Railroad Underpass Safety & Beautification

  • 06/29/2022 12:09 PM
    Message # 12832893
    Joe Groh (Administrator)

    Project that would address safety/lightning concerns, and clean up/beautify the train underpasses on Madison and on Ridge.

    • Add solar powered lighting underneath the underpasses
    • Add community designed murals under the underpasses
    • Clean-up/repair overgrowth, weeds, and consider ways to keep from coming onto the sidewalk
    • Placement of thin bollards along sidewalks
  • 09/01/2022 10:37 PM
    Reply # 12904225 on 12832893

    Establish cooperation agreements with adjacent owners — e.g,, Duke Energy, railroad, apartment owners, local and state governments (related to right of way), etc. 

  • 06/30/2024 7:54 PM
    Reply # 13376527 on 12832893

    I agree that lights underneath the overpass and options to prevent overgrowth from encroaching on the sidewalk are still needed and would increase safety for pedestrians. 

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