Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting
Crossroads Church – Meeting Room E
5/17/18; 7PM
Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Stacy Lehman, Evan Nolan, Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Dave Schaff, Jes Overley, Colleen Reynolds
Trustees Not Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mucha, Jon Bernier, Kenny McNutt
Approve 5-1-18 OCC Meeting Minutes:
Motion to approve 5-1-18 OCC Meeting Minutes by Evan Nolan, seconded by Stacey Lehman; 6 approved; Dave Schaff abstained. 5-1-18 OCC Meeting Minutes approved.
Welcomed Dan Krohn to the OCC Board
Jason Wilcoxon is officially the Treasurer of the Oakley Community Council Board of Trustees
NSP Manager Role – Mike Bonomo has confirmed he will take this on.
Oakley Gateway Project (Dave Schaff)
Approval pending final vote by City Council. Vote will likely be taken at a Budget & Finance Committee meeting.
Oakley Summer Series (Stacy Lehman) – final Fridays June 29, July 27, August 31
Jes & Stacy meeting with Allison Schroeder (Promoter) on 5/18 to help with sponsorship.
Permits being requested; volunteers being identified. Reach out to Stacy if you’d like to volunteer/help (set up sponsorship booths and/or tear down)
External Communications SOP
Cody Gausvik presented draft to OCC Trustees; will revise based on discussion.
Review status of SOP, create schedule for the remaining SOP’s
Board Mini-Retreat
Jes to send out possible June dates via Doodle.
Cincinnati Budget Hearings
Craig Rozen proposed OCC Trustees to create a position regarding the Oakley Recreation Center to send unified message during hearings. Craig Rozen to draft language and send to OCC. O
Craig Rozen – Request to post data/analytics on Oakleynow.com – something the community might want to review.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:00PM by Cody Gausvik; seconded by Evan Nolan. Meeting Ends at 9:00PM