Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting
Crossroads Church – Meeting Room D
10/18/18; 7PM
Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Jes Overley, Colleen Reynolds, Kenny McNutt, Jason Wilcoxon, Stacy Lehman, Jon Bernier, Joe Groh
Trustees Not Present: Dave Schaff, Evan Nolan
Craig Rozen
Talks of possible new public school in Oakley. Boundaries are being re-aligned by the end of 2019. Craig suggested that the OCC reach out to CPS regarding how we can support this initiative. Jason Wilcoxon suggested we work with principal at Hyde Park School or Board of Education. Craig will forward additional information on to Jason Wilcoxon.
9/20/18 & 10/2/18 Meeting Minutes
Cody Gausvik motions to approve 9/20 and 10/2 meeting minutes; seconded by Jes Overley. 6 approved. John Bernier & Stacy Lehman abstained from 10/2 minutes; Kenny McNutt abstained from 9/20 and 10/2 minutes.
September Financials
Sean Fausto motions to approve September Financials; seconded by Jason Wilcoxon. Unanimous approval.
Jason Wilcoxon is requesting help with NSP meetings. 530-930PM once a month on the last Tuesday of the month. Craig Rozen said he may be able to help until the end of the year.
Special Events SOP – Stacy Lehman & John Bernier
John Bernier to create sample events calendar for 2019. John Bernier and Jason Wilcoxon will work together to figure out next steps with OCC-owned tablets. Rob Wetterstroem has offered to lead New Year’s Eve event this year – Stacy has already completed a significant amount of work for this event.
Jason Wilcoxon and Kenny McNutt will get bids for holiday lights on the esplanade; Colleen Reynolds will ask Park Board who they use – Cody will follow-up next week to request progress.
Colleen Reynolds motions to approve Special Events SOP, pending final edits discussed tonight. Dan Krohn seconded. Unanimous approval.
Mashed Roots Parking Variance
Need 10 spot parking variance; presented restaurant plan at 10/2 meeting.
Cody Gausvik motions to provide a letter of support to Mashed Roots for a 10-space parking variance; seconded by Joe Groh. 8 approvals; John Bernier and Colleen Reynolds opposed. Motion passes.
Planet Fitness set to open on 11/16
Planet Fitness donated approximately $3500 in sponsorships to the OCC this past year. PF donated $2,500 for a platinum sponsorship for the OSS/NYE, and also around $1,000 (but not exactly) to the Cincinnati Neighborhood Games qualifier. Many OCC Board members plan on attending the ribbon cutting ceremony. Dan Krohn to reach out and request PF to remove their signs on the pedestrian bridge.
Masonic Lodge Development near Madison Park Avenue
Developer unknown at this time and has sent letters to nearby residents asking for their interest in selling their home. Jes Overley and Dan Krohn have been in contact with the City and will keep everyone updated as things progress. Jes Overley to issue statement on behalf of OCC to let everyone in the neighborhood know what’s going on and the information we know at this time.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:00PM by Cody Gausvik; seconded by Stacy Lehman. Meeting Ends at 9:00PM