Oakley Community Council
Oakley Pub & Grill Basement
November 16, 2017; 8:00 PM
Trustees present: Sean Fausto, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Tim Langmeyer, Jes Overley, Stacy Lehman
Trustees not present: Evan Nolan, Kenny McNutt, Jason, Chris Mucha, Colleen Reynolds
Attending: Bob Gallo, Dan Krohn, Fred Yager, James Hearst, Joe Groh, Karim Nonjaim, Jim, Tenhundfeld, Jason Laine, Chris Hildebrant, Randy Merrill
Approve minutes from Nov 7th Meeting – motion to approve by Dave Schaff, second by Chris Mengel , approved by Sean Fausto, Chris Mengel, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier. Jes Overley and Stacy Lehman abstained.
December Election – Nominating Committee – 5 bios are on oakleynow.com and emails and social media has been pushed out.
Membership Drive 2018 – Dan Krohn- would like to assist in increase membership, Mail and social media campaign. Would also like to start a quarterly newsletter that would be sent out via email. Joe Groh is also offering to help. This will be a retreat topic in January.
Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee – Summary of Nov 14th meeting, over 175 residents attended.
New Year’s Eve Event – Stacy is still working on a firework location and waiting to hear back on sponsorships. Would like to look into adding a volunteer website page on oakleynow.com.
Gateway Project – the city will be at the December meeting to discuss gateway project, have been working on it for 3 years, part of a 12 year project. Will be asking for a $90,000 for phase 3 of the eastern gateway project from OCURC funds.
Esplanade Capital Improvements – Will have an ask in Dec
FC Cincinnati – Sean explained current vote, only agreeing to be part of the conversation.
Crossroads Annex Proposed Development – Chris Hildebrant – under contract with Crossroads, closing in January. They are meeting with the city on December 5th.
Future Retreat – January 18th 6:00-8:30 PM – Crossroads, Fireplace Conference Room
9:19PM: Motion to adjourn by Chris Mengel, second by Stacy Lehman. Meeting ends.