Oakley Community Council
Virtual Meeting: Zoom
March 1st, 2022 7PM
Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website, www.oakleynow.com.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Trustee Introductions
Present: Jason, Joe, Colleen, Evan, Paige, Mallory, Kenny, Troy, Jon, Seth (Sandy not present)
Community Partners:
- · Cincinnati Fire Department – Capt. Joe Desmond
- o run volume is consistent from last year - 181 for the month of Feb
- o interrupted by a fire run; presentation attached at the end of these minutes
- o
- · Cincinnati Police Depart – Officer Barry
- o 400% increase in robberies over last month; targeting folks leaving cars open while making multiple trips. all in a consistent area (back of parking lots at big box stores)
- o violent crime down
- o increased crime involving mail drop boxes at post office and check fraud.
- o significant reports of Oakley pot holes improves odds of them being repaired
- · CRC – Blake Williams
- o goal is to move CRC meeting back to Rec Center in April
- o Summer day camp is already filled
- o Youth to work teen program is up and running
- o Minicamp on 3/7, and then for spring break.
- o work is ongoing about new build at Rec Center; vote is scheduled for Weds 3/2
- o community clean up day is going to be Saturday 4/16
- o Rec Center will be following city’s cue for mask mandates
- · Hyde Park Neighborhood School – Jill Sunderman
- o BoE hired a new superintendent on 2/27 - probably begins in May
- o Summer scholars for any student in 1-6 grade - 190 kids so far signed up.
- o Expansion begins for HPS this summer hopefully - double cafeteria, new classrooms, new gym, new STEAM room, etc etc. Significant school improvement
- ▪ essentially 100 new spots for the school
- o Upcoming presentation of the expansion at future OCC meeting.
- · Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) – Alona Ballard
- o Org dedicated to advocating for people for fair housing processes, to answer questions about housing, etc
- o offers to come speak/work with community groups on housing topics
- · Dewey’s Pizza Run to Raise Dough – Stephanie McCall
- o community charity running event in Oakley to raise money for Cincy Children’s Hospital
- o looking for community partners
- o targeting a Sunday morning
- · Gavi Begtrup – State Rep Candidate
- o running for State Rep; districts are still up in the air
Real Estate Development:
- · 3033 Jared Ellis Drive – McBride Dale Associates (Anne McBride)
- o Lot 5 of CastFab subdivision
- o Currently vacant, most intense zoning the city has. Development would require a zone-map amendment - looking at 94 town-homeiminiums (owners own the property)
- o anticipated price of units is around $500,000
- o work to integrate with master plan and to look at traffic considerations
- o questions about size and affordability, and costs of building, etc
- Oakley Rec Center Updates
- City council voted to allocate the final 2 million for our Rec Center renovation. This helps CRC begin to engage with us about actual plans, which helps us begin to leverage partners financially to increase the cost of the project. Project is complicated, but movement is now forward. Goal is to still interact with fundraising organization.
OCC Committees/Projects:
- · NBDIP Project Selection [VOTE]
- o (Joe Groh) - form for voting on the projects in the chat of the meeting. 3 submissions for project
- ▪ seasonal banners to lamp posts
- ▪ grates on tree wells
- ▪ clean up Allston st and make it more pedestrian friendly
- o basic application must be submitted by 4 pm on Friday 3/4. Encouraging people to vote for tonight.
- · Discussion about returning to in person meetings for April
- o no masks required per city/rec center rules
- o work on a virtual option to see if it can be done, check on child care.
- · concerns about immune-compromised folks and their abilities to attend.
- · some potential for broadcasting on FB live to be a middle ground
Approve Meeting Minutes – Jason Wilcoxon
- · 02/01
- · 02/17
- · Motioned by Jason Wilcoxon, seconded by Evan
- o rollcall vote 9-0
- o (kenny abstained)
Financial Report – Joe Groh
• see attached
• 22k in deposits last month
• report tabled until 3rd Thursday meeting
Evan’s last meeting and conversation
New Business:
· Next Third Thursday Meeting is on March 24th
· Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on April 5th
Adjourn Meeting
CFD Presentation:
• (Run totals ENGINE 31- 181 March YTD 405 TRUCK 31- 127 YTD 193)
• Discuss trend info Fairly consistent with 2021
• March 2022 …. Main Topics: