Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting
Oakley Pub & Grill Basement
2/15/18; 8PM
Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Cody Gausvik, Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff
Trustees Not Present: Stacy Lehman, Kenny McNutt & Jes Overley
Approve 2-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes:
Motion to approve 2-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes by Colleen Reynolds, seconded by Chris Mengel. 2-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes approved. Evan Nolan, Dave Schaff and Jon Bernier abstained.
SOP Documents:
Special Events SOP (Stacy, Dave, Jon)
Group presented and provided copies to everyone. Group will “clean up” document and send it over before 3/5 so we can vote on it by 3/15. Send any suggested revisions.
Agenda & Meetings SOP (Jes & Sean)
Sean presented and provided copies to everyone. Jes and Sean to meet to discuss specific timelines for posting the agenda and figure out when presenters (i.e. developers) need to notify president they want to speak. Need to be sensitive to developer’s time and don’t want to create hard deadlines that lead to developers circumventing OCC.
Donations SOP (Chris Mucha & Dave)
Separate SOP for (1) person/entity requesting donation from OCC (whereby OCC would provide donation/sponsorship from our funds); and (2) when OCC requests sponsorship/donation from businesses for special events.
Under (1), if donation request is sent to OCC, we would make person/entity complete “donation request form” and following approval from OCC, we would post the donation request form under “Board Actions” to Oakleynow.com
Next SOP’s to be presented
Internal Communications – Cody & Jason
External Communications – Cody & Jason
Zoning & Development – Evan, Chris Mengel, Colleen & Jes
Oakley Master Plan:
OMP Steering Committee – Update on Working Groups
Joe Groh from the audience provided an overview of the “Working Group” session on 2-13-18. 42 people broke out into four separate groups to discuss ideas. Our City Planning Department contact (Ann Marie) will send out notes from that meeting to everyone on OMP Steering Committee to review. Joe Groh took the City’s data from the OMP survey and created graphics to display the results and worked with the OKI department to obtain traffic/accident data in Oakley.
Oakley After Hours:
Dave and John are actively working to set up a meeting with Allison (2017 fundraiser) to negotiate a more favorable contract for OCC. Goal is to have signed contract by the end of February. Discussion around reducing OAH to only 4 Fridays in 2018. There is currently no budget, so we have not been able to secure bands or make other arrangements.
FC Cincinnati:
City is still waiting on Traffic Study to be completed. City is being educated on what a “Community Benefits Agreement” is.
Colleen to draft several statements in response to what could happen with FC Cincinnati in Oakley (i.e. draft requesting more information from FC; draft notifying community what really happened over the Thanksgiving holiday and where we’re at today; draft notifying residents of town hall-style meeting and we intend on pushing for a Community Benefits Agreement with FC.)
5/3 Site Update:
City rejected PLK’s proposal for 20 townhomes on Madison due to the business district zoning currently in place. PLK’s initial apartment building proposal is now being pushed by the City instead.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 10:40PM by Sean Fausto and seconded by Cody Gausvik. Meeting Ends at 10:40PM.