Oakley Community Council Meeting
Date: December 5, 2017, 7 PM Oakley Community Center
Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Stacy Lehman (left at 9:46PM), Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Evan Nolan, Tim Langmeyer
City Hotline-591-6000; Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400Fix it Cincy! Mobile App
Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Cptn. McDonough 2 basement fires. Be careful using space heaters.
Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480 – Theft from packages up this time of year.
OCC Election Candidates – Jon Bernier, Chris Mucha, Evan Nolan, and Cody Gausvik
New Year’s Eve Update – 7-9pm on the esplanade – fireworks at 8PM. Stacey is working on the permits. Sending out a needs list to the board this week. – Would you like to volunteer? Need help with set up, during and tear down.
Zoning/Economic Update: Evan Nolan discussed current process – zoning committee lets them know to attend an OCC meeting and give them feedback on other projects. At meetings, OCC can vote on their vision, but OCC is not required to do so. Many times, developers request to know the Oakley position.
City of Cincinnati – Kathleen Colley – Eastern Gateway Project – both pedestrian bridges.
Kenny McNutt gave an educational presentation with the history of the Eastern Gateway Project. Both bridges to be replaced. Were built in 1959. Last updated in the 80s. Project is $1.9m. oakleynow.com/gateway
Proposed Planet Fitness at the corner of Vandercar and Marburg. Evan gave update – Crunch Fitness deal fell through – Planet Fitness is now interested in this location.
Redknot Homes – Mark Pottebaum – Owner – Proposed development at southwest corner of Paxton and Marburg (1 acre site) - 7 structures (10 units) existing home to 16-18 owner occupied townhomes (price ranges $500-$600). Residents had questions on drainage and traffic. Would require rezoning from SF4. Motion to oppose zoning change at the proposed site by Chris Mucha, seconded by Chris Mengel. 9 yes – 1 opposed – 2 abstained.
Brandicorp – Mike Doty – Proposed Starbucks at the corner of Ridge and Ibsen (4700 and 4707 Ridge Rd) Drive thru concept (also in St Louis) 640 sq ft. Requesting 3 variances:
- 1. Conditional use of drive thru on corner lot
- 2. Special exception for building placement
- 3. Special exception for parking in front yard
Board asking for landscaping and traffic study and to return to the January meeting.
Big V Renovations and Smarthousing – John Smith and Laura Caracciolo – Property on 4016 Allston St (former Carstar) with 17 car parking lot. Asking for community input on building space usages.
- 1. Apartments (4)
- 2. Office Space (current city approval)
- 3. Bar/Office Combo
- 4. Restaurant
- 5. Storage Facility
Morelia Group – Chris Hildebrandt – CEO – Proposed development at the current Crossroads Annex site – child care facility and retail facility proposal. Not asking for any variances. Under contract with Crossroads and have met with the city.
Motion to ask city council to approval a 90 day IDC for the Crossroads Annex Site by Dave Schaff seconded by Chris Mucha amended by Dave Schaff to extend to Kennedy Connector (down Madison) as part of the eastern gateway and Oakley Urban Overlay District -4 approve- 6 opposed – 1 abstained. Motion Fails.
Motion to provide a letter of no objection the retail building subject to compliance to the urban overlay district codes by Evan Nolan and seconded by Jason Wilcoxon 7 approved 2 opposed 2 abstained.
Cincinnati Neighborhood Games – Captain Duties – did not address.
FC Cincinnati Stadium Update – Evan spoke on OCC process on FCC – discussed the history of voted on the concept of Oakley Yard with OCC – which supported looking at traffic studies etc. In July, FCC reached out to Evan and asked him to gauge the feeling of the residents. Evan spoke about it with a handful of residents after the August meeting. Evan asked FCC to come speak to the community. FCC said they did not have anything to talk about in August. From August to November – FCC worked on financing etc, and were not engaging with Oakley. FCC reached out to Evan again on Nov 3rd and met with Evan and a small group of Oakley residents and at that time, talked about the option of Oakley, and to attend the November OCC meeting. Sean posted the agenda with the FCC update. FCC asked for a vote at the November meeting. Evan wants to focus on the facts, and clear up misinformation floating around on social media. He wants to make sure the community knows that this was not a rubber stamp approval. After the vote OCC found out the TIF funds were being targeted to be used for funding. OCC voted unanimously to opposed the Oakley TIF funds. 6 OCC trustees attended the special financing meeting to oppose. Mayor Cranley updated his memorandum to remove the Oakley central business district TIF funds.
Speaker cards
Ron Miller – 6 action items, is sending a copy of his address to the board.
Approve November 16th Meeting Minutes: Did not address
Approve November Financial Report: Did not address.
New Business:
· Daddy Daughter Dance – February 18th – 2 Sessions 4:30-6:00 and 7:00-8:30 @ 20th Century Theater
· Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, January 2nd.
· No Third Thursday meeting in December
· Future Retreat, January 18th 6:00-8:30 pm, Crossroads fireplace conference room
· Election Results: Jon Bernier, Chris Mucha, Evan Nolan, and Cody Gausvik
· Officer Election – Immediately following tonight’s meeting – Oakley Wines 4011 Allston St. – Motion made after meeting adjournment by Evan Nolan to extend current officers through the January meeting and officer election to be held after January 2nd meeting. Seconded by Chris Mengel. Unanimously passed.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 11:06PMPM by Tim Langmeyer and seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Meeting Ends.