Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting
Live via Google Hangout
7/16/20; 7PM
Trustees Present: Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Joe Groh, Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Anthony Isaacs, Troy McAndrews, Sandy Gross, Seth Shaifer, Jon Bernier, Kenny McNutt, Seth Shaifer
Trustees Not Present: Sandy Gross, Jason Wilcoxon
Approve 7/7/20 Meeting Minutes
Anthony Isaacs motions to approve 7/7/20 meeting minutes; seconded by Joe Groh. Unanimous approval. Sandy Gross and Jason Wilcoxon abstain.
Honoring Jared Ellis
Jared was very supportive and involved during the entire Oakley Master Plan process. He attended many OCC meetings and provided great support and oversight during various new developments in Oakley. Jared was very proud to work for the City of Cincinnati.
How do we honor Jared’s memory?
- · Proposal to rename street after Jared near Oakley Station.
- · Proposal to dedicate Oakley Master Plan to Jared.
- · Proposal to dedicate park bench to Jared.
Further discussion to take place at 8/4/20 meeting.
Next Steps on Apollo
Traffic light timing at Madison and Camberwell – OCC working with Brian Williams.
Limit commercial through traffic with signage?
OCC to draft letter to DOTE, Planning, Water Works (storm water) expressing concerns about potential driveway from Apollo.
Residents very pleased with support from OCC during this entire process.
Historically, plans submitted go through peer review with bus tour. NBDIP has helped with all three phases of our streetscape. We could ask up to 50k for 2020. Application due August 21st.
- · Grates on all tree wells? ADA compliant, wouldn’t have to weed them.
- · Kevin Wright (Yard & Co.)/Anthony Isaacs – turn Allston into public space similar to how other neighborhoods have done. Expand sidewalk? More streetscape?
Match difference in cost with TIF fund?
Future Meeting Discussion
CRC may be closed until the end of the year. Monthly meetings will continue virtually until further notice.
Adjourn Meeting
Motion to adjourn meeting by Seth Shaifer; seconded by Evan Nolan. Meeting ends at 8:20PM.