Oakley Community Council
Oakley Pub & Grill Basement
September 21, 2017; 8:00 PM
Trustees Present: Jon Bernier, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mengel, Tim Langmeyer, Kenny McNutt, Sean Fausto, Jes Overley, Jason Wilcoxon, and Dave Schaff
Trustees Not Present – Stacy Lehman, Chris Mucha, Evan Nolan
Approve minutes from Aug 17th & Sept 5th meeting
Motion to approve August 17th 2017 minutes by Chris Mengel and seconded by Tim Langmemeyer. Attendees Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Evan Nolan, and Chris Mucha approved.
Motion to approve September 5th 2017 minutes by Chris Mengal and seconded by Jason Wilcoxon, approved unanimously.
December Election – Nominating Committee
Jes Overley, Kenny McNutt, and Dave Schaff– Nominating committee – Jes to post to website schedule and process – To run for a board position.
Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee
OMP- will be posting the OMP survey online for input. Nov 14 will be the first community meeting.
New Year’s Eve Event
Stacy is still the contact for this event.
East Side Candidates Night
East Side Candidates Night – 10/20/2017 at Crossroads. 5:30-Issues in the lobby. 6:30 candidates debates 3 sessions of 30 minutes each.
Hyde Park School Playground Project
Approximately a $300,000 project. Jason would like to see the OCC to take a lead role in this project.
Future Retreat
Working on a date.
Other Business:
Jes Overley will be the back up to Stacy Lehman for general oakleynow.com emails.
9:38 Kenny McNutt motions to adjourn and Chris Mengel seconds. Approved unanimously.