Who is Oakley Community Council?

The Oakley Community Council is a non-profit entity for the purpose of preserving and improving the neighborhood of Oakley for its residents, businesses, institutions, and other community organizations.

OCC Board Special Election

Election: Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, 7PM, Eastside Recreation Center

Unfortunately, board member Jon Bernier had to resign and we are now conducting a special election to fill his vacated seat. Anyone wishing to be considered for this position should complete our OCC Application Form.

Per section 4.02 of the OCC Bylaws, to be eligible you:

  • Must be an Oakley Resident, Oakley Business Owner, or Work in Oakley.
  • Must have been a Regular Member for at least sixty (60) days prior to the election of Trustees
  • Must have attended at least three (3) organizational meetings (as defined in Section 3.10) within the current calendar year. 
The position of Trustee shall be open to any otherwise eligible Regular Member regardless of race, age, gender, religion, national origin.

Upcoming Meetings


Pedestrian Safety Construction Updates

Construction of the raised crosswalk on the norths side of Geier Esplanade/Oakley Square and the remaining 3 sets of speed cushions on Brotherton will begin May 2025.

Oakley Community Surveys

The Oakley Community Council frequently conducts surveys to collect community/resident input on a variety of topics. The following are the current active surveys:

We encourage everyone to participate, your opinions are important to us!

Become a Member

Join Oakley Community Council and get involved in helping us implement the vision laid out in our Oakley Master Plan.

Join us

Want to present at the next Tuesday meeting?

Fill out the following form, and we'll get back to you!



"Oakley Community Council" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Cincinnati, OH 45209 -- Bylaws

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