10-6-2020 OCC Approved Meeting Minutes

10/29/2020 1:11 PM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

Oakley Community Council Virtual Meeting: Google Meet

October 6th, 2020; 7:00 PM




Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Google Meet virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website, www.oakleynow.com.


Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance T

rustee Introductions - Evan, Dan, Sandy, Kenny, Anthony, Joe, Colleen, Troy, Seth, Jon


• Cincinnati Fire Department – Jeff McDonough, Engine 31 Captain o

• Cincinnati Police Department – Capt Jones/Officer Christine Berry o nothing alarming in crime stats for Oakley o property crime is cooling off across the city, and in Oakley as well o would like to know about stolen yard signs (see below), would accept any Ring doorbell, surveillance, etc

• CRC – JaLisa Elkins o offering care for kids after school at Hyde Park School with in person school coming back online

COVID-19: •

OCC Updates – Colleen Reynolds o Virtual meetings through the rest of the year o Potential change from google’s meetings to other platforms; discussion was fine with either; Colleen suggested moving to zoom next month to see how it works

Real Estate Development:

• Robertson Traffic Concerns – Chris Ziegelmeyer / Neyer Properties o Developers here for questions about development on Norwood side of Robertson o Joe recapped traffic calming efforts that have happened as part of the 3 Oaks project ▪ parking on street ▪ curb bumps at each intersection ▪ extra crosswalks ▪ signal lights ▪ 4-way stop near 31/33rd o Audience: concerns that development hasn’t engaged with neighbors concerning traffic; question about having a separate meeting to hear community concerns o Board: tonight’s conversation is to begin the talk; ask project managers to put together a process to discuss project calming measures. Place to collect input from the community online. Reaching out to DOTE to see what ideas they have; o Developer: also going back to their design process to find information to help guide the conversation. o Tunnel conversation: due diligence study is starting; waiting on City to put together and approve the ordinance to study the project. Neyer has been putting together the specs and details of this part of the project for the community to present to the city.

• Madison & Kennedy Corner – Chris Hildebrant / Morelia Group [POTENTIAL VOTE] o significant conversation since Sept meeting over this project o Morelia group presentation: ▪ review of Oakley station development ▪ the Crossings of Oakley • restaurant, retail, shopping and residential potentially o First plan is 14k square feet of Class A Retail and Restaurants • committed to moving forward with no TIF Funding for option 1; option 2 needs TIF funding - difference is 4 story building • CEO of Swensons: first location in Cincinnati; Akron-based, corporately owned full service drive in restaurant • traffic study was submitted to city on 10/5 • Paige ______ - helping to coordinate neighborhoods surrounding development and their input about the project. o overwhelming concern is that residential properties remain residential o large concerns over the traffic at that intersection o concerns about a “chain” location going in and it’s impact on the neighborhood o desire to have the vote postponed to November • discussion about how the houses under question function there and what’s best for that stretch of road. Owners who are under contract discussed the development • significant discussion about the nature of the site, what Oakley wants from that site • commitment to further conversations and plans


• City of Cincinnati Community Budget Requests – Joe Groh [VOTE] o projects to vote for are on oakleynow.com through Oct 8 o 20 votes so far o Joe would like to take top 3 on Oct 8 and submit them to the city by Oct 23 o questions about MSD’s involvement in one of the suggestions ▪ ongoing issues with MSD and their responses to citizens o other suggestion is for Bike lanes to add to Marburg o Other suggestion is for replacing stairs o long discussion about how to decide which project gets community vote - how are we rank ordering votes and then submitting the application • NSP Options [VOTE] o 20 votes from the community to vote to approve the presentation.

▪ vote to approve NSP details from last meeting were 20-0-1 o use last meetings minutes for the details

• Bike Racks Update – Joe Groh Miscellaneous Announcements:

• Signage Theft & Neighborhood Response – Colleen Reynolds

• Invest Night of Neighborhoods – Joe Groh

• Election Reminder – Colleen Reynolds

• NEW DATE FOR NEXT MEETING – 10/22 Speaker Cards Approve September 17th Meeting Minutes

• Jason friendly amended to last meeting minutes to include tonight’s 20-0-1 vote to approve NSP particular

• Vote was 7-0-3 to approve the 9/17 meetings Financial Report – Jason Wilcoxon • motion to approve financial report, seconded by Anthony, 9-0-3 approved New Business: •

Next Third Thursday Meeting is on Thursday, October 22nd – VIRTUAL / NEW DATE

• Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, November 3rd – VIRTUAL Adjourn Meeting

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