection from the OCC Board of Trustees for two variances: (i) a one-foot exception to the setback requirement from Madison Road, and (ii) the construction of two buildings on the property.  The OCC Board voted, with 9 in favor and 2 abstained, to provide a letter of no objection regarding the requested variances. 


    By this letter, the OCC Board hereby states no objection to the proposed development of the townhomes on the Site, as presented to the OCC on January 2, 2018, including the requested variances stated above, subject to (a) confirmation from the Metropolitan Sewer District that the impact of the development will only be on the 54” main sewer line (and not the smaller sewer line that services Romana Place), and (b) a formal presentation of the landscaping plans to you at the Zoning Hearing.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. 


    Best regards,


    Evan Nolan

    Vice President

    Oakley Community Council


  • 01/11/2018 5:41 PM | Anonymous

                                                                                        January 11, 2018

    Katherine Keough-Jurs

    Supervising City Planner

    Department of City Planning

    Robert Martin

    Supervisor – Plans Examination

    Department of Building & Inspections

    Matthew Shad

    Zoning Administrator

    Department of Building & Inspections


                    Re:         UPDATE - Morelia Group Proposal for Crossroads Annex Lot


    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    At the Oakley Community Council (“OCC”) meeting on December 5, 2017, Chris Hildebrandt presented a proposed development for the Crossroads Church Annex site located at 3450 Madison Road (the “Site”).  The proposed development included (i) a day care facility with capacity for up to 250 children and 50 employees and (ii) retail spec building planned with two drive-throughs.  At the December 5th OCC meeting, numerous members of the OCC Board expressed concern that the Site is, or should be, included in Oakley’s Urban Overlay District, and the OCC Board voted to provide a letter of no objection regarding the retail portion of the proposed development, subject to compliance to the Urban Overlay District requirements. 


    At the OCC meeting on January 2, 2018, Mr. Hildebrandt presented revisions to the proposed development for Site.  The day care facility was moved to front Madison Road, the drive-throughs were removed from the two retail spec buildings, and a drive-through coffee shop was added.  However, the retail spec buildings were not moved to front Madison Road, as OCC members had previously requested.  The OCC Board voted, with 9 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstained, to provide a letter of no objection regarding the day care facility only.  Citing the motion approved and letter of no objection from the OCC Board following the December 5th OCC meeting, the OCC Board took no action regarding the revised proposal for the retail spec buildings or the new drive-through coffee shop. 

    By this letter, the OCC Board hereby states no objection to the proposed development of the day care facility on the Crossroads Church Annex lot presented to the OCC on January 2, 2018.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. 


    Best regards,


    Evan Nolan

    Vice President

    Oakley Community Council


  • 12/06/2017 10:30 PM | Anonymous

                                                                                                    December 6, 2017

    Katherine Keough-Jurs

    Supervising City Planner

    Department of City Planning

    Robert Martin

    Supervisor – Plans Examination

    Department of Building & Inspections

    Matthew Shad

    Zoning Administrator

    Department of Building & Inspections


                    Re:         Morelia Group Proposal for Crossroads Annex Lot


    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    At last night’s Oakley Community Council (OCC) meeting, Chris Hildebrandt presented a proposed development for the Crossroads Church Annex site located at 3450 Madison Road.  The proposal included (i) a day care facility with capacity for up to 250 children and 50 employees and (ii) retail spec building planned with two drive-throughs.  We understand that the current plans may be permitted under the current zoning designation for this property.  Nevertheless, numerous members of the OCC Board expressed concern that this property is, or should be, included in Oakley’s Urban Overlay District.

    A motion was made to request from Cincinnati City Council approval of a 90-day Interim Development Control Overlay District to apply Urban Overlay District requirements to the properties on Madison Road beginning with the northeast end of Oakley’s Urban Overlay District and extending northeast along Madison Road to the Kennedy Connector.  The motion received 4 votes in favor, 6 opposed and 1 abstention, so the motion failed.

    A second motion was made to provide the relevant City of Cincinnati departments with a letter of no objection regarding the retail building subject to compliance to the Urban Overlay District requirements.  The motion passed with 7 votes in favor, 2 opposed, and 2 abstentions. 

    By this letter, the OCC Board hereby states no objection to the proposed development of the spec retail building on the Crossroads Church Annex lot, only so long as the development is in compliance with the requirements of an Urban Overlay District, namely, that the building and improvements front the property facing Madison Road and do not contain any drive-throughs.

    No motion was made regarding the proposed child care facility.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. 


    Best regards,

    Evan Nolan

    Vice President

    Oakley Community Council

  • 11/26/2017 11:00 PM | Jessica Laine

    The Board of Trustees of the Oakley Community Council (“OCC Board”) has adopted the following resolution by unanimous written consent (with one board member abstaining) in response to Mayor Cranley's proposed plan for the City of Cincinnati to assist with the financing of the Public Infrastructure Improvements in connection with the development of the stadium for FC Cincinnati on the proposed Oakley site:


    BE IT, RESOLVED, that the OCC Board opposes the use of the entire amount of the cash on hand and future payments in lieu of taxes from (i) City Incentive District No. 20 (established by Ordinance No. 415-2005, passed November 2, 2005, the “Oakley TIF District”), and (ii) the project TIF exemptions created in connection with the Center of Cincinnati development (established by Ordinance Nos. 245-2002, passed June 26, 2002, and 336-2001, passed October 24, 2001, respectively, the “Existing Project TIFs”), which is an aggregate amount, including both the Oakley TIF District and the Existing Project TIFs, equal to approximately $9,750,000.00.


    On November 7, 2017, the OCC Board adopted a resolution to provide a letter of support to the City of Cincinnati in favor of the vision of an FC Cincinnati stadium in Oakley, as presented at such meeting, subject to the continuing review of the development by the Oakley Community Council and the OCC Board.  That vision did not include, and the OCC Board neither discussed nor took action with regards to, any details of the financing for the FC Cincinnati stadium or the Public Infrastructure Improvements.  The vote taken by the OCC Board on November 7, 2017, at the request of FC Cincinnati, was a not green light for the City and FC Cincinnati to move forward, but rather was a yellow light to proceed subject to continuing discussion with the entire community, including the Oakley Community Council and the OCC Board, and the opportunity for significant community involvement and input.

    Mayor Cranley’s proposal requires the diverting of funds intended for economic development within the respective TIF districts, including the main business district along Madison Road, which TIF districts do not include the proposed site for the FCC stadium.  The OCC Board believes that this proposal could be detrimental to the long term development needs of Oakley.  Current development projects within Oakley have requested access to these same TIF funds, including one project co-sponsored by the City and the Oakley Community Council.

    Oakley is proud to be considered for such an important development for our region.  The OCC Board has heard from many people and businesses in our community, and there is passion both for and against the development of the stadium in Oakley.  If Oakley is ultimately determined to be the location for the stadium, the OCC Board wants it to be developed in a way that would enhance what makes our neighborhood a desirable place to live, work, and play, with input from our residents and businesses.


    Sean Fausto


    Oakley Community Council

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