Meeting Minutes

  • 08/09/2018 8:51 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, June 5, 2018 – 7 PM

    Oakley Recreation Center

    Trustees Present: Jes Overley, Colleen Reynolds, Cody Gausvik, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon, Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff, Dan Krohn

    Trustees Not Present: Chris Mucha, Stacy Lehman



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 

    16 fires and 169 EMS runs for May; keep grills outside while using extra caution.

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD & District 2 Capt. Aaron Jones – Phone 513-979-4480

    Lower auto thefts for May; people are targeting retail and gym parking lots when cars are left unattended. Cincinnati Police to meet about increased shootings in the City of Cincinnati. If you see something questionable, always call District 2 police immediately.

    Jalisa - New (full-time) Oakley CRC Coordinator

    Steve Briggs – Department of City Planning

    Smoothie King Drive thru approved for Oakley Station. Steve suggested we send OCC agenda to City Planning Department for assistance going forward when we oppose a development.

    Follow up with City Planning about Heritage Apartment complex and their responsibilities for nearby landscape (Evan Nolan). Heritage was a planned development and Craig Rozen will look for emails that stated such. Gary Heflin from Courtesy Automotive offering to maintain landscape island in front of former Maribelle’s; Gary to bring landscape proposal to next meeting.

    Oakley sign on Paxton was removed and never replaced.


    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

    Each working group has put together their goals, actions and strategies.

    6/26/18 - 6:30PM next working group meeting.

    Business – Kenny McNutt

    Nothing to report.

    City Hall Liaison – Evan Nolan, Colleen Reynolds, Dan Krohn, Sean Fausto

    Drafting SOPs; public hearings for City budget review start next week.

    OCC to create list of items OCC supports for the upcoming budget review meetings. (Oakley Rec Center is a priority for OCC – Colleen to send around draft of what OCC will push at budget meetings)

    Motion by Dave Schaff for Oakley Community Council to reaffirm our support to fund a new Oakley Recreation Center that serves Hyde Park, Mount Lookout and Oakley, furthermore, that the existing funding that has been earmarked be protected. Seconded by Evan Nolan. 9 approvals; motion passes; Colleen Reynolds abstained.

    Motion by Dave Schaff for Oakley Community Council to support prioritizing funding for NSP, NBD and NBDIP. Seconded by Evan Nolan. 9 approvals; motion passes; Colleen Reynolds abstains.

    Dave Schaff to draft letter.

    Go Local (Crossroads)

    Last month, Crossroads weeded/installed new flower beds and cleaned up multiple areas throughout our neighborhood. Special thanks to all volunteers!

    Oakley Summer Series – Stacy Lehman

    Finalizing sponsors; first event is June 29 on the esplanade. OCC will host a family carnival night with a musician and carnival games. Cincinnati Circus will also be there along with the option to purchase MadTree beer. Volunteers are still needed – Stacy Lehman to send board volunteer needs. 

    Cincinnati Neighborhood Games – Dan Krohn & Rob Wetterstroem

    If you live, work or worship in Oakley, you can participate!

    6/16 10-2pm @ Oakley Recreation Center for family-friendly qualifier. There are individual and team games. Registration is at 9:45am.

    6/19 @ Madtree 7pm (Trivia & Stein-holding)

    6/23 Cincinnati Chess Association hosting ‘Chess Tournament’

    Oakley Community Council Electronic Newsletter – Dan Krohn

    Dan Krohn proposes launching an electronic monthly newsletter as an additional membership benefit to OCC members. Included in the newsletter: upcoming event dates; dates for upcoming OCC meetings. Dan Krohn volunteers to help keep us on time and assist with writing newsletter. 8/1/18 is the planned launch date. Deadline for articles? (send to board 48 hours in advance before posting)

     Dan Krohn motions to implement monthly newsletter for all OCC members starting 8/1/18; seconded by Cody Gausvik. Unanimous approval; motion passes.

    Terry Nester – Candidate for Judge, Common Pleas Court

    Approve 5/17/18 3rd Thursday Meeting Minutes

    Motion to approve 5/17/18 meeting minutes by Evan Nolan. Seconded by Colleen Reynolds. 6 approved; Kenny McNutt, Jon Bernier, Jason Wilcoxon and Dan Krohn abstained; minutes approved.

    May 2018 Financial Report

    Motion by Evan Nolan to approve May 2018 financials; seconded by Sean Fausto. Unanimous approval; May 2018 financials approved.

    Motion by Evan Nolan to combine OCC and OAH funds. Seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Unanimous approval; motion passes.

    Motion by Evan Nolan to budget $2600 from NBD funds for landscaping improvements in Oakley and authorizes Jason Wilcoxon and Jes Overly to negotiate landscape contract on behalf of the OCC. Seconded by Sean Fausto. Unanimous approval; motion passes.

    Swim Team – Craig Rozen

    Oakley pool open from 1-6pm. Swim team starts next week; Craig to send swim team applications to OCC so we can post on social media.

    Gini Browsh – “Rails to Trails”

    Ribbon cutting for the first section of the Wasson Way bike path – 7/28/18, 9:30-11:30.

    New Business:

    • ·        No third Thursday meeting in June
    • ·        OCC Mini-Retreat June 24th 5-9PM (location TBD)
    • ·        No OCC meetings in July

    Evan Nolan motions to move to special meeting to discuss OCC Board of Trustee personnel issues.

    Colleen Reynolds motions to close special meeting; seconded by Evan Nolan.

    Colleen Reynolds motions to adjourn meeting; seconded by Evan Nolan. Meeting ends at 9:40PM

  • 06/06/2018 7:54 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Crossroads Church – Meeting Room E

    5/17/18; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Stacy Lehman, Evan Nolan, Dan Krohn, Cody Gausvik, Dave Schaff, Jes Overley, Colleen Reynolds

    Trustees Not Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mucha, Jon Bernier, Kenny McNutt


    Approve 5-1-18 OCC Meeting Minutes:

    Motion to approve 5-1-18 OCC Meeting Minutes by Evan Nolan, seconded by Stacey Lehman; 6 approved; Dave Schaff abstained. 5-1-18 OCC Meeting Minutes approved.

     Welcomed Dan Krohn to the OCC Board

    Jason Wilcoxon is officially the Treasurer of the Oakley Community Council Board of Trustees

    NSP Manager Role – Mike Bonomo has confirmed he will take this on.

    Oakley Gateway Project (Dave Schaff)

    Approval pending final vote by City Council. Vote will likely be taken at a Budget & Finance Committee meeting.

    Oakley Summer Series (Stacy Lehman) – final Fridays June 29, July 27, August 31

    Jes & Stacy meeting with Allison Schroeder (Promoter) on 5/18 to help with sponsorship.

    Permits being requested; volunteers being identified. Reach out to Stacy if you’d like to volunteer/help (set up sponsorship booths and/or tear down)

    External Communications SOP

    Cody Gausvik presented draft to OCC Trustees; will revise based on discussion.

    Review status of SOP, create schedule for the remaining SOP’s

    Board Mini-Retreat

    Jes to send out possible June dates via Doodle.

    Cincinnati Budget Hearings

    Craig Rozen proposed OCC Trustees to create a position regarding the Oakley Recreation Center to send unified message during hearings. Craig Rozen to draft language and send to OCC. O

    Craig Rozen – Request to post data/analytics on – something the community might want to review.

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:00PM by Cody Gausvik; seconded by Evan Nolan. Meeting Ends at 9:00PM

  • 05/18/2018 7:28 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, May 1, 2018 – 7 PM

    Oakley Recreation Center

    Trustees Present: Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Cody Gausvik, Stacy Lehman, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto and Chris Mucha

    Trustees Not Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Lt. McDonough

    Normal runs for March and April; beware of flash flooding this spring – do not drive through high water; “turn around, don’t drown.” If someone is struggling in water, call 911 immediately. Be sure to follow Engine 31 Facebook page. Call 513-357-7585 if you need a smoke detector or need help installing a car seat. If you have rusty clothes from washing machine, email or call hotline for cleaner.

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD – Phone 979-4480

    Caught three people breaking into cars during the month of April in Oakley. CVS robbed for pharmaceuticals; seeing increased theft at gas stations (purses left in vehicles); Kyle Plush investigation findings to be released 5/2/18.


    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

    5/15/18; 6pm – Oakley Recreation Center – next public working group meeting; OMP will include requested map alterations. The 4 Working Groups are: Managing our Future Growth; Investing in our Businesses; Enhancing our Community; and Connecting our Neighborhood

    Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier

    Next business happy hour to occur sometime in May.

    City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan & Colleen Reynolds

    3301 Madison Road (old 5/3 site on Madison)

    Rescheduled hearing date: 5-17-18 at 9am for original proposal for apartments and first floor retail; Hearing location: 805 Central Avenue, suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202

    City of Cincinnati 2019 Budget

    6/12/18 6-8pm – you can voice your questions/concerns regarding City of Cincinnati budget for 2019 at Madisonville Recreation Center.

    OCC Treasurer Role

    Jason Wilcoxon has agreed to step into role; Chris Mucha assisting Jason with transition.

    NBD – Dave Schaff

    NSP – Jes continues to recruit for position

    2018 Oakley “Summer Series” – Stacy Lehman

    Final Fridays of June, July; August TBD. If you would like to get involved, contact Stacy Lehman.

    Pomme (Allison) has previously handled our marketing, social media, media outlets, sponsorship for Oakley After Hours in the past. (seeking $2700 for 2018 season)

    Chris Mucha motions to approve Pomme Communications contract for 2018 Summer Series; seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Unanimous approval; motion passes. 

    Cincinnati Neighborhood Games – Dan Krohn

    If you live, work and worship in Oakley, you can participate!

    6/16 10-2pm @ Oakley Recreation Center for family-friendly qualifier. Dan seeking sponsor for refreshments.

    6/19 @ Madtree 7pm (Trivia & Stein-holding contest)

    Chris Mengel Open Board Position – Candidates

    2 candidates interested and spoke during the meeting; OCC to adjourn into executive session to appoint new board member.

    3251 Vandercar Way – Todd Reyling and John Clancy (lot in front of future Planet Fitness)

    Proposing drive thru Smoothie King and two retail spaces within one building. Planned Unit Development caps Oakley Station at 3 drive thru’s: Chick-fil-a; Mike’s Car Wash; Kroger Pharmacy are considered drive thru’s.

    Chris Mucha motions to send letter to the City of Cincinnati stating Oakley Community Council wants any future development in Oakley Station to follow the Planned Development Agreement guidelines; seconded by Cody Gausvik. 6 approvals; motion passes; Chris Mengel & Colleen Reynolds abstained.

    Approve 4/19/18 3rd Thursday Meeting Minutes

    Motion to approve 4/19/18 meeting minutes by Chris Mengel; seconded by Evan Nolan. 6 approved; Colleen Reynolds and Chris Mucha abstained. Minutes approved.

    April 2018 Financial Report

    Motion by Chris Mengel to approve April 2018 financials; seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Unanimous approval; April 2018 financials approved.

    Ault Park Fireworks

    Seeking $500 donation

    Chris Mengel motions to provide $500 to Ault Park Advisory Council for 2018 Ault Park fireworks; seconded by Evan Nolan. Unanimous approval; motion passes.

    New Business:

    • ·        Third Thursday Meeting on May 17th at 7PM – Crossroads
    • ·        Next Tuesday OCC Meeting is on Tuesday, June 5th 7PM

    Speaker Cards

    Brigid Kelly – State Representative encouraging people to vote; discussed current issues on the ballot. – learn more about current issues.

    Joe Groh – Metro meeting on 5/10/18 from 4-5:30 @ Oakley Recreation Center.

    Chris Mengel motions to adjourn meeting; seconded by Cody Gausvik. Meetings ends at 9:00pm.

  • 05/02/2018 10:20 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Crossroads Church – Meeting Room E

    4/19/18; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Stacy Lehman, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Cody Gausvik, Dave Schaff, Kenny McNutt & Jes Overley

    Trustees Not Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Jon Bernier


    Approve 4-3-18 OCC Meeting Minutes:

    Motion to approve 4-3-18 OCC Meeting Minutes by Chris Mengel, seconded by Kenny McNutt. Unanimous approval; 4-3-18 OCC Meeting Minutes approved.


    Internal Communications SOP

    Cody Gausvik reviewed with OCC Trustees and will revise SOP based on feedback.

    Oakley Summer Series

    Stacy Lehman presented her 2018 proposal (volunteer needs, event ideas and estimated budget)

    Decision on Pomme Public Relations Engagement Agreement with Allison Schroeder vote postponed until next OCC meeting.

    Motion by Evan Nolan to approve the Oakley Summer Series proposal, which includes a carnival, music on the square, movie on the square, Oakley Neighborhood games and Oakley Family New Year’s Eve – five events total. Seconded by Jes Overley. Unanimous approval; motion passes.

    Open OCC Trustee Position

    Dan Krohn and Seth Shaifer were given the opportunity to address the OCC Trustees about their interest regarding the open OCC Trustee position. Anyone interested in filling the vacant spot needs to send their bios to before 5/1/18.

    OCC Trustees will adjourn to executive session following the 5/1/18 meeting to discuss and appoint someone to fill the OCC Trustee position. If there is a current OCC Trustee who cannot attend 5/1/18 meeting, contact Jes about voting via absentee ballot.

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:00PM by Chris Mengel and seconded by Cody Gausvik. Meeting Ends at 9:00PM.

  • 04/20/2018 7:13 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, April 3, 2018 – 7 PM

    Oakley Recreation Center

    Trustees Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Kenny McNutt, Cody Gausvik, Stacy Lehman, Dave Schaff, Evan Nolan, Sean Fausto, Jon Bernier and Chris Mucha

    Trustees Not Present: N/A



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Lt. McDonough

    Not present.

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD – Phone 979-4480

    2700-3300 block of Madison road is the key vehicle theft area where doors are being unlocked with valuables inside. 

    Cincinnati Recreation Center

    CRC and Cincinnati Public School to add more sports camp opportunities - grades 3-6. Volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball, etc. <$50 per child.

    Motion by Colleen Reynolds to allocate $150.00 to CRC swim team for swim caps for 2018; seconded by Chris Mengel. Unanimous approval; motion passes.


    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

    Next public “Working Group” meeting:  4/17/18; 5/15/18 and 6/26/18 at 6pm – Oakley Recreation Center

    The 4 Working Groups are: Managing our Future Growth; Investing in our Businesses; Enhancing our Community; and Connecting our Neighborhood

    Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier

    Will likely push business happy hour to May date.

    City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan & Colleen Reynolds

    Variance hearing for 3133 Madison Road (former 5/3 site)

    4/18 – hearing for town homes proposal.

    5/17 – appeal hearing for apartment building proposal.

    5th Floor Conference Room of II Centennial Plaza at 805 Central Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

    4/11 – hearing for drive-thru Starbucks near Oakley Station (Ibsen & Ridge)

    3pm, 5th Floor Conference Room of II Centennial Plaza at 805 Central Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45202

    Colleen Reynolds to post updated budget hearing dates to

    Pedestrian safety issue suggestion by office next to Oakley Wines – stop signs at intersection of Allston, Minot and 34th

    2018 Oakley “Summer Series” – Stacy Lehman

    Final Fridays of June, July; August TBD. If you would like to get involved, contact Stacy Lehman.

    GO Local! – Oakley Projects – Stacy Lehman & Jes Overley

    Crossroads in Oakley partnering with local businesses and non-profits for local projects.

    For Oakley, beautification initiative – paint Ridge pedestrian underpass.

    May 12th, 9-1pm; sign up for various project via

    Chris Mengel

    Will step down as OCC Trustee in May to pursue Masters at Villanova.

    OCC will take names and bios for those interested in serving the rest of his term (until December election)

    Reach out to if interested. Send bio to OCC Board before 5/1/18.

    Library Levy – May 8th – Special Election – Chris Oaks (Branch Manager at Oakley Library)

    60% increase in attendance in the past two decades; Library state budget cut 26% since 2000.

    Levy would cost >$3/month per $100,000 of property – would make libraries handicap accessible and includes other various updates.  

    Pedestrian Safety Improvements – OMP Safety & Traffic Working Group

    In order of priority needing crosswalk improvements: crosswalk over Madison near Maribelle’s and tea house; crossing Madison near Flags USA and NBD parking lot; and crossing Wasson at Michigan, connecting Hyde Park and Oakley.  

    Suggestion to write to your elected officials and tell them how important pedestrian safety is to you.

    Jason Wilcoxon motions to approve lists proposed by the Oakley Master Plan Steering Committee for crosswalk improvements; Colleen Reynolds seconded. Unanimous approval; motion passes.   

    Transportation Initiatives – Todd Portune (Hamilton County Commissioner)

    Supports “regional funding mechanism” for public transportation. Supports a 3 state/8 counties initiative that would be regionally funded. We need one transportation authority, not several small transit authorities. FC Cincinnati must decide on stadium location by 5/31, otherwise, Hamilton County Commissioners will not allocate money towards 1,000 car parking garage.  

    OCC Treasurer Role – Chris Mucha

    Neighborhood Business Development (NBD) Manager Role – Dave Schaff to handle.

    NSP Manager Role – Mike Bonomo may be interested.

    FC Cincinnati CBA Discussion and Speaker Cards

    FC Cincinnati Stadium Sub-Committee will be created and will work towards gathering input and finalizing Oakley CBA. Evan Nolan created a draft for a legally binding community benefits agreement between “FCC”, “FCC Stadium Developer”, “the City of Cincinnati”, “Hamilton County”, “Greater Cincinnati Redevelopment Authority” and “the Oakley Community Council”. Oakley traffic study draft from Bayer Becker was provided to OCC. 4/12/18 – Oakley town hall at MadTree at 7pm to discuss and address questions surrounding traffic study draft.

    Approve 3/15/18 3rd Thursday Meeting Minutes

    Motion to approve 3/15/18 meeting minutes by Evan Nolan; seconded by Chris Mengel. 10 approved; Jason Wilcoxon and Stacy Lehman abstained. Minutes approved.

    February & March 2018 Financial Reports

    Motion by Sean Fausto to approve of the February and March 2018 financials; seconded by Evan Nolan. Unanimous approval; February and March 2018 financials approved.

    New Business:

    • ·        Third Thursday Meeting on April 19 at 7PM – Crossroads
    • ·        Next Tuesday OCC Meeting is on Tuesday, May 1st 7PM

    Speaker Cards

    Pierre Bergeron - Running for Court of Appeals

    Candace Crouse - Running for Hamilton County Judge

    Craig Rozen – “Ohio Organizing Collaborative” statewide ballot initiative to provide treatment resources rather than sending victims to jail.

    Katie Fiorelli – provided reasons for opposition to stadium.

    Jes Overley calls executive session at 9:40PM; OCC Board of Trustees relocated to Madtree meeting room.

    Executive session ends at 11:30PM.

  • 04/09/2018 10:13 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Crossroads Church – Meeting Room D

    3/15/18; 7PM


    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Cody Gausvik, Jon Bernier, Dave Schaff, Kenny McNutt & Jes Overley

    Trustees Not Present: Stacy Lehman, Jason Wilcoxon


    Approve 3-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes:

    Motion to approve 3-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes by Chris Mengel, seconded by Dave Schaff. 8 approved; Chris Mucha and John Bernier abstained. 3-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes approved.


    Zoning Presentation – Matthew Shad, Deputy Director – Zoning Administrator

    Mr. Shad provided the OCC Trustees with valuable overview of the differences between the City Planning department (legislative) and the City Zoning department (administrative) as well as an outline of the various administrative reliefs, permitting, special procedures and lessons/observations in order to effectively work with his office. [Presentation and handouts will be posted to]

    Dave Schaff to reach out to Mr. Shad regarding the Urban Design Overlay boundaries.

    Chris Mengel is pursuing his masters at Villanova University (Congratulation, Chris!)

    At the 4-3-18 meeting, Jes Overley will make an announcement that there is an open OCC Trustee position that will serve Chris’ remaining term (until the end of 2018) and for those interested in filling his position to send the OCC Trustees their bios. On 4-19-18, the OCC Trustees will review bios and decide who to appoint to fulfill Chris’ remaining term during an executive session. 5-1-18 – new OCC Trustee will be introduced to the audience at the regularly scheduled Tuesday OCC meeting.

    SOP Documents:

    Zoning & Development (Evan, Jes, Colleen, Chris Mengel)

    Ongoing – Evan to reach out to Mr. Shad to schedule a meeting to assist with creation of this SOP.

    Special Events SOP (Stacy, Dave, Jon)

    Stacy, Dave & Jon are working to finalize.

    Treasurer SOP (Chris Mucha)

    Chris submitted the completed SOP for the treasurer role.

    Oakley After Hours

    OCC Trustees still have interest in hosting summer events on the Esplanade in June, July and August.

    Plan is to scale Oakley After Hours back or re-brand event to make it more manageable for 2018.

    Audience member suggested OCC Trustees reach out for volunteers.

    OCC Treasurer Role

    Chris Mucha is resigning from the Treasurer role. New Treasurer will be decided at the 4-3-18 meeting. NSB and NSP roles will also be decided at a future date.

    FC Cincinnati (Jamie Schwartz and Mark Mallory)

    Traffic study still in process, but expected to be completed soon. 3/31/18 – when MLS wants to know where the stadium site will be. Community Advisory Council for Oakley (City appointed) will be created if Oakley is the chosen site. FC Cincinnati willing to sign Community Benefits Agreement with OCC and the City.

    Motion by Evan Nolan to provide the draft outline community benefits agreement with preliminary concerns to FC Cincinnati, subject to further revision before public release. Seconded by Sean. 8 in favor; Colleen Reynolds and Kenny McNutt abstained. Motion passes.

    Next SOP’s to be presented

    Internal Communications – Cody & Jason

    External Communications – Cody & Jason

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:00PM by Jes Overley and seconded by Cody Gausvik. Meeting Ends at 9:00PM.

  • 03/16/2018 8:24 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, March 6, 2018 – 7 PM

    Oakley Recreation Center

    Trustees Present: Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Kenny McNutt, Cody Gausvik, Stacy Lehman, Dave Schaff, Evan Nolan and Sean Fausto

    Trustees Not Present: Jon Bernier and Chris Mucha



    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Lt. McDonough

    Not present.

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD – Phone 979-4480

    Crime is down in Oakley, but still remember to lock your doors; some incidents of thieves breaking car windows for visible high-dollar items. No robberies in February; working to address homeless encampments popping up around Oakley. Fix it Cincy App – there was a bug in system last month that has been corrected – Use the app to report light pole outages, pot holes, abandoned cars, etc.

    Cincinnati Recreation Commission – “Final Friday Parents Night Out”

    March, April and May $25.00 per child; $40 for two kids; 6-10:30PM

    Pool will be open 7 days a week for summer 2018. Hiring lifeguards now!

    Oakley summer day camp is full; still openings in Mt. Washington and Pleasant Ridge.

    Cincinnati Recreation Commission Master Plan

    3/21; 630-8PM; working group session to discuss opportunities for CRC.


    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

    Next “Working Group” meeting:  3/20/18 at 6pm – Oakley Recreation Center

    Four Working Groups are: Managing our Future Growth; Investing in our Businesses; Enhancing our Community; and Connecting our Neighborhood

    Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier

    $12,000 generated from Daddy Daughter Dance – substantial increase from 2017!

    City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan & Colleen Reynolds

    Colleen has invited folks from the City to review and address parking variance issues with the Board and residents for further understanding. City is receiving a lot requests for pothole repairs and litter cleanup – please be patient. Markbreit Ave. to be re-sealed this year.

    Oakley After Hours

    More information will be provided at third Thursday meeting – 3/15/18

    Creating SOPs for special events; working on improvements for the esplanade for future events. 

    “Oakley on Tap” – Marc Wertheim (5/18-5/20)

    Ticketed beer festival – – five sessions over the weekend; hundreds of beers to sample; capped at 500 attendees per session; all events will be on the esplanade. The earlier you purchase your tickets, the cheaper they are.  

    “Better Bus Coalition” – Mark Samaan – Possible levy on ballot in November to expand Metro

    Citizen led organization; advocates for expanding public transportation in Cincinnati - goal is expand service hours and routes. See their website [] to get involved. Better Bus Coalition seeking letter of support from OCC for possible levy next meeting. OCC to discuss at 3rd Thursday meeting.

    Planet Fitness – Todd Reyling & Mike Twist – Marburg and Vandercar

    This will be the 14th location in Oakley. Offers very competitive rates for members; active community partner.  

    Motion by Evan Nolan to provide a letter of no objection to the proposed development for Planet Fitness at the intersection of Marburg and Vandercar. Motion seconded by Jason Wilcoxon. Unanimous approval; Motion passes.

    2018 Neighborhood Summit – Saturday 3/10/18

    OCC will have table set up at summit – seeking volunteers – you can volunteer in hour increments.

    FCC Board Recap

    OCC collected the Comment Form responses submitted by Oakley stakeholders and asked those questions during the town hall meeting on 3/5/18. 20 people responded to comment form on OCC to discuss next steps/action plan at 3rd Thursday meeting on 3/15/18.  

    Motion by Dave Schaff to provide Oakley stakeholders and media with the “Oakley and FC Cincinnati: A Call for Clarity and Continued Engagement” letter, provided a few agreed upon editorial changes are made. Seconded by Stacy Lehman. 9 in favor; 0 opposed; Colleen Reynolds abstained. Motion passes.

    Approve 2/15/18 3rd Thursday Meeting Minutes

    Motion by Evan Nolan to approve 2/15/18 meeting minutes. Seconded by Chris Mengel. 7 in favor; 0 opposed; Jes Overley, Stacy Lehman and Kenny McNutt abstained. Motion passes.

    New Business:

    • ·        Third Thursday Meeting on March 15th at 7PM – Crossroads
    • ·        Next Tuesday OCC Meeting is on Tuesday, April 3rd at 7PM

    Speaker Cards

    • ·        Chris Mengel – Ault Park Fireworks Committee – need someone to step up and join this committee. See Chris Mengel for details.  
    • ·        Dan Krohn – it’s time for action from Oakley instead of waiting for MLS to do something.
    • ·        Christian Gausvik – Mimosas for Memories 2018 – 4/21/18 11am-1PM; tickets online at Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon raffle available.
    • ·        Craig Rozen – requested continued community engagement from OCC regarding FC Cincinnati stadium proposal.
    • ·        Pastor Sunny James (Norwood) – excited about FCC, but asking for intentional focus to engage those underserved in our community.  

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:25PM by Colleen Reynolds and seconded by Stacy Lehman. Meeting Ends at 9:25PM.

  • 03/07/2018 12:55 PM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council 3rd Thursday Meeting

    Oakley Pub & Grill Basement

    2/15/18; 8PM


    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Evan Nolan, Jason Wilcoxon, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Cody Gausvik, Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff

    Trustees Not Present: Stacy Lehman, Kenny McNutt & Jes Overley


    Approve 2-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes:

    Motion to approve 2-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes by Colleen Reynolds, seconded by Chris Mengel. 2-6-18 OCC Meeting Minutes approved. Evan Nolan, Dave Schaff and Jon Bernier abstained.

    SOP Documents:

    Special Events SOP (Stacy, Dave, Jon)

    Group presented and provided copies to everyone. Group will “clean up” document and send it over before 3/5 so we can vote on it by 3/15. Send any suggested revisions.

    Agenda & Meetings SOP (Jes & Sean)

    Sean presented and provided copies to everyone. Jes and Sean to meet to discuss specific timelines for posting the agenda and figure out when presenters (i.e. developers) need to notify president they want to speak. Need to be sensitive to developer’s time and don’t want to create hard deadlines that lead to developers circumventing OCC.

    Donations SOP (Chris Mucha & Dave)

    Separate SOP for (1) person/entity requesting donation from OCC (whereby OCC would provide donation/sponsorship from our funds); and (2) when OCC requests sponsorship/donation from businesses for special events.

    Under (1), if donation request is sent to OCC, we would make person/entity complete “donation request form” and following approval from OCC, we would post the donation request form under “Board Actions” to

    Next SOP’s to be presented

    Internal Communications – Cody & Jason

    External Communications – Cody & Jason

    Zoning & Development – Evan, Chris Mengel, Colleen & Jes

    Oakley Master Plan:

    OMP Steering Committee – Update on Working Groups

    Joe Groh from the audience provided an overview of the “Working Group” session on 2-13-18. 42 people broke out into four separate groups to discuss ideas. Our City Planning Department contact (Ann Marie) will send out notes from that meeting to everyone on OMP Steering Committee to review. Joe Groh took the City’s data from the OMP survey and created graphics to display the results and worked with the OKI department to obtain traffic/accident data in Oakley.

    Oakley After Hours:

    Dave and John are actively working to set up a meeting with Allison (2017 fundraiser) to negotiate a more favorable contract for OCC. Goal is to have signed contract by the end of February. Discussion around reducing OAH to only 4 Fridays in 2018. There is currently no budget, so we have not been able to secure bands or make other arrangements.

    FC Cincinnati:

    City is still waiting on Traffic Study to be completed. City is being educated on what a “Community Benefits Agreement” is.

    Colleen to draft several statements in response to what could happen with FC Cincinnati in Oakley (i.e. draft requesting more information from FC; draft notifying community what really happened over the Thanksgiving holiday and where we’re at today; draft notifying residents of town hall-style meeting and we intend on pushing for a Community Benefits Agreement with FC.)

    5/3 Site Update:

    City rejected PLK’s proposal for 20 townhomes on Madison due to the business district zoning currently in place. PLK’s initial apartment building proposal is now being pushed by the City instead.

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 10:40PM by Sean Fausto and seconded by Cody Gausvik. Meeting Ends at 10:40PM.

  • 02/16/2018 7:38 AM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Tuesday, February 6, 2018 – 7 PM      

    Oakley Community Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Kenny McNutt, Cody Gausvik & Stacy Lehman

    Trustees Not Present: Evan Nolan, Jon Bernier & Dave Schaff




    ·         City Hotline – 591-6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App


    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Lt. McDonough

    Cooking fires are still the most common; verify your smoke detectors work.

    Accepting applications through 3/19 for anyone interested in becoming a firefighter. []


    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD – Phone 979-4480

    Auto thefts common when doors are left unlocked. Forward any videos/pictures you have of suspicious activity or people caught on camera to []

    Aaron Jones is new District 2 Captain – very responsive to emails []



    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee

    First public working group meeting is Tuesday, February 13, 6PM at the Oakley Rec Center.

    Four Working Groups are: Managing our Future Growth; Investing in our Businesses; Enhancing our Community; and Connecting our Neighborhood


    Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier

    150% increase in OCC members – SPECIAL THANKS TO KENNY!

    Daddy Daughter Dance - Feb 18th - 2 Sessions 4:30-6:00 & 7:00- 8:30 @ 20th Century Theatre.


    City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan & Colleen Reynolds

    Nothing new to report.


    Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance: “Get Efficient” Program – Kevin Tolan

    Program offers residents a free, web-enabled, whole-home energy assessment, access to professional energy advisors and extended-term financing for residential energy efficiency upgrades. Take the “Home Energy Audit” (~5mins) []

    2018 Cincinnati Neighborhood Games – Dan Krohn & Rob Wetterstroem (Oakley Team Captains)

    Olympic-style [friendly] competition between neighborhoods this summer. Qualifier event on 6/16 downtown; 6/19 indoor events hosted @ Madtree. Recruit other Oakley residents so we can win some medals this year. 16 FUN-filled events – stay tuned!

    Cincinnati Health Department – Community Health Assessment – Dr. Marilyn Crumpton & Maryse Amin

    Goal of the Community Health Assessment is to provide data to help develop strategies to address the community’s health needs. “3 Health Priorities Questions” handout the audience was asked to turn in and PowerPoint information will be available on

    Navigators Chapter 137 Co-ed Alternative Scouting Organization in Oakley/Hyde Park – Brett Pipitone

    Sponsor request: In 2017 Oakley sponsored ½ of their insurance premium – this avoids kids having to go around and “sell” door-to-door. Asking for the same in 2018 ($150.00 total).

    Motion to provide $150.00 to sponsor Navigators Chapter 137 by Chris Mucha, seconded by Stacy Lehman – Unanimous Approval.

    4016 Allston Street Proposal – Laura Caracciolo, John Smith, Mike Martin

    Requesting a variance for 5 parking spaces for a 635 square foot “Annie Oakley themed lobby bar”

    We’ve heard the city has put a pause on granting parking variances – Colleen Reynolds to inquire for further details. Resident requested that the OCC initiate work with the City to look at alternative parking solutions for our business district, similar to what was outlined in the 2000 Oakley Neighborhood Business District Plan – Colleen Reynolds to ask the City if they can help us with that while the current Oakley Master Plan is being worked on.

    Motion to support 4016 Allston Street space specifically for the use of a lobby bar and grant a 5 parking space variance by Cody Gausvik, seconded by Sean Fausto. 6 in favor; 0 opposed; Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds and Kenny McNutt abstained – Motion Passes

    We were told the bar would only be open AFTER 5pm – do/can we write that in our letter?)

    3313 Madison Road (former 5/3 site) – NEW proposal – Nick Lingenfleter from PLK Communities

    PLK is appealing the Zoning Hearing Examiner's ruling that denied their apartment density variance from the previous proposal. The apartment proposal is their preferred option. Tonight's proposal is their “Plan B” in case they can't get the preferred option approved in time to start construction this summer while St. Cecilia School is out. The public comments in the meeting were favorable to the new proposal. The requested variances for the new plan are the same as were previously requested and approved by the OCC for the townhomes at 2940 Markbreit. 

    Motion to support the 3 variances (1) Requesting variance from Section 1409-07, Clause L2, which requires multi-family dwelling uses [residential] to be above first floor commercial use; (2) Requesting variance from the Ground Floor Transparency requirements as outlined in Section 1409-23; which requires a ground floor transparency level of 80% based on the project’s Madison Road frontage of 144ft; (3) Requesting variance from Section 1423 which prohibits more than one principal structure on one parcel; and (4) Urban Design Approval for 3133 Madison Road project by Chris Mucha and seconded by Chris Mengel. Unanimous Approval.    


    Approve January 2nd 2018 Meeting Minutes

    Motion to approve the January 2nd 2018 Meeting Minutes by Chris Mengel. Seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Motion is approved. Stacy Lehman Abstained.

    November, December and January Financial Report

    Motion to approve of November 2017, December 2017 and January 2018 Financial Reports pending the correction of a spelling error by Jason Wilcoxon and seconded by Chris Mengel. Unanimous Approval.   


    New Business:

    • ·        Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, March 6th  – 7pm
    • ·        Third Thursday meeting on 2/15. Oakley Pub and Grill Basement – 8pm



    Pamela Rosengard – Substantial Proposed Development in Hyde Park (LaRosa’s/Lemon Grass area)

    Capital Investment Group proposing mixed use development. Residents have traffic, parking, size and density concerns. Concerned citizens put together a summary of the proposal with maps, renderings and photos on []. Community meeting for this proposal is scheduled for 2/15 at Oakley Community Center – 7pm.


    John Cappela – Course Operations – 20th anniversary of Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati.

    Course closures for neighborhood marathon will be available via WAZE app in 2018. John Cappela is requesting permission to use East Hyde Park Playground on 5/6 as a part of Flying Pig Marathon route.

    Motion to approve using East Hyde Park Playground on 5/6 as a part of the Flying Pig Marathon route by Colleen Reynolds and seconded by Chris Mengel – Unanimous Approval.


    Craig Rozen – Invest in Neighborhoods “2018 Neighborhood Summit”

    March 10th from 8AM-4PM at Cintas Center. Register online at [].

    Motion for OCC to set up a table at the 2018 Neighborhood Summit and spend up to $200.00 for handouts/materials by Coleen Reynolds, seconded by Chris Mengel. Unanimous Approval.


    Gabi Roach – “PAR-PROJECTS”

    Applied Arts Educational courses for youth and adults. Courses range from two weekends to 8-week courses. []


    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9PM by Chris Mengel and seconded by Chris Mucha.  Meeting Ends at 9PM.

  • 02/07/2018 3:41 PM | Cody Gausvik

    Oakley Community Council Meeting

    Date: January 2,2018, 7 PM       

    Oakley Recreation Center

    Trustees Present: Sean Fausto, Jason Wilcoxon, Jes Overley, Chris Mengel, Colleen Reynolds, Chris Mucha, Kenny McNutt, Dave Schaff, Jon Bernier, Evan Nolan, Cody Gausvik

    Trustees Not Present: Stacy Lehman



    ·         City Hotline – 591- 6000

    ·         Cincinnati District 2 Police Non-Emergency – 949-4400

    ·         Fix it Cincy! Mobile App

    Cincinnati Fire Department – Station 31 Lt. Sweeney – 206 responses.  Winter fires- more fires occur in the winter than any other season.  Please be safe with space heaters – #1 cause of winter fires.

    Cincinnati Police Department Report – District 2: Shawn Tarvin CPD - Phone 979-4480 – not in attendance – report was dropped off for review. 


    Oakley Master Plan (OMP) Steering Committee – First working group meeting February 13, 6PM at Oakley Rec Center. Four Working Groups are: Managing our Future Growth; Investing in our Businesses; Enhancing our Community; and Connecting our Neighborhood

    Business – Kenny McNutt & Jon Bernier

    NYE Event - Great attendance despite crazy cold temperatures. Thanks to key sponsor – Fresh Thyme.  Great partners with CRC and Cincinnati Public Library for events for the kids.

    OCURC Request – Kathleen Colley explained history of funding of the final phase of the Eastern Gateway project. Cost is $1.9MM.  Cost overruns would most likely be from TIF funds. "There is a 10% Hard Construction Cost contingency built in ($130,000) plus an additional $35,000 rounding up the total project cost to the nearest $100,000. If it comes in under budget, OCC would be the first to be refunded. Motion to support the current sources as identified in the 10/19/2017 from Kathleen Colley for the Gateway Project and the OCC funding specifically is in reference to the OCURC funds equaling $90,000 by Dave Schaff second by Kenny McNutt – 10 in favor. Chris Mucha abstained.

    City Hall Liaison – Chris Mengel, Evan Nolan, & Colleen Reynolds

    5/3 property hearing in Dec – decision should be out in the next few weeks.

    Morelia Group – Chris Hildebrandt – CEO – Proposed development at the current Crossroads Annex site. Seeking two letters of support no variances required. Redesigned from last meeting to meet request from OCC to follow urban overlay. 

    Move to provide a letter of no opposition for day care development by Evan Nolan seconded by Chris Mengel. 9 in favor – Chris Mucha opposed. Kenny McNutt abstained.

    Motion to amend from no opposition to support by Chris Mengel and seconded by Dave Schaff. Withdrawn by Chris Mengel after board discussion.

    OCC standing by the motion from December 5th  on the second half of the development.

    Proposed development at 2960 Madison Rd & 2897 Romana – Angelo Pusateri Looking to build 6-7 town homes in the space of a current vacant building. 

    Motion of no objection to the variances as presented – 1 foot variance on Madison Rd and two separate units subject to MSD confirmation the sewer impact will only impact the 54” main and formal presentation of the landscaping plan to the hearing examiner by Dave Schaff seconded by Evan Nolan. 9 voted for. Chris Mucha and Chris Mengel abstained.

    Brandicorp – Jerry Royce – Proposed Starbucks at the corner of Ridge and Ibsen (4700 and 4707 Ridge Rd)

    Motion to provide a letter of no objection for 3 special exceptions (set back, parking in the front and 1 conditional use (drive-thru on a corner lot in a CC-M zoning district) as requested by Evan Nolan and seconded by Colleen Reynolds. Amended by Dave Schaff to have Starbucks consider adding Oakley to the monument signage and seconded by Chris Mengel. 8 voted for, 2 opposed (Chris Mucha and Cody Gausvik) and 1 abstained ( Jes Overley).

    Cincinnati Neighborhood Games – Looking for a captain for Oakley. See for details.

    November 5th and 16th  Meeting Minutes.  Motion to approve the November 5th and 16th  minutes by Chris Mengel. Seconded by Chris Mucha. Motion is approved unanimously.

    Speaker Cards – no speaker cards

    New Business:

    Daddy Daughter Dance - Feb 18th - 2 Sessions 4:30-6:00 & 7:00-8:30 @ 20th Century Theater.

    Next Tuesday OCC meeting is on Tuesday, February 6th.

    Retreat, January 18th 6:00-8:30 PM, Crossroads fireplace conference room.

    Officer Election – To start approximately 15 minutes after the conclusion of this meeting or no later than 9:00.   Oakley Wines 4011 Allston St.

    Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:33PM by Colleen Reynolds and seconded by Chris Mengel.  Meeting Ends.

    Oakley Wines Officer Election

    2018 Officers:

    Jes Overley – President

    Evan Nolan – Vice President

    Cody Gausvik – Secretary

    Chris Mucha - Treasurer

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