02-01-2022 Meeting Minutes

05/03/2022 7:29 AM | Joe Groh (Administrator)

Oakley Community Council

Virtual Meeting: Zoom

February 1st, 2022 7:00 PM




Until otherwise noted, all Oakley Community Council Meetings will be conducted online, via the Zoom virtual conference tool. You can find full virtual/online meeting details on the homepage of our website, www.oakleynow.com.


Present: Colleen, Mallory, Joe, Jason, Troy, Kenny, Seth, Jon, Sandy, Evan

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Introductions

Community Partners:

  • ·         Cincinnati Police Depart – Officer Barry
  • o      2nd month in a row with high rate of stolen cars
  • o      concern about weather; encouraged to stay home
  • o      CPD website/social media as a good resource for weather related info.


  • ·         Judge Rickell Howard Smith
  • o      candidate for Juvenile Court Judge
  • o      Rickellforjudge.com

OCC 2022 Update – Colleen Reynolds

         Andrew Bernier has stepped off our council which means we have a vacancy for a 3 year term, considering open nominations and people interested can email Colleen directly

         goal of going back to in person meetings full time in April; potentially 3rd Thursday meeting in March would be in person for the board.

         Third Thursday agenda will be configuring agendas for 2022

         Third Thursday in March will adjust to accommodate for St. Patrick’s Day and light attendance

         Questions about events and planning for the year to be discussed at Third Thursday meeting. 

OCC Committees/Projects:

  • ·         NBDIP – Joe Groh
  • o      Process kicks off now; significant funding source for OCC over the years. 
  • o      Joe is soliciting ideas for us to submit; decisions will have to be made at our Mar 1 meeting.
  • o      Anyone is allowed to vote or submit ideas
  • o      after pre-app, a more robust process kicks in
  • o      https://oakleynow.com/NBDIP-Process for more details
  • ·         Wayfinding Signage – Joe Groh
  • o      signage preferences were passed on to the city. signage was discussed at Jan 20 meeting;
  • o      Business committee is working to ensure information and reliability of signage
  • o      DOTE is working on project with us/currently
  • o      expectation of finalization for information in the summer
  • o      https://oakleynow.com/Wayfinding-Signage
  • ·         3 projects submitted for CBR (Community Budget Request)
  • o      Stairs connecting Oakley playground to Kilbourne was approved - project is going out to bid.

Approve Meeting Minutes (TBD)       

  • ·         January 20th
  • o      motion to approve minutes as sent by email, by Joe.  seconded by mallory
  •        4 abstain, 6 yes

Financial Report Joe Groh

                no big financials news; should be some checks waiting at our mailbox

         Motion: approve financial report as submitted by Jason.  Seconded by Seth. 

         unanimous approval

New Business:

·         Next Third Thursday Meeting is on February 17th via Zoom

·         Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on March 1st – TBD

Adjourn Meeting

            motion to adjourn unanimously approved

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"Oakley Community Council" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Cincinnati, OH 45209 -- Bylaws
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